• 有些复发性肾结石选择处方利尿剂降低风险

    Some people with recurrent stones choose to take prescription diuretics to reduce the risk.


  • 方法确定加入辅料大量选择处方制备药粉测定吸湿量百分率休止密度

    Methods To determine the maximum dose of adjuvant, select formula, prepare powder, and detect hygroscopicity, Angle of repose and bulk density.


  • 遵循临床治疗准则谨慎选择药物监测评估实施处方疗效,有助于改善卫生保健质量。

    Careful selection of medicines, linked with clinical treatment guidelines and monitoring and evaluation of prescribing can contribute to better health care.


  • 幸运地是比萨意大利面这美食供大家选择西红柿一个天然而简单健康处方

    Luckily, with foods such as pizza and spaghetti to choose from, tomatoes are a natural and simple prescription for better health!


  • 对付这种疼痛容易的选择是非处方止痛药例如阿司匹林退热净

    To deal with the pain, your easiest option is an over-the-counter painkiller such as aspirin or acetaminophen.


  • 医生可能批准你买些不需要处方补救方法泡个浴,谈论一下你的选择

    Your doctor will probably approve over-the-counter remedies and soaking in sitz baths, but discuss your options first.


  • 医生可能批准你买些不需要处方补救方法泡个浴,谈论一下你的选择

    Your doctor will probably approve over-the-counter remedies and soaking in sitz baths but discuss your options first.


  • 答案肯定2006年2010年医生处方ssri(选择性血清素再回收抑制剂)抗抑郁药的使用量增长了43%。

    From 2006 to 2010 there was a 43% increase in number of prescriptions for the SSRI class of antidepressants.


  • 一般选择最高级防辐射镀膜镜片,并且挑选的(我的个人验光处方规定最薄最轻的镜片)。

    Generally I pay for the highest level of non-glare coatings and I usually pick the middle of the thin-lens options (my personal prescription rules out the thinnest, lightest lenses).


  • 有助于医生选择合适的药物,你应该目前尚在服用所有其他药物告诉医生,这包括中草药保健品处方药物

    To help your doctor select the most appropriate medication for you, tell him or her all the other medications you're taking now - including herbal supplements and over-the-counter drugs.


  • 一对老年夫妇,爱德华·戴维斯安妮·戴维斯,告诉他们常常必须他们需要的处方和买食品之间进行选择

    An elderly couple, Edward and Annie Davis, told me they often had to choose between buying their prescription drugs and buying food.


  • 研究发现,暴露新陈代谢特性帮助医生选择治疗方案开出个性化医疗处方

    The findings suggest that metabolic profiles of exposure could help doctors tailor therapies and enable them to prescribe personalised medicines.


  • 印度孟买大学研究人员针对处方药(otc)用户进行研究,试图发现药片颜色患者选择究竟多大影响。

    Now, researchers at the University of Bombay, New Mumbai, India, have surveyed users of over-the-counter (OTC) medication to find out just how much the color of a tablet influences patient choice.


  • 反过来医生过多地开注射治疗处方是因为他们认为一治疗方法能使患者感到满意即使患者常常愿意接受其它治疗选择

    In turn, doctors over-prescribe injections because they believe that this best satisfies patients, even though patients are often open to alternatives.


  • 今天大多数抗抑郁剂处方都是选择复合再吸收抑制剂(SSRIs),可以增加大脑周围血液中的复合胺含量药品

    Most antidepression pills prescribed today are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), a type of drug that boosts the amount of serotonin hanging around in the brain.


  • 如果有年长的市民不能处方药费,还要在医疗房租之间选择生命变得更加贫穷即使不是我的长辈。

    If there is a senior citizen somewhere who can't pay for their prescription drugs, and having to choose between medicine and the rent, that makes my life poorer, even if it's not my grandparents.


  • 背景由于很多选择没有有力证据对于双侧脑瘫患儿支撑处方面临着挑战

    Background: Brace prescription for children with diplegic cerebral palsy challenges the clinician with a variety of options and little evidence for rational decisions.


  • 小时次,鼻窦很快的通畅了,象就买来的处方药一下,但是是草本的选择,非常有效。

    In about a half hour of taking this, my sinuses clear up as quickly as if I had taken an over the counter.


  • 作为另一种选择每个染料有一套校正染色方法也是可行然后计算多种染料处方可预测的染色效果

    Alternatively, it is also possible to make only one set of calibration dyeings for every dye and then calculate the expected performance in multiple-dye recipes.


  • 方法采用正交试验方法,选择最佳处方工艺考察其室温条件加速试验后质量稳定性

    Method: To choose best recipe and craft by doing experiment of face junction and survey its quality stability under the condition of chamber temperature and hasten experiment.


  • 许多上市产品选择兽医处方不是所有这些产品可所有国家。

    Many veterinary products listed are available upon prescription only, and not all such products may be available in all countries.


  • 结果:不合理处方762张,分别溶媒使用给药间隔选择药物合并用药以及重复用药方面存在问题。

    RESULTS: of the total prescriptions reviewed, 762 were irrational as in the use of menstruum, dosing interval, choice of drugs, drug combination, repeated administration, etc.


  • 鞋子选择跑步形态上,没有个简单回答或是处方可以适合所有跑步者。

    There's no single answer or prescription that's right for every runner when it comes to footwear and running form.


  • 塞耶据说有混合效果另一个选择添加微量乙酰丙嗪(处方镇静剂)宠物食物水中

    Another option, with reportedly mixed results, Thayer said, is adding tiny amounts of acepromazine, a prescribed tranquilizer, to a pet's food or water.


  • 最后选择必要处方送往哪个药店

    At the end, it asked me to select the pharmacy to which I'd like to have any necessary prescriptions sent.


  • 同时由于消费者缺乏医药知识对于药品选择购买很大程度受到处方医生的影响。

    Because customers are lack of knowledge about medicines, their ACTS of choice and purchase of drugs are heavily affected by doctors who can prescript the medicaments.


  • 许多人希望处方药物较大花费选择希望能够获得一丝惊喜。

    Many turn to prescription drugs or pricier options hoping it will lead to a little bundle of joy.


  • 是在多年的临床应用基础处方筛选论证剂型选择,将其制成胶囊剂

    The product was made into soft capsule based on clinical application, by choosing and proving of prescription and dosage form.


  • 讨论了针织物上浆处方中糊料碱剂尿素防染S硫酸钠选择后处理工艺条件

    Selection of paste, alkali, urea, resist salt S and sodium sulfate, as well as the post treatment conditions are discussed.


  • 讨论了针织物上浆处方中糊料碱剂尿素防染S硫酸钠选择后处理工艺条件

    Selection of paste, alkali, urea, resist salt S and sodium sulfate, as well as the post treatment conditions are discussed.


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