• 试图切尔西迪迪埃·德罗巴这位象牙海岸前锋经纪人透露。

    Manchester City are trying to sign Didier Drogba from Chelsea, according to the Ivory Coast striker's agent.


  • 戈尔德看起来像是个十二岁的孩子,可是已经创意写作学位,还发表诗歌集,她还给过一本,可是又说迪没有义务非得可是又说她不一定非得看。

    Tovah Gold looked twelve but she had a degree in creative writing and a published poetry chapbook. She’d once presented a copy to Mandy, but said she should not feel obligated to read it.


  • 尼科拉巴斯一个诊所迪在布里斯托的只有英里远,于是决定去拜访一下——尽管马克非常怀疑

    Nicola had a clinic in Bath, just a few miles from the Parryshome in Bristol, so Mandy decided it was worth a visit - though Mark was highly sceptical.


  • 女朋友了,”了一个见面会里面姐妹表示蔑视的挥手动作,最近电视也出现了,可是迪就是不来。

    "Girlfriend, please," Mandy said, did that dismissive wave all the sisters did in meetings, and lately on TV, but which Mandy couldn't master.


  • 盖恩斯沙漠小屋,因为盖恩斯索要更多金钱换取贝尔金的身份证与布瑞吉特争论起来。布瑞吉特恳求迪为了她们的爱情支持,她们亲吻了起来

    At Gaines' desert house Mandy and Bridgit argue over asking Gaines for more money for Belkin's I.D. Bridgit appeals to Mandy's love for her and the two kiss.


  • 盖恩斯沙漠小屋,因为盖恩斯索要更多金钱换取贝尔金的身份证布瑞吉特争论起来。布瑞吉特恳求迪为了她们的爱情支持,她们俩个亲吻了起来

    At Gaines' desert house, Mandy and Bridgit argue over asking Gaines for more money for Belkin's I.D. Bridgit appeals to Mandy's love for her, and the two kiss.


  • 晚上我们即将看到兰迪··摩尔格温妮丝·帕特洛,他们将分别表演玩具总动员3”“魔发奇缘”和“爱的小强”中的歌曲

    The evening will see Randy Newman, Mandy Moore and Gwyneth Paltrow performing songs from Toy Story 3, Tangled and Country Strong respectively.


  • 是说戈说迪·戈特利布?

    Do you say Mandy Gottlieb?


  • 马克2004年5月相识,当时已经39岁了,非常期望组建一个家庭。

    She and Mark, a community safety worker, met in May 2004 when Mandy was 39 and eager to have a family.


  • 非比寻常精打细算巡赛商业模式,在很大程度上是迪恩•碧(DeaneBeman)创意使然。迪恩在1974年1994年执掌该项赛事。

    The PGA Tour's business model is unusual, cunning and largely the brainchild of Deane Beman, who headed the organisation from 1974 until 1994.


  • 托娃的天真是有点儿过了,可是能够相信可是迪可以相信,她也理解托娃的殷勤并无他意。

    But Mandy could trust her, and she understood that Tovah's fondness was genuine.


  • 美国石板杂志特约撰稿人凯迪迪·瓦尔探讨果汁排毒炒作评论文章中指出经过几天研究过后,还是没有弄清毒素什么

    In a comment piece on juicing hype in the US, Katy Waldman, a staff writer for Slate magazine, also declared that after days of research she still didn't know what a toxin was.


  • 歌迷们为乡村歌手迪·麦克格雷迪举行纪念活动,这位歌手于昨天死亡年仅37岁

    Fans are remembering country star Mindy McCready who died yesterday at the age of 37.


  • 我们需要更多控制中场迪迪保持通过我们

    We needed to control the midfield more and I put Didi Hamann on and he kept the ball and passed it for us.


  • 星期天苏迪世界羽毛球混合团体赛决赛,中国队以3 - 0战胜印度尼西亚第六回苏迪

    Holders China claimed the Sudirman Cup for the record sixth time after beating Indonesia 3-0 in the final of the world mixed team badminton championships on Sunday.


  • 1999年4月14日足总杯半决赛,阿森纳的比赛中,吉格斯中场得,连续过接连把维埃拉格里格逊亚当斯甩在身后打进了一个史诗般的进球。

    In the semi-final between United and Arsenal on April 14th, 1999, Giggs scored a epic-like goal when he picked up the ball in his own half, dribbling through Vieira, Grimandi, Dixon and Adams in turn.


  • 她们的村子里正在拍摄一个关于神秘谋杀案电影,谁知影片中的狗却走失了,这样,十二岁父母也被卷入到了这件事情当中。

    Twelve-year-old Mandy and her veterinarian parents find themselves involved in the filming of a murder mystery in their village when the canine star of the film runs away.


  • 枪手周日厄普顿公园看来一路取得胜利,但是科尔头球迪亚·迪的点球主队最后16分钟拿到了1

    The Gunners looked to be cruising to victory at Upton Park on Sunday until Carlton Cole's header and Alessandro Diamanti's penalty saw the hosts steal a point in the last 16 minutes.


  • 里奥·费迪南德今年有个后卫当选PF A年度最佳的话会是个很好的革新觉得自己队友尼亚·维迪奇这个奖项强大竞争者

    Rio Ferdinand says it would make a refreshing change to see a fellow defender pick up the PFA Player of the Year award and he feels team-mate Nemanja Vidic is a strong contender for the accolade.


  • 米兰体育报报道米兰正在考虑引进西汉姆联队的前腰亚历桑德罗·迪亚迪。

    Milan are considering a bid for West Ham United playmaker Alessandro Diamanti, according to il Corriere dello Sport.


  • 米兰体育报报道米兰正在考虑引进西汉姆联队的前腰亚历桑德罗·迪亚迪。

    Milan are considering a bid for West Ham United playmaker Alessandro Diamanti, according to il Corriere dello Sport.


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