• 华裔选民联盟中华公所举行庆功,感谢青年义工们的不懈努力,暑期内积极推行选民登记工作

    The Chinese-American Voters Federation held a ceremony at CCBA, to appreciate all the youth volunteers who had helped to promote voters registration during the summer.


  • 德国政客选民保证欧元不会导致财政联盟或是税收增加但是帮助希腊的行为问题摆到了桌面上

    German politicians promised their voters that the euro would never lead to fiscal union or tax increases, yet aid to Greece would put those issues on the table.


  • 这种逃跑行为意在选民说明胜任此项工作,意在说服世人德国西方联盟大有用途、想象力丰富一员

    These getaways were designed to persuade voters that he is up to the job and the world that Germany is a useful and imaginative member of the western alliance.


  • 一年更多选民体会开支削减赋税提高经济可能缓慢增长联盟争吵还持续

    In the next year spending cuts and tax rises will be felt palpably by many more voters, the economy will probably grow slowly and coalition squabbles will continue.


  • 言论有些依据许多联盟党的长期选民雇员工人——公司工厂酒吧老板。

    The claim has some foundation; many of the League's longstanding voters are both employers and workers-owners of farms, workshops and bars.


  • 如今教堂已经已经空空如也联盟成员数量大幅下跌选民变得更加

    Nowadays churches have emptied, union membership has slumped and voters have become more footloose.


  • 并非欧盟唯一可利用的:一个社团主义、温馨宜人、人口众多为一体的联盟听起来欧洲那些年老并心急火燎选民的欢迎。

    But that is not the only EU on offer: a corporatist, cosy, populist union sounds very plausible to Europe’s ageing, anxious voters.


  • 保守联盟继承了选民意愿——容忍私立部门公立部门界限不清的状态(至少英国如此)。

    The coalition has inherited voters willing (at least in England) to tolerate blurred lines between the private and public sectors.


  • 言论有些依据,许多联盟党的长期选民雇员工人——公司工厂酒吧老板

    many of the League's longstanding voters are both employers and workersowners of farms, workshops and bars.


  • 巴马不仅紧密的团结了黑人青年人、中立选民以及受过良好教育白人自由党人作为核心选民,而且成功地瓦解了希拉里的联盟:在弗吉尼亚他获得了52%白人选民的支持,而希拉里只获得了47%;

    Mr Obama has not only solidified his hold over his core constituentsblacks, the young, independents and educated white liberals.


  • 人民联盟面临最大困难可能怎么样选民阐明印度加强双边关系政策。因为国内素有强烈的反情绪

    The biggest difficulty for the Awami League may be to explain its new policy of engaging India to voters, in a country with a strong tradition of anti-Indian sentiment.


  • 因此选民可能更为严厉的态度来考察基民盟――自民党联盟究竟意味着什么

    Voters may therefore be willing to take a harder look at what a CDU-FDP coalition would actually mean.


  • 因此招来选民默克尔联盟内部成员反抗

    So will resistance from voters and some members of Mrs Merkel's coalition.


  • 但是SPD加入联盟采取了很大让步,并希望选民展示他们努力实现规定的目标

    But the SPD extracted some big concessions as a price for entering the coalition, in hopes of showing the voters that they had made their mark.


  • 这些雄心我们联合起来,我们不再52%支持脱欧选民,也不再是48%支持欧的选民。而是一个拥有光荣历史光明前途的,由人民和构成组成的伟大联盟

    These ambitions unite us, so that we are no longer the 52% who voted Leave and the 48% who voted Remain, but one great union of people and nations with a proud history and a bright future.


  • 这些雄心我们联合起来,我们不再52%支持脱欧选民,也不再是48%支持欧的选民,而是一个由人民构成组成的伟大联盟,我们拥有光荣的历史光明前途

    These ambitions unite us so that we are no longer the 52% who voted Leave and the 48% who voted Remain, but one great union of people and nations with a proud history and a bright future.


  • 这些雄心我们联合起来,我们不再52%支持脱欧选民,也不再是48%支持欧的选民,而是一个由人民构成组成的伟大联盟,我们拥有光荣的历史光明前途

    These ambitions unite us so that we are no longer the 52% who voted Leave and the 48% who voted Remain, but one great union of people and nations with a proud history and a bright future.


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