• 介绍结构连续体系处施加纵向体外预应力施工方法

    The paper introduces longitudinal construction method externally prestressed at pier's top when simply-supported structure turns to continuous hierarchy.


  • 新型构造形式腹板主应力影响分析,对连续体系箱梁的竖合理布置提供了参考意见

    The influence analysis for new conformation form of vertical prestressed tendon offered referenced opinion for continuous system box girder in reasonable arrangement of vertical.


  • 电力系统连续体系模型突破传统认识的局限性,用波动理论这一崭新的视角研究电力系统的机电动态

    Continuum model and electromechanical wave theory of power system break through the limitation of traditional conception in studying electromechanical dynamics.


  • 推导建立了轴对称空间弹性半空间体、圆形轴对称垂直荷载双层弹性连续体系应力位移的一般

    The solution of stress and displacement of two-layer elastic continuous body is built under vertical load of axisymmetric, elastic upper space body and circle axisymmetric.


  • 本文研讨了一种承受短瞬移动作用爆炸荷载框架结构进行动效分析方法结构系按弹性土体介质内具有分布质量的连续体系进行计算。

    In this paper a method is presented for analyzing the dynamic response of a buried frame structure subjected to a blast moving wave load of a transient nature.


  • SOMA业务特征扩展IT分析体系结构决策中从而创建业务意图 IT实现连续体。

    SOMA creates continuity between the business intent and IT implementation by extending business characteristics into the IT analysis and architectural decisions.


  • 缺少一个权威且被广泛接受的评价体系的背景下,“21世纪亚洲银行竞争力排名”2006、2007连续进行了相关研究。

    Although without a fully recognized assess system, Asian Banks competitive ranking in 21 century were carried on in 2006 and 2007 two years in a row.


  • 本文通过当代泰国节日体系形成过程和表现形式分析展现一个现代民族国家的连续历史时间

    Through analyses on the formation of holiday system in modern Thailand, this paper tries to show a concept of continuatively historical time.


  • 公司按照质量规范要求工程设备的质量关,确保质量体系连续适用性和有效性。

    According to the quality requirements, the company strictly engineering and equipment, to ensure the quality of the quality system suitability and effectiveness of continuous.


  • 生物传感器具有选择性、灵敏度分析速度成本、能在复杂体系进行在线连续监测等特点。

    The biosensor has the good selectivity, the high sensitivity, the quick speed of analysis, the low cost and the continuous monitoring on-line in the complex system.


  • 古城大桥座下承式承载钢管混凝土系杆截面连续组合体系桥梁。

    Gucheng bridge is a steel tube concrete bowstring arch and variable cross section continuous beam composite system through bridge with single load plate.


  • 科学工程问题中离散粒子体系连续计算机建模基本概念

    Basic concepts of computer modeling in science and engineering using discrete particle systems and continuum fields.


  • 连续体系公路市政桥梁建设得到广泛应用。

    The "First Simply Supported Then Continuously Supported" system girder is widely applied in road and urban bridge construction.


  • 利用连续聚合中试装置制备批量不同催化剂体系丙烯均聚物乙丙共聚物

    The bulk of homo-polypropylene and propylene-ethylene co-polymer were produced with different catalyst systems on a continuous polypropylene pilot plant.


  • 针对目前连续箱梁采用支承形式,提炼出支承体系分析支承体系特点

    Four types of support systems have been summed up in light of continuous curved box-girder bridge supports used, the characteristics of each support system have been analyzed.


  • 针对传统道路修筑方式缺陷提出一种新型的道路结构体系连续空心板式道路。

    In contrast to the defects of traditional road construction, the authors suggest a new type of road structure system known as the continuous hollow concrete panel road.


  • 本文假定跨区间无缝线路中的无缝道岔结构体系,岔枕为连续弹性基础有限长梁

    This paper assumes that the welded turnout in the continuously welded rail track is a structural system, and the railway tie in the welded turnout is a beam on the continuously elastic foundation.


  • 选择硫酸盐-柠檬酸盐体系合金镀液研究阳极、二价离子以及连续作用等因素镀液稳定性影响。

    Herein, zinc-manganese alloy bath containing sulfate and citrate ions was selected, and the effect of anodes, manganous ions and continuous operation on bath stability was studied.


  • 钢管表面、环氧涂料PE等表面形成良好粘接,与外表面形成连续紧密防腐体系

    Adhere closely to the surface of steel pipeline, PE- Coating , CTE-Coating and FBE-Coating on steel pipeline, and form a continuous close anti-corrosion system with the surface of the pipeline.


  • 本文介绍了预应力先简支后连续梁桥施工方法,施工工艺质量保证措施,施工过程中的注意要点以及体系转换问题。

    This paper also introduced the construction method, construction technic, quality control measure and the construction key of the structure system change of the simple-continuous beam bridge.


  • 本文着重论述连续计算理论中刚接体系铰接体系对应关系

    The paper discusses emphatically the correspondence relations between rigid-jointed and pin-jointed systems in the continuous medium theory for calculating frame-shear wall structures.


  • 本文体系连续变形分析(DDA)方法,岩石滑坡体进行动态稳定分析。

    This paper USES Discontinuous Deformation Analysis (DDA) to analyse the dynamic stability of a rock slope slide.


  • 跨度预应力连续梁桥施工过程体系转换复杂横向刚度控制施工关键之一。

    The system transition in the construction of long span prestressed concrete bridge is very complex, and the control of the lateral stiffness is one of the key techniques.


  • 临时支座拆除支后连续结构体系施工过程中的关键工序之一

    The removal of temporary bearings is one of the key procedures in the construction of transforming a simply-supported bridge structure into a continuous one.


  • 临时支座拆除支后连续结构体系施工过程中的关键工序之一

    The removal of temporary bearings is one of the key procedures in the construction of transforming a simply-supported bridge structure into a continuous one.


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