• 紧急退出功能键可使用者电源故障时手动方式打开CD托盘

    The emergency-eject option allows the user to naturally open the CD tray during a power malfunction.


  • 例如对于GUI组件(按钮),需要命名描述功能然后这些组件作为诸如发送”、“进入退出”之类的消息传递用户

    For example, in the case of GUI components such as buttons, you would name and describe their functions, which would then be delivered to the user as messages such as "Send," "Enter," or "Quit."


  • 认为Twitter一定会这个功能用户或者退出登录的用户主页显得更加显眼。

    But I would assume they're figure out a way to highlight it more on the main homepage for new (or logged out) users.


  • 如果决定撤销操作可以使用GParted的undo功能或者应用更改直接程序退出那么您的磁盘将未有任何变化。

    If you decide against an operation, you can use GParted's undo feature or exit from the program without applying your changes. Your disk is then unchanged.


  • 功能允许调试会话改变源代码退出应用程序更改代码重新编译然后启动另一个调试会话更好。

    It allows the changing of source code during a debugger session, which is better than exiting the application, changing the code, recompiling, then starting another debugging session.


  • 使用JSP用户退出论坛功能添加客户应用程序中(关闭浏览器退出相对)。

    Using JSPs, functionality has been added to your client's application to log users out of the forum (as opposed to closing the browser to log out).


  • 如果部署计划要求稍后退出功能必须创建一个ServerConfiguration文档暂时关闭

    If your deployment plan calls for the feature to be rolled out later, you must create a Server Configuration document to turn it off for now.


  • 选择准备安装的选项。请选择一项功能单击“取消按钮退出安装程序。

    No options were selected to be installed. Select a feature or use the Cancel button to exit setup.


  • 发出的邮件必须预设一个有效的“退出功能

    Your must have a clear functional unsubscribe facility built into the message you send.


  • 功能可以让收件人发件人同样方法,在产生任何费用的情况下,件方式退出收件人名单。

    This facility must allow the recipient to unsubscribe by sending a message back to the sender, using the same method used by the sender without incurring any costs.


  • 用户经常错误选择系统功能,所以在需要查看由于误操作而延伸出来地对话的情况下有一个明显标志紧急退出的操作离开不想要的状态

    Users often choose system functions by mistake and will need a clearly marked emergency exit to leave the unwanted state without having to go through an extended dialogue.


  • 其中系统设置模块功能添加管理员,修改管理员密码退出

    Which to install the module function is : add new managers, administrators change passwords withdrawal.


  • 国家退出策略受到制约时,“经理人退出威胁”对于遏制国有银行费用偏好具有制度约束功能

    When the government exit tactics are constrained, " managers quit intimidation" will yield the institutional efficiency to hold back the expense preference of the state-owned banks.


  • MFC界面包括读取排序检索退出按钮以及检索功能单选按钮。

    On the MFC interface including read, sort, search, exit button, and radio button under the search function.


  • 另外自带预览功能非常方便退出程序可以您的默认浏览器预览自己的作品

    In addition, it's own preview function is also very convenient, you need not withdraw from the procedures you can use the default browser preview their work.


  • 请选择一项功能单击“取消按钮退出安装程序

    Select a feature or use the Cancel button to exit setup.


  • 由于移动通信技术更新换代加快模拟2G再到3G演进更迭中,以制式功能竞争诉求品牌,因技术淘汰而过早退出市场

    Due to the result of mobile communication technology accelerated, from analog technology to 2G and to 3G , some brands withdraw from the market, lossing of technical superiority in the competition.


  • 更加邪恶阴谋攻击可以劫持自动更新功能受害者计算机上诱骗自动安装恶意软件退出黑客的网站。

    In an even more nefarious plot, an attacker could hijack the auto-update feature on a victim's computer, and trick it into automatically installing malware pulled in from a hacker's Web site.


  • 6个功能模块组成,即画坐标系功能清除当前曲线功能、清除所有曲线功能、绘制曲线功能、输入参数功能退出窗口功能

    It is made up of such six modules as an re-drawing coordinate system, cancelling the current curve, cancelling all the curve, drawing new curve, input parameters, exit window.


  • 6个功能模块组成,即画坐标系功能清除当前曲线功能、清除所有曲线功能、绘制曲线功能、输入参数功能退出窗口功能

    It is made up of such six modules as an re-drawing coordinate system, cancelling the current curve, cancelling all the curve, drawing new curve, input parameters, exit window.


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