• 已故总统南德·马科斯于1986年民众起义所推翻

    The late president Ferdinand Marcos was overthrown by a popular uprising in 1986.


  • 笨拙地落地,踩在德尔加多的右上,扭伤左腿

    Ferdinand landed awkwardly on top of Delgado's right boot and twisted his left leg.


  • 封信达尔文感谢美国地质学家南德·范德维耶·海登博士而的。

    The letter was written by Darwin to thank an American geologist, Dr. Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden.


  • 一个更有可能解释不是第一大众集团主席狡猾南德·皮希发生冲突

    A likelier explanation is that he clashed, not for the first time, with the chairman of the Volkswagen Group, the wily Ferdinand Piech.


  • 萨缪尔森看做一个有能耐经理人尽管过去曼公司与大众公司的主席南德·皮耶希有冲突

    Mr. Samuelsson was viewed as an able manager, though he had clashed in the past with Ferdinand Piech, the chairman of both MAN .


  • 过于渴望胜利带来危险的后果记住第一马拉松运动员兹说完:“欢呼吧我们了!”几秒钟就倒在地上死了

    Being too keen to win can have dangerous consequences: remember that Pheidippides, the first marathon runner, dropped dead seconds after saying: "Rejoice, we conquer!"


  • 离开是曼联防守减弱的信号南德由于膝伤不可能这个赛季复出。

    His departure will signal a defensive crisis, with Ferdinand unlikely to start the season due to his knee injury.


  • 埃弗拉应该可以热刺比赛伤愈归队,但是南德将要伤停一个半月左右因此更多年轻中卫机会提上了红魔的议事安排。

    Evra should be back for the clash with Tottenham but Ferdinand will be out for around a month-and-a-half, thus presenting more opportunities for the younger defenders in the Reds' ranks.


  • 当天晚些时候曼彻斯特火车上,南德就他O2度过激动一天发了推特。

    On the train back up to Manchester later in the day, Ferdinand tweeted his excitement at spending the day at the O2.


  • 可能后防线上甚至代人发现。里奥·南德一定会因为他的出现感到焦虑

    May be the defensive find of a generation or even two for that matter. Rio Ferdinand is bound to be feeling twitchy.


  • 我们是以不错的状态拿到入场券的。”南德说道,“当然那些以前称呼‘法比大师’媒体人和消息灵通人士现在都改口。”

    "We qualified in great style," Ferdinand said. "the media people and those in the know who were saying he's 'Don Fabio' have changed now, of course."


  • 南德伤势很乐观,里奥大概八月底就能筋伤势中恢复过来。

    But there was better news about Rio Ferdinand, who could return from a hamstring injury by the end of August.


  • 曼联主帅弗格森承认里奥·南德已经失去速度他也表示这位缺乏状态后卫曼联未来仍然一席之地。

    Alex Ferguson has said that Rio Ferdinand has lost pace, but the Manchester United boss insists the out-of-sorts defender still has a future at Old Trafford.


  • 当时弗里茨·阿尔特曼结婚;她有时戴上阿黛尔一些钻石饰品姨父南德作为结婚礼物送给她的。

    By then, she was just married to Fritz Altmann; and she sometimes wore, next to her skin, some of Adele's diamonds, which Uncle Ferdinand had given her as a wedding present.


  • 教练英格兰世界杯拙劣表现受到指责,不过因伤退出世界杯的队长南德还是为卡佩罗进行了辩护

    The manager has also been criticised for England's dismal displays at the World Cup but Rio Ferdinand, the captain who was ruled out of the tournament through injury, has defended Capello.


  • 当时丈夫弗里茨·阿尔特曼完婚。她有时佩戴阿黛勒一些钻石首饰,那些都是南德叔叔结婚礼物

    By then, she was just married to Fritz Altmann; and she sometimes wore, next to her skin, some of Adele's diamonds, which Uncle Ferdinand had given her as a wedding present.


  • 希拉里拉·马加齐纳、·德和所有帮助他们精心制作了一个计划我们可以削减赤字同时实施这个计划。

    Hillary, Ira Magaziner, Judy Feder, and all those who helped them had crafted a plan that we could implement while reducing the deficit.


  • 国王认为哥伦布也许找到了些什么东西西班牙能够与其邻国葡萄牙竞争

    King Ferdinand thought that perhaps Columbus would find something that could give the Spanish an opportunity to compete with their neighboring kingdom of Portugal.


  • ·南德伤已经极大影响了发挥,而且能否应付世界杯决赛阶段一系列比赛的确是个问题

    Rio Ferdinand's back problems appear to be sabotaging him and it is anyone's guess if he could cope over the course of a series of games at the World Cup finals.


  • 特里的阻截非常压力南德带来了信心

    Terry blocked well and gave confidence to the under-fire Ferdinand.


  • 原来以为对阵西布朗时同时和因伤换下南德需要休养十月初

    It was thought that Ferdinand, who like Vidic was replaced during the West Brom game, would be sidelined until the start of October.


  • 里奥·南德不会曼联马赛打客场

    Rio Ferdinand will not travel with Manchester United to Marseille.


  • 我们失去了埃德温·范德萨,加里·内维尔斯科尔斯现在我们一代人剩下了吉格斯、里奥·南德

    We lost Edwin van der Sar and Gary Neville, Scholes. It's only really Giggsy, me and Rio [Ferdinand] from that generation.


  • 英格兰首场比赛雷思·巴里因伤缺席,里·南德因膝伤不能参加比赛,莱德利·金代替他。

    England are without Gareth Barry through injury for their opening game, while Ledley King will replace Rio Ferdinand, ruled out of the tournament with a knee injury.


  • 汽车工业分析人士南德·杜登赫尔也同意如果这种技术成熟的话有利于减少事故的发生,对于这项技术对环境有益观点表示怀疑

    Auto industry analyst Ferdinand Dudenhoeffer agreed that the technology could help reduce accidents if it comes to fruition but he is skeptical about the benefits for the environment.


  • 届时,里·作为队长登场,利物浦中场史蒂文·杰拉德将担任副队。

    They will be lead out in that match by Ferdinand, with Liverpool midfielder Steven Gerrard moving to vice-captain.


  • 影片纪实风格使情节愈发的难懂盖布(艾伦扮演)(勒扮演)的亲密好友他们宣告离婚的消息,他们二人也开始自己渐渐衰亡婚姻妥协。

    The documentary style further complicates things, as Gabe (Allen) and Judy (Farrow) start to come to terms with the decline of their marriage after close friends of theirs announce plans for divorce.


  • 这种疗法同时也在了·南德慢性伤的治疗。

    It has also been used by Rio Ferdinand to try to cure his long-standing back issues.


  • 接过队长袖标的里奥·南。特里表示自己接受卡佩罗给予的惩罚。

    Terry, who has been replaced by fellow defender Rio Ferdinand, said he abided by Capello's decision to demote him.


  • 接过队长袖标的里奥·南。特里表示自己接受卡佩罗给予的惩罚。

    Terry, who has been replaced by fellow defender Rio Ferdinand, said he abided by Capello's decision to demote him.


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