• 送到铁匠那儿钉马掌去了。

    The horses were sent to the blacksmith to be shod.


  • 休克送到医院。

    She was taken to hospital suffering from shock.


  • 匆匆送到寄宿学校

    He was bundled off to boarding school.


  • 手稿已经送到印刷厂去了。

    The manuscript had already been sent off to the printer.


  • 直升机火速送到医院

    He was rushed to the hospital by helicopter.


  • 我们承诺48小时内送到

    We promise to deliver within 48 hours.


  • 香蕉先要装箱,然后送到码头运往海外

    Bananas are packed before being transported to the docks for shipment overseas.


  • 开始过度呼吸急忙送到急诊室

    She began hyperventilating and was rushed to accident and emergency.


  • 信息神经末梢沿脊柱大脑

    Messages travel along the spine from the nerve endings to the brain.


  • 救护车伤者送到附近的一所医院

    Ambulances took the injured to a nearby hospital.


  • 孩子在幼年时就送到所寄宿学校

    The children were shipped off to a boarding school at an early age.


  • 驾车直接送到她下榻的旅馆

    He drove her directly to her hotel.


  • 父母送到了一所阔气私立学校

    My parents sent me to a fancy private school.


  • 管道热水锅炉送到暖气片

    Pipes convey hot water from the boiler to the radiators.


  • 静脉血液输心脏

    The veins carry blood to the heart.


  • 传单每家每户

    Leaflets have been delivered to every household.


  • 食物遭受旱灾南非

    Food is being shipped to drought-stricken Southern Africa.


  • 管子水库城市

    Water is piped from the reservoir to the city.


  • 患者一家医院

    The patient was transferred to another hospital.


  • 当局管理相对宽松设防监狱

    The authorities moved him to the less rigid regime of an open prison.


  • 发射台自动信号地方基站

    The transmitters will send a signal automatically to a local base station.


  • 新闻节目通过卫星传我们这里的。

    The news programme came to us via satellite.


  • 血液氧气身体部分媒介

    Blood is the medium in which oxygen is carried to all parts of the body.


  • 科幻频道本周已经开始1000万个美国家庭

    The Sci-Fi Channel began beaming into 10 million American homes this week.


  • 这些仪器得到数据用遥测仪传实验室

    Data from these instruments is telemetered to the laboratory.


  • 送到证实已死亡

    He was certified dead on arrival.


  • 可能一段时间,消息将会送到

    Perhaps, in time, the message will get through.


  • 包裹午餐时间都没有送到

    The package still hadn't arrived by lunchtime.


  • 夜间送到医院

    He was taken to the hospital during the night.


  • 心脏血液全身

    The heart pumps blood around the body.


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