• 得知国米最终完成惊天大逆转穆里尼奥显得遗憾

    Inter in the final that failed to finish after reversal of shaking, Mourinho appeared to be very sorry.


  • 方法输入序列按顺序滤波将所得结果逆转反向通过滤波器将所得结果逆转后输出。

    The method is that, first the input serial pass a designed filter, then reverse the filtered signal and pass the filter again, at last, reverse the second filtered signal.


  • 逆转翻译XLIFF文件生成翻译文档

    Reverse conversion: Generation of a translated document from the translated XLIFF file.


  • 赤字角色惊人逆转中,比尔·克林顿国家医疗计划失败谨慎前行,乔治布什随意开支。

    In a curious reversal of roles, Bill Clinton treaded carefully after the failure of his national health plan, but George W. Bush spent freely.


  • 此前研究中,研究对象摄入替代品,成功地逆转了这新陈代谢变化过程,进而保持减肥成果。

    However, in previous studies, when subjects were given replacement leptin, the metabolic changes were reversed and they were able to maintain their weight loss.


  • 大宗商品上周下跌反弹急剧逆转华尔街吐出大部分增值

    The recovery in commodities following last week's sell-off went into sharp reverse and Wall Street gave back a big chunk of the last three days' gains.


  • 衡量美国消费者信心大企业联合会(ConferenceBoard)指数6月的49.3下降本月的46.6,标志着连续2逆转趋势,此前该指数2月跌至创纪录低点连续3个月大幅上扬。

    The Conference Board's index of US consumer confidence fell to 46.6 this month from 49.3 in June, marking a two-month reversal of a prior three-month surge from February's record low.


  • 知道如果面罩摘下来的话次呼吸他便昏迷不醒分钟肺部便会受到不可逆转伤害

    If he took his exomask off he would be unconscious after the first few breaths, with irreversible lung damage in less than a minute.


  • 主站点恢复在线必须逆转磁盘镜像方向以便主站点再次成为用来处理数据库

    When the primary site comes back online, the disk-mirroring direction must be reversed for the primary site to once again become the database used for processing.


  • 同行评审的科学文献上报告研究开始51216的结果,我的新书预防逆转心脏病》中,我报告了20的结果。

    Their weight dropped. I have reported this study at 5 years, 12 years, and 16 years, in the peer reviewed scientific literature and again beyond 20 years in my book Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease.


  • 然而假如两个接下来日子里能够达成书面协议的话,萨帕特罗时代最终逆转可能仅仅确立。

    But the final big U-turn of the Zapatero era could be settled in just three weeks, assuming the two big parties can agree on a text over the coming days.


  • 研究对象摄入替代品变化逆转脑部活动重新回到减肥之前的状态。

    When they were given replacement leptin, those changes were reversed and brain activity returned to what it had been before they lost weight.


  • 马尔·基2004获得任命菲亚特他的掌管下实现了近乎奇迹的逆转。他克莱斯勒身上看到了同样实现逆转机会

    Having presided over a near-miraculous turnaround at Fiat since being appointed in 2004, Mr Marchionne saw in Chrysler an opportunity to apply the same lessons.


  • 现实生活即将举行的极性逆转

    This will be the reality of your daily life after the forthcoming polar reversal.


  • 相对高危暴露目前推荐一个蛋白酶抑制剂结合逆转抑制剂暴露预防治疗

    Combinations of a protease inhibitor with two nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors are currently recommended for postexposure prophylaxis of relatively high-risk exposures.


  • 乌姆·阿巴斯博士约翰·迈勒斯博士把投放预防性药物疫情模型记录到情况发表《公共科学图书馆医学专刊》(PLoS Medicine's)的姐妹第一公共科学图书馆》(PLoS ONE)上。

    Writing in PLoS Medicine's sister journal, PLoS ONE, Dr Abbas and Dr Mellors describe what happened when they added prophylactic anti-retroviral drugs to the model.


  • 另外一些例子中技术进步逆转厄运,互联网就是好的例证,在2000年1月泡沫破裂网络时代预言曾被认为不着边际的。

    In some cases, however, straightforward improvements in technology turn things around. A good example is the internet itself.


  • 如今科学家发现了支持这种观点证据负面情绪记忆过夜更难逆转

    Now scientists have found evidence to support the idea that negative emotional memories are harder to reverse after a night's sleep.


  • 2-0领先的情况在被对手攻入3球实现大逆转曼城主帅曼奇尼社区杯折戟表示,输球并不会给全队造成心理上的影响,重要的是全队从这场失利中吸取教训

    Manchester City boss Roberto Mancini believes his side must learn important lessons after they lost to rivals Manchester United in the Community Shield.


  • 导致炎症组织瘢痕慢性排斥不可逆转的。

    Chronic rejection, which results in scarring of the lung's airways following inflammation, is irreversible.


  • 拜仁坎普球场举行冠军联赛决赛领先90分钟,被曼联队2 - 1逆转痛失冠军杯

    Bayern in the Nou Camp at the Champions League final after leading the last 90 minutes, Manchester United lost 2-1 Champions League reverse.


  • 不过,帕尔·帕恩多战役中驾崩消息传到图因迈尔沉闷的生活发生了逆转

    When news of Palpatine's death at the Battle of Endor death reached Tatooine though, Myhr's dreary life changed.


  • 缺血预处理保护作用VEGF-A抑制逆转

    The protective effect of ischemic preconditioning was reversed after VEGF-A inhibition.


  • 腺病毒载体逆转录病毒载体基因治疗基因免疫等方面应用开发得较成熟种基因载体。

    Adenovirus vector is an earlier and maturer genetic carrier in the respect of gene therapy and genetic immunization after retroviral vector.


  • 穆里尼奥球队在比赛中再接再厉并且特里接到马卢达开出任意球破门得分完成逆转

    Mourinho's side had their tails up and it came as no surprise when John Terry headed home Malouda's free-kick to complete a fine comeback.


  • 穆里尼奥球队在比赛中再接再厉并且特里接到马卢达开出任意球破门得分完成逆转

    Mourinho's side had their tails up and it came as no surprise when John Terry headed home Malouda's free-kick to complete a fine comeback.


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