• 熟食江北营业员名,年龄2038责任心吃苦耐劳,有工作经验优先。 月薪’1800/月,一天休一天。

    Di Lijia recruitment Jiangbei Road cooked food shop strokes a salesman, aged 20 to 38 years, there is a sense of responsibility, can bear hardships and stand hard work, work experience is preferred.


  • 拍照引导注意,增加眼前的景象中获得愉悦感。

    Snapping a photo directs attention, which heightens the pleasure you get from whatever you're looking at, Diehl says.


  • 说:“抓拍照片吸引注意,增加事物中获得愉悦感。”

    "Snapping a photo directs attention, which heightens the pleasure you get from whatever you're looking at," Diehl says.


  • 社会规范原始基本的。”《影响说服心理学》的作者罗伯特·恰尔博士

    "Social norms are primitive and elemental," says Dr. Robert Cialdini, author of Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion.


  • 自己:“那些演员可以这个他们从没见过面的悲哀国王而哭泣立场却没有我叔叔克杀死的可怜的父亲任何。”

    He said to himself, "Those players can cry for the sad king whom they have never met." But in my case I have done nothing at all for my poor father who was killed by my uncle Claudius.


  • 知道是否是一个真实的还是怀揣伟大图景巨大创造产业界说客。

    I don't know if Cody is a real person or perhaps an industry lobbyist with a great imagination and tremendous creativity.


  • 罗伯特尔尼教授一位心理学家,《营销说服术的心理学分析》的作者。

    Dr. Robert Cialdini was a professor of psychology and is the author of ‘Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion’.


  • 如今我们真正需要似乎拥有菲利普k想象而又有预见,来弄清楚个人机器人电子表格什么

    What we really need today, it seems, is a visionary with the imagination of a Philip K. Dick to realise what the spreadsheet of personal robotics might be.


  • 小狗卡西故事也关于装了假肢动物们很给故事之一。

    Among the most inspiring stories involving an animal prosthesis is the story of Cassidy the dog.


  • 贝尔纳这种结果表明音乐效果不限于病人想像

    These results, Bernardi says, indicate that music's effects go beyond a patient's head.


  • 母亲,朱·帕森斯儿子三岁的时候成为名演员是个极富冒险精神有想象孩子

    His mother, Judy Parsons, says her son knew he wanted to be an actor since the age of three and he was always a very adventurous and imaginative child.


  • 道:“是否认为卡恩博士提供关于克莱斯勒公司恶意侵犯专利权的行为的证据清晰有说服的?

    Ms. Cassady read, “Did you find that Dr. Kearns proved by clear and convincing evidence that Chrysler acted willfully when it infringed any of Dr. Kearns’ patents?


  • 不要安妮·莉亚的想象不满戴安娜总是没有童话世界度过岁月孩子感到遗憾

    Don't grudge Anne Cordelia her fancies, Diana. I'm always sorry for children who don't spend a few years in fairyland.


  • 无能为只好返回贝纳约瑟夫·奥尔特加一起生活。

    She felt she had no choice but to go back to San Bernardino and move in with Joseph.


  • 里罗先生纽约著名作家之一,这里纽约市近代史具影响的时刻。

    Mr DeLillo is one of the great New York writers and here he is writing about the biggest moment in the city's recent history.


  • 这个位置上还有一个很有竞争的球员——鲁·范尼斯特鲁伊,荷兰人为曼联打入了无数精彩进球,那个时代就是其他球队梦魇。

    There's a big argument for Ruud van Nistelrooy, who scored a bucketload of goals in his time at United and was as lethal as they come.


  • 民调显示只有.朱利亚尼一个共和党人具备竞争竞选活动不如希拉里•克林顿巴拉克•奥巴马巧妙高明。

    Only one Republican, Rudy Giuliani, looks competitive in the polls, and his campaign is less slick than those of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.


  • 父母最后搬到马里兰州和她一起但是卡扎已经完全自食其

    Her parents finally joined her in Maryland, but Kazazic was already fiercely independent.


  • 指出资源部门仅仅将注意集中于经验,一些非常合格候选人却被忽略

    While HR departments focus narrowly on experience, argues Mr Divett, well-qualified candidates are left behind.


  • 正像其附近另外公司一样现在将克思公司的注意集中汽油分子化学成分相似的分子上去。

    Like two other, nearby firms, he is now focusing Codexis's attention on molecules even more chemically similar to petrol.


  • 巴黎出生的歌玫瑰人生》中扮演了歌手EdithPiaf受喜爱的英国幸存者朱莉·克里斯蒂夺得最佳女主角

    The Paris-born Cotillard, who played singer Edith Piaf in "La Vie En Rose," won the best actress honor against the favorite, swinging London survivor Julie Christie.


  • 没有能定义文化不过影响不同一般——不止是这代人——他完全改变文化的语调

    There's no one person who defines a culture. But Dylan's had an incredibly important role-not just for my generation I think-in changing the tone of the culture in all kinds of ways.


  • 没有能定义文化不过影响不同一般——不止是这代人——他完全改变文化的语调

    There's no one person who defines a culture. But Dylan's had an incredibly important role—not just for my generation, I think—in changing the tone of the culture in all kinds of ways.


  • •蒙特泽·莫罗志愿一份

    Di Montezemolo volunteers to do his bit.


  • 足联他们无能因为马斯切拉诺先后面绊倒了福才胳膊

    The FA claim their hands are tied because Defoe was booked(4) when he bit Mascherano on the arm after the Argentine brought him down from behind.


  • 五六十年代影响可不止鲍勃·伦一个,还有影响影响的。

    Bob Dylan is not the only person who's important to come out of the 1950s and 1960s: the people who influenced him the people he's influenced.


  • 五六十年代影响可不止鲍勃·伦一个,还有影响影响的。

    Bob Dylan is not the only person who's important to come out of the 1950s and 1960s: the people who influenced him, the people he's influenced.


  • 在这个落后的无竞争市场上,吉·塞尔集团凭借现代科技创新性的服务,已经取得了巨大的成功。

    Digicel has prospered by introducing modern technology and innovative services into stodgy, uncompetitive markets.


  • 联合品牌的酒店(比如赛cerrutti阿玛尼宝嘉利酒店)竞争性市场穿透

    Cerrutti, Armani and Bulgari Hotels have a competitive edge in penetrating the market.


  • 全世界改善卫生条件美元能因生产提高、贫困医疗成本的减少得到34美元回报

    The world could expect a return of up to 34 dollars for every dollar spent on sanitation through improved productivity and reduced poverty and health costs, said Adeel.


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