• 选择一个菜单项时相应目标激活,数据会传递它了

    When you select a menu item, the corresponding target is invoked, and the source data is transferred to it.


  • 选择特定对象之后,属性代理相应门户操作形式目标提交数据

    After you select a specific target, the property broker delivers the data to the target in the form of the corresponding portlet action.


  • 注意优选数据选择一些只是喜欢的,或者支持目标的。

    Be careful not to 'cherry-pick' data: don't choose just what you like, or what supports your objective.


  • 这本白皮书目标给出北美公司选择欧洲数据中心合作伙伴需要信息帮助他们这个有利可图市场中成长

    This white paper is designed to give North American companies the information they need to select a European data center partner that can help them grow in this lucrative market.


  • 由于消费者日益选择手机中携带大量私人数据安全专家们也越发注意黑客这些设备列为了目标

    As consumers increasingly carry large amounts of personal data on their handsets, security experts are growing concerned that hackers will target these devices.


  • 选择数据列表应当包括针对测试应用目标环境数据

    Your list of selected data should include data for both the application under test and the target environment(s). What data will you need to test


  • 大多数情况下一个选择字段可以使用数据结构类型结构作为目标结构。

    In most cases only fields from one table are selected, and a structure of the database table structure type can be used as a target structure.


  • 如果目标执行多维数据分析,那么维度数据模型就是这里惟一选择

    If the objective is to perform multidimensional data analysis, a dimensional data model would be the only choice here.


  • 这个节点使得检索目标数据一个多个表格中的数据变得更加容易,目标数据可以通过将传入消息内容作为限定符选择

    This new node makes it easier to retrieve data stored in one or more tables within a targeted database, which may be selected using incoming message content as a qualifier.


  • 选择目标数据这个案例中是KEEL_DB。

    Choose the target database, in this case the KEEL_DB.


  • 永远不知道某人台机器选择怎样浏览数据网络,LOD全部目标就是使得数据能够通过最初构想的方式轻松使用

    You never know how someone or some machine is going to choose to navigate your Web of data, and the entire goal of LOD is to make it easy to use data in ways that were not originally conceived.


  • 美联储选择包括价格剧烈变动食品能源价格的衡量数据仅仅上升0.7%,低于2%的目标

    The Fed's preferred measure, which excludes volatile food and energy prices, was up only 0.7 percent, well below the target of around 2 percent.


  • 确保选择MBLOG数据作为目标然后清单3中的代码输入编辑器区域中。

    Be sure to select the MBLOG database as your target, and then enter the code from Listing 3 below into the editor area.


  • 选择映射首先确定需要目标文档哪个部分修改然后确定从哪里获得用于填充目标文档数据

    To choose a mapping root, first determine what part of the target document needs to be changed and then determine where the data that will populate the target document is going to come from.


  • 为此只需使用目标RDBMS访问参数再次填充表单路径输入xml文件选择创建数据选项打开调试运行即可

    To do this, simply fill up the form again with access parameters for the target RDBMS, input the path to the source XML file, select the option to create a database, turn on debugging and let it run!


  • 然后数据列表中选择目标ClearQuest用户数据库。

    Then select the target ClearQuest user Database from the database list.


  • NewSubscription对话框中输入订阅名称描述选择目标数据存储

    In the New subscription dialog, enter a name and description for the subscription and select the source and target datastores.


  • 或者,您也可以目标 DB2阶段阶段编辑选择ViewData查看目标中的数据

    Optionally, inspect the data in the target table by selecting View Data in the stage editor for the target DB2 stage.


  • 不论选择哪种目标数据MTK步骤 1 到步骤3 提供用户界面相同的。

    MTK presents the same user interface for steps one through three, regardless of your chosen target database.


  • TargetTables列表中展开使用数据用户模式选择目标

    From the target Tables list, expand the database user or schema you want to use and select the target table from the list.


  • 选择HelloWorldEJBProject项目使用新的后端文件夹目标数据cloudscapeV5.0完成缺省的、自顶向下的、从ejbrdb映射

    Select the HelloWorldEJBProject project and perform a default top-down EJB to RDB mapping to Cloudscape V5.0 as the target database using a new backend folder. You should specify the following.


  • 接着TargettheDataSource框架中数据选择目标服务器

    Next, in the Target the Data Source frame, select a target server for the data source.


  • 如果目标服务器服务器一样必须选择清除所有现存数据”。

    You must select 'Erase all existing data ' if the Destination Server is not the same as the Original Server.


  • 请指定结果数据位置。如需更改目标数据类型选择浏览”。

    Specify the location for the resulting database. To change the target database type, choose Browse.


  • 利用数据挖掘工具发现隐藏庞杂信息源中的知识规律目标市场分析选择提供有价值参考信息

    The knowledge and rule discovered by data mining tools are useful information for the analysis and selection of Objective market.


  • 外国数据中,可以提交那个数据包含所有国家,以一个特定的国家目标或者提交给选择个别的国家。

    In the foreign databases you can submit to all the countries in that database, target a specific country or submit to individual sites of your choice.


  • 食物成分数据正确描述对于使用者选择目标食物和判断食物成分数据有效性发挥着重要作用

    The description on food composition data plays important roles on selecting objective food and judging the validity of food composition value.


  • 电源感知路由协议通常追求两个目标传输数据选择能量消耗最低路由另一个尽可能最大化网络的生存时间。

    Usually, battery aware routing protocols pursue two goals: one is to select the route with the lowest transmitting energy cost, another is to maximize the lifespan of network.


  • 指定目标区域现有外部数据区域静态数据重叠。选择其他区域

    The destination range specified will conflict with an existing External data range or static data. Please choose another destination.


  • 选择合适模具校准器上设置目标数据

    Make the appropriate die selection and set the calibrator.


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