• 这本许多海洋动物彩色照片浮游生物小丑鱼乃至戟鲸

    This book has large color photographs of sea animals, from plankton to clownfish to orcas.


  • 使许多公司倒行得完全合乎情理踏遍全世界以找寻能够所持股份提出高价市场减少其资本流失。

    It makes perfect sense for companies to do the reverse: scour the world for markets that will pay high prices for their shares, thus reducing the cost of their capital.


  • 在书里,有着许多海洋动物彩色照片浮游生物小丑鱼乃至戟鲸

    It has large color photographs of sea animals, from plankton to clownfish to orcas.


  • Ratha所在世界银行移民汇款小组认为,事实证明目前到2010年,汇款将资本流动甚或官方援助,具有更高的抗能力。

    Ratha's Migration and remittances team at the World Bank thinks remittances will prove more resilient than capital flows or perhaps even official aid between now and 2010.


  • 给出了问题指定闭环极点设计调节器方法,试图工程角度解决输入线性定常系统最优调节器极点配置问题。

    From the engineering point of view, a design method for single input optimal regulator with preassigned closed-loop pole by inverse problem approach has been derived.


  • 第三变型焊接焊工操作调节输出频率20250赫兹情况王朝。

    Third: Inverter-based welders let operators adjust the welding output frequency, from 20 to 250 Hz in the case of the Dynasty.


  • 本文古典电动力学角度详细地讨论了轫致辐射过程

    This paper discusses in detail bremsstrahlung and its converse process from the viewpoint of classical electrodynamics.


  • 作为哈密力学问题弹性力学基本方程推导出弹性力学一个新的哈密顿系统及其变分原理

    As an inverse problem of Hamiltonian mechanics, a new Hamiltonian system in elasticity and its variational principle are derived from the basic equations of elasticity.


  • 误差形成过程假设椭圆变化过程(椭圆假设),过程就是误差补偿的过程。

    The formation of errors is supposed as a change process from a circle to an ellipse (ellipse hypothesis), and the reverse process is just the compensation process.


  • 这种情况下假设规章数据聚合雇员对象存在关联

    In this case, I assumed there was a reverse association from regulatory data to the aggregating employee object.


  • 通过把高阶量写成若干矢量乘积,直接变换入手,给出了定义阶张量协变导数另一种方法

    This paper discusses another way, which is rewritten as product of a few contravariant vectors and covariant vectors, to define higher order tensors covariant derivative through transformations.


  • 整体上数字控制焊机系统进行仿真研究提出受控方法实现了动态电弧负载模型系统的连接

    A system simulation study was done for full digital welding inverter, and a method of connecting dynamic arc load model to the system with controlled source was presented.


  • 针对空间冗余机器人运动学控制中正、运动学求解复杂性,采用神经网络两方面解决问题

    Neural network is used in this paper to solve the problem of kinematics and inverse kinematics in kinematical control of spatial redundant robots.


  • 一个老奶奶级的戟鲸最近研究雷达上消失,据推测可能是死掉了,被认为活了105岁。

    One granny orca, who recently dropped from researchers' radar and is (sadly) presumed to have passed, was thought to be 105.


  • 桩基作法工程实践出发,探讨了桩基荷载分配情况。

    Starting from the practice of a pile foundation in inverse order during construction, the laws of sharing loads are studied.


  • 系统模型补偿出发,基于神经网络提出一种更加完备热敏电阻系统非线性校正方法

    Based on the property of the system inverse model, an integral approach to nonlinear compensation of temperature measuring system with thermistor based on neural network is presented.


  • 对比了两种模算法节约时间角度选取了扩展欧几里德方法。

    Extended Euclidean Algorithm is selected to realize inversion from the standpoint of saving time.


  • 推行“顺导一带教育家长基本知识平均认知水平干预前16.47%上升77.10%。

    The average level of AIDS knowledge in students' parents rose from 16.47% to 77.10% by using the methods of "bidirectional education" and "one drives six education".


  • 本文迭代出发,导出一种有限元模型动力缩聚迭代方法

    Based on the inverse iteration method, an iterative technique for dynamic condensation of finite element models has been derived in this paper.


  • 首先作为一个自动防止蒸汽蒸汽加热器上倒流锅炉里。

    First: to act as an automatic non-return valve by preventing a backflow of steam from the main steam header to the boiler.


  • 本文理论上分析了平流直线型沙池水流特性泥沙运动过程

    The hydraulic properties and the course of sediment movement in settling basins of straight-line type with positive or reverse gradient slope are deseribed.


  • 分析造成原因入手,设计防止机车操纵电路,以达到根本上防止电发生的目的。

    Based on analysing the reasons for (reverse) -current operating, the protection circuit is designed. This (protection) circuit stops a future trouble.


  • 本文应用距离加权边界倾角估算插值区的内部倾角值。

    The paper USES reverse distance weighted method to estimate and calculate the internal dip value in the interpolation region according to the dip value of the boundary trace.


  • 自适应译码模型译码机理角度提供了一种改善译码性能途径

    The proposed adaptive inverse model for turbo decoding has agreement with turbo decoding mechanism and provides a new way to improve the performance of turbo decoding.


  • 本文探讨了如何直接扫描云中通过上述四大几何属性识别物理特征的算法实验结果证明:求产品尺寸和结构上高度吻合。

    The paper algorithms for determining these attributes directly from a scanned point set based on these attributes, the system validation and sample results were discussed.


  • 对比两种算法提高性能角度选取扩展费尔马方法

    After comparison with the two modular inverse algorithms, we selected the extended Fermat method from the perspective of improving performance.


  • 树立市场做的无效的电力企业绩效评价方式激励机造非当后电力企业里课题

    Establishing an effective performance evaluation method and market driven incentive mechanism is an important subject that the electric power utilities are currently facing with.


  • 利用尺度变量变换提取合成孔径雷达二维像的尺度信息,并按照大到小的顺序重新排列,称为顺序尺度。

    The approach provides effective features for identification using the order scales extracted by scale invariant feature transform.


  • 利用尺度变量变换提取合成孔径雷达二维像的尺度信息,并按照大到小的顺序重新排列,称为顺序尺度。

    The approach provides effective features for identification using the order scales extracted by scale invariant feature transform.


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