• 包括实验选取对象过程策略结论等。

    Including experiment's selection object, process, method and conclusion .


  • 这个示例中,我们使用所有方法直截了当种—将对象引用写入一个文件文件将客户机选取

    In this example, we will use the most straightforward method of allwriting our object reference to a file that will be picked up by our client.


  • 如果需要通知等待线程选取刚刚进入队列的对象

    If necessary, a waiting thread is signaled to pick up the newly enqueued object.


  • 他们选取206名年龄介于70-90岁之间健康老年人作为他们研究对象,同时这些受试者也是老年痴呆症神经成像启动计划部分参与者。

    They selected as their subjects 206 cognitively healthy subjects aged 70 to 90 who had already been genotyped as part of the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative.


  • 代码只是侦听解析器遇到各种标记触发事件然后选取数据放到Stock对象列表

    The code simply listens for the events fired when the parser encounters various tags, and then picks out the data to put into a list of Stock objects.


  • 研究者通过对数据采集服务选取对象进行了三个在线试验

    The authors conducted three online experiments with participants recruited from a data-collection service.


  • 选取资源相对丰厚且具有一定林产工业基础邵武林业产业结构作为研究对象

    This paper chooses the forestry industrial structure of Shaowu as an object of study, where there are relatively abundant resources and forestry industrial basis.


  • 本课题针对临床发病率冠心病心绞痛,选取两用中药葛根的主要有效成分葛根素作为研究对象

    Aim at high incidence of coronary heart disease at clinic, we choose Puerarin which from Chinese medicine Gegen that being used as food and drug as research object.


  • 中心(Levada Center)选取了25-39生活大城市收入五到十平均水平作为调查对象

    The Levada Centre recently conducted a survey of people aged 25-39 living in large cities and earning five-to-ten times the average income in Russia.


  • 这项研究,研究人员选取平均年龄70岁左右老年人每个研究对象跟踪调查8~12其中大约1/4的对象死亡

    The researchers studied two different groups of Swedes, each with an average age of about 70. Individuals were followed for eight to 12 years, during which nearly a quarter died.


  • 位于亚特兰大美国癌症协会研究人员曾探寻腰围大小疾病致死之间联系。 他们选取50岁以上48500名男性56343名女性的作为研究对象

    Researchers at the American Cancer Society in Atlanta looked at the association between the waistlines of 48, 500 men and 56, 343 women aged 50 years and older, and death from any illness.


  • 方法选取18种中华医学系列期刊,1996 ~ 1998年刊载临床药物防治性同期对照研究论著调查对象

    Methods All original articles on clinical drug therapeutic concurrent controlled trials published in 18 Chinese Medical Series Journals from 1996 to 1998 were selected as objects of surveying.


  • 工具选板上选取断点工具,单击程序框图上对象,就放置了断点。

    To set a breakpoint, click on a block diagram object with the breakpoint tool from the Tools palette.


  • 随机选取涪陵师范学院在校大学生485人作为对象单位团体施测,评定大学生自我完美主义倾向

    Totally 485 undergraduates randomly selected from Fuling Normal University were tested by taking one class as a unit to evaluate the tendency of self-perfection in undergraduates.


  • 武钢厂区拆除爆破对象复杂,爆破环境恶劣,合理选取爆破参数采取必要的防护措施保证周围环境绝对安全

    The selection of blasting parameters of blasting in complicated environments is discussed. Some protective measures are taken to ensure the safety of the buildings around.


  • 同时选取一家企业研究对象评价结果进行分析

    Meanwhile, choose an enterprise to analyze in appraising the result for the research object.


  • 需要个没心没肺的乐天派,尝试每周件让人快乐的事,每次选取不同同事作为对象

    You don't have to be a Pollyanna, but try to perform one kindly act a week, choosing a different co-worker each time.


  • 保持公司特征同质性基础上,本文选取民营公司作为研究对象,使用成分构建经营者约束水平

    On the base of the same characters, we choose private companies as the object of analysis, construct the restriction level about the managers by principal component analysis method.


  • 选取老年人作为项目对象想法独特新颖市场巨大社会效益显著

    Select the elderly as a project object, a unique new idea, a huge market significant social benefits.


  • 为了验证模型正确与适用与否选取了保定市简化路网作为论文研究对象

    For validating the model, the paper chooses Baoding city simple road network as study object.


  • 调查采用分层整群抽样方法选取972作为调查对象,得有效调查问卷890份,有效率为91.6%。

    Using the method combining systemic sampling and cluster sampling together, we select 972 persons to be the inquisition object, collecting 890 valid questionnaire, with 91.6% efficiency .


  • 进行灰色拓扑理论探讨基础选取新疆玛纳斯径流作为预报对象

    The annual surface flow in the Manas River of Xinjiang was chosen as object on the basis of discussion on the grey topological theory.


  • 实验对象选取实验时间方法、实验结果分析评价问题思考

    Thirdly, the author introduces the course of the empirical research, such as the experimental objects, the methods, the time, the results and the analyses, the problems and reflections.


  • 这个小组相隔13两个男性为测试对象Y染色体相同区域上选取长约10, 000, 000核苷酸片段进行了测序计算两者之间差异

    The team sequenced the same piece of DNA - 10,000,000 or so letters or 'nucleotides' from the Y chromosome - from two men separated by 13 generations, and counted the number of differences.


  • 作者选取珠江三角洲地区港口作为研究对象

    Pearl delta has been selected as the subject of our research.


  • 本文美国《时代周刊封面中国符号研究对象选取了该刊自1923年3月3日《时代》创刊至2007年1月底,共计63幅涉及中国符号的封面图片。

    This thesis takes Chinese symbols of TIME magazine covers as its research objectives and chooses 63 covers of that magazine ranging from March 3, 1923 to January, 2007.


  • 每当一个参与者离开酒吧音量重新调节然后随机选取个研究对象

    After each participant left the bar, sound levels were again manipulated and another random drinker observed.


  • 本文选取我国西南部城市南宁作为研究对象,对南宁会展旅游品牌战略不足进行了系统浅析浅析研究

    The thesis takes the city Nanning in the southwest of China as the object and makes a systematic analysis of the brand strategy of its MICE.


  • 本文选取我国西南部城市南宁作为研究对象,对南宁会展旅游品牌战略不足进行了系统浅析浅析研究

    The thesis takes the city Nanning in the southwest of China as the object and makes a systematic analysis of the brand strategy of its MICE.


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