• 老板的鱿鱼,因为芥菜都不会。

    The boss fired him because he couldn't cut the mustard.


  • 既然自然力量这么诚挚地要求仟侮罪过这些黑色杂草死者心中生长出来,宣布了一桩没有说出口的罪行为什么办不到呢?

    Wherefore not; since all the powers of nature call so earnestly for the confession of sin, that these black weeds have sprung up out of a buried heart, to make manifest an unspoken crime?


  • 但是今天四月一个下午,天气骤变,浪花都漂起英尺高躁动的

    But today, on a stormy April afternoon when spray flings itself ten feet in the air, nothing is gentle.


  • 但是今天四月一个下午,天气骤变,浪花都漂起英尺高躁动的

    But today on a stormy April afternoon when spray flings itself ten feet in the air nothing is gentle.


  • 这里很多病人,早已几乎忘记他们原本所知道,他们很少能说出自己一年结婚的,子女名字也说不上来。

    Many of them have forgotten almost everything they knew. They seldom remember the year they were married or the names of their children.


  • 新环境中皆新,举例来说,新的语言环境,甚至银行取款装置电话等基本设施的使用截然不同

    Everything is different, for example, not speaking the language, not knowing how to use banking machines, not knowing how to use the telephone and so forth.


  • 太阳光板窗缝里强烈地照射进来,窗帘照得发紫,使完全恢复了自信心,清除了她思想中的一块石头不见了。

    The sun, which was glowing through the crevices in her shutters, and turning the damask curtains crimson, reassured her to such an extent that everything vanished from her thoughts, even the stone.


  • 心灵中的力量都已经丧失了,他的命运现在只是艰难的日子、痛苦失望

    All his great mental abilities had been lost, nothing but hardship, sorrow, and disappointment had been his fate.


  • 儿子,孙子牛群羊群所有的,都可以歌珊地相近

    You shall live in the region of Goshen and be near me-you, your children and grandchildren, your flocks and herds, and all you have.


  • 紧接着是一敲击爆破声,附近一些居民纷纷进屋子,还有些惊讶望着发生的一

    A rush of percussive blasts followed the display, prompting some people in the region to run inside and hide, while others watched in awe.


  • 听着就算艾拉·普佳阿尔卡季·赖金每个星期六晚上到他们那里去表演,帮他们一个那些白痴还是方法亏本

    Listen, Alla Pugacheva and Arkady Raikin could perform every Saturday night for a month and those idiots would still find a way to lose money.


  • 这一邦德电影里末日场景,可我们酒店还没有到呢

    It was like the final scene of a Bond movie, and we hadn't even reached the hotel yet.


  • 虽然取得全美多个个人投票初选党内初选胜利,并且使白人选民黑人选民携起手支持自己,的迹象都表明胜利在望。

    Now that he has won a string of primaries and caucuses in all corners of the country, and built a coalition of black and white voters, failure would seem to be less of an issue.


  • 算是有钱,我也宁可把我所有了,不会他们

    Even if I had the money I would rather burn everything I owned, and I wouldn't even give them the ashes.


  • 自律有可能简单的目标显得遥不可及。

    With self-discipline, all things are possible. Without it, even the simplest goal can seem like the impossible dream.


  • 如果他们世界杯走了,所有的一结束了。

    If they won this, too, that'd be the end.


  • 现在样样网,网络提供了服务设备软件必须互相接。

    Now that almost everything is wired and all kinds of services are offered online, machines and software need to be able to interconnect.


  • 披头士到处风靡时候,乐队自己都不见自己声音,更别说是观众了,少女们的尖叫他们大腿撞击舞台的声音盖过了一

    In Beatlemania days, of course, neither band nor audience could hear anything but screams and the sound of girls' panties hitting the stage.


  • 光线诡秘角度透入,楼梯出人意料桦树都将枝桠突伸在你想象不到的地方,所有,都这座建筑带给我们的视觉盛宴。

    The building, with its mysterious angles and shafts of light, staircases and even birch trees popping up in unexpected places, is visually exciting.


  • 所有一非常完美,甚至台有些年头的黑白电视机也不错

    Everything works perfectly, even the aging black-and-white television.


  • 儿子孙子,牛群羊群所有,都可以地,我相近。

    And thou shalt dwell in the land of Goshen, and thou shalt be near unto me, thou, and thy children, and thy children's children, and thy flocks, and thy herds, and all that thou hast.


  • 我们留下来悬念

    All this has left us to a series of suspense.


  • 群众烦恼更深一个男孩烦恼恼——买那带颜色的小棍的一文没有。

    GREater than all the troubles of the crowd was a little boy's troublehe had not a farthing to buy a painted stick.


  • 渐渐地发觉单单兴趣放在这些物质性东西显得自己都是那么低俗目光短浅

    Gradually, found that only the interest on these material things, everything seems even their own so the vulgar, short-sighted.


  • “[科尔德]不仅折断美国,”库写道,“而且给了他狠狠脚,尽羞辱脚,仿佛不是只危险的猛禽而是一只农村母鸡。”

    "Not only did [Cold] snap the beak of the American eagle, " Kucherena writes, "but he also gave him a good kick and a very humiliating one, as if it was not a menacing predator but a rural hen.


  • 这位自称“特殊个”的人估计尔斯基来一个就能保证他们卫冕

    The self-proclaimed Special One reckons that another nine wins for Chelski will guarantee that they will retain their title.


  • 值得骄傲一天家人参加毕业典礼当时紧张死了,学士帽子都找不到好,最后顺利

    A: It was a proud day for me. My family attend the graduation ceremony. I was so nervous. I couldn't find my cap and gown, but all worked out in the end.


  • 值得骄傲一天家人参加毕业典礼当时紧张死了,学士帽子都找不到好,最后顺利

    A: It was a proud day for me. My family attend the graduation ceremony. I was so nervous. I couldn't find my cap and gown, but all worked out in the end.


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