• 加拿大蒙特利尔市康哥大学教授德洛丽丝·浦西卡尔智慧智商是两码事。 据估计,全世界仅有5%的人称得上具有真正智慧

    Dolores Pushkar, a professor at Concordia University in Montreal, says wisdom and intelligence aren't the same thing and she estimates only 5 percent of the population can be described as truly wise.


  • 2011年排名中最末尾的是一些德国大型零售商阿尔利德尔,艾的卡,他们拒绝回答任何有关他们棕榈油采购政策问题

    At the bottom of the 2011 list are big retailers like Aldi, Lidl and Edeka from Germany, who refused to answer any questions about their palm oil policies.


  • 主要对手·朱利安尼、米特·罗姆弗瑞德·汤姆森都把重点放在反恐的艰难上,尽量避开伊拉克战争问题

    His main rivals, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney and Fred Thompson, emphasise how tough they will be on terrorists but say as little as possible about Iraq.


  • 英格兰首场比赛雷思·巴里因伤缺席,里·费南德因膝伤不能参加比赛,德利·金代替他。

    England are without Gareth Barry through injury for their opening game, while Ledley King will replace Rio Ferdinand, ruled out of the tournament with a knee injury.


  • 首先沃尔夫斯堡门将贝纳·利奥出场。贝纳·利奥因为冲撞德尔约克而被罚,他的动作看似危险其实黄牌就已经足够。

    First, he sent off the Wolfsburg goalkeeper, Diego Benaglio, after a challenge on Eren Derdiyok that looked dangerous but was in fact barely yellow card material.


  • 5布雷供认谋杀案里,都是作为共犯的身份参与实施。

    The five murders that Brady admitted carrying out were committed with Hindley as his accomplice.


  • 伍德放映的一张幻灯片奥德丽·赫本大约1952年,‘罗马假日’公映那一年,解释,阿申利一家到意大利度假,看到了莫达公司的一款20英寸的丝巾,阿申利一家决定仿制这种款式。

    Wood’s first slide was of Audrey Hepburn, circaRoman Holiday.” In 1952, he explained, the Ashleys had gone on vacation to Italy, where twenty-inch neck scarves were di moda.


  • 截止2005年11月16日科尔多凡不同地区(abu Gebiha、拉沙德林、卡杜格利、Talodi)报告了404118例死亡

    As of 16 November 2005, 404 cases and 118 deaths were reported from different localities in South Kordofan State (Abu Gebiha, Rashad, Dilling, Kadugli, Talodi).


  • 他妻子的外甥任英国首相斯坦利.鲍德温也是这样的关系)拉亚德.吉卜林(Rudyard Kipling):伯恩-琼斯的作品只是生命中“极少一部分”。

    Rudyard Kipling, a nephew by marriage (as was Stanley Baldwin, three times Britain’s prime minister), said that his work was “the least part of him”.


  • 他俩抓住小精灵伸出又是啪的一爆响,多卢娜奥利凡德消失不见了

    They caught hold of the elf 's outstretched fingers. There was another loud crack, and Dobby, Luna, Dean, and Ollivander vanished.


  • 南非海鸟,蒂皮真正成为了拉亚德•吉卜林《丛林之》里的主人公莫格利

    In Sea Bird Island in South Africa, Tippi has been branded the real life Mowgli after Rudyard Kipling's hero of the Jungle Book.


  • 南德克里夫来到曼联差不多一个时候,那时克里夫利还只有12

    Ferdinand and Cleverley have been at United for roughly the same period, with the latter initially coming into the club as a 12 year-old.


  • 虽然获得了很多损失财富,但贾巴的大部分财富还是来源于家族斗争的胜利,德西利吉克两个黑社会家族常年明争暗斗。

    Though Jabba did gain much from Zorba's losses, most of his wealth came from successes earned in the long-standing rivalry between the Desilijic and Besadii crime families.


  • 麦肯先生四面楚歌,可能最大获益者属共和党领军者鲁朱利安尼以及麦肯恩的老友佛瑞德汤普森

    The two most likely beneficiaries of Mr McCain's troubles will be Rudy Giuliani, the front-runner, and Fred Thompson, an old friend of Mr McCain's who is expected to declare his candidacy any day now.


  • 同时弗朗西斯市格拉斯通(Gladstone )心血管疾病研究所帕克·什利瓦斯德瓦认为可以更酷,根本就用不着干细胞

    Deepak Srivastava of the Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Disease, in San Francisco, meanwhile, thinks he can go one better, by not using stem cells at all.


  • 拉涅利的尤文图斯也缺少了扎内蒂、泽比亚,特别是内德维德还能依靠则盖德尔。皮耶罗,后着本赛季打进了13个进球了,亚昆塔帕拉坐在替补席上。

    Ranieri had to do without Zanetti, Zebina, and especially Nedved, but could count on the good form of Trezeguet and Del Piero, who's scored 13 goals. Iaquinta and Palladino started from the bench.


  • 塔尔德利今天皮奈纳的新闻发布会上表现出了伟大之处。

    Marco Tardelli demonstrated his greatness in today's press intrerview at Pinetina.


  • 德利感到欣喜的是,产品一经上市就“马上取得成功”,他补充道这份食谱40没有过。

    To Delligatti's delight, the product was' an immediate success, 'adding that the recipe has not really changed in the 40 years.


  • 德利感到欣喜的是,产品一经上市就“马上取得成功”,他补充道这份食谱40没有过。

    To Delligatti's delight, the product was' an immediate success, 'adding that the recipe has not really changed in the 40 years.


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