• 甚至产品包装智能化了。

    Even product packaging is becoming intelligent.


  • 连产品包含许多类型保证条款这些条款增加了寿险公司经营风险

    Popularly, equity-linked life insurance contains many kinds of guaranteed clauses, which augment business risk of life insurance company.


  • 澳大利亚出售200个基金中,有近77个大众提供产品有时是通过互联网进行的,官员们眼皮也不抬一下。

    Around 77 of the 200 hedge funds sold in Australia offer their products to the general public, sometimes over the Internet, without officials batting an eyelid.


  • 漏洞称为“日”漏洞,因为漏洞自从产品推出以来就一直存在——从第“开始就存在,甚至开发人员都没有发现过。

    It is known as a "zero-day" vulnerability because, effectively, it has been there since the product was launched - day zero - and not even its developer had spotted it.


  • 衣阿华州立大学设有线性加速器屠宰场,另外还有一间实验室,研究人员可以其中检查辐照产品

    Iowa State University operates a linear accelerator attached to a slaughterhouse and a lab where researchers can examine the irradiated products.


  • 推出产品服务消费者自己知道是否是他们想要的。

    It gives customers products and services they didn't even know they wanted.


  • 这里的标签中的cadcade属性设置none是因为我们删掉一个订单信息不想订单里的产品信息一并删掉。

    Note that the tag's cascade attribute is set to none. That's because we don't want to delete products from the catalog when we delete an order.


  • 牛仔裤T恤,平克斯轻松地Zynga的新员工——穿着风衣20多岁的工程师产品经理——打成一片。

    Clad in jeans and a T-shirt, Mr. Pincus could easily blend in with Zynga's new recruits, a group of hoodie-wearing, 20-something engineers and product managers.


  • 只要点击就会跳到另一个网页,上面产品过去购物相关

    One click will lead you to another page with a list of products related to your past purchases.


  • 但是现在科技公司产品发布可以预见这个时刻终于来到了。

    But a flurry of announcements from technology companies suggests that its time may at last be at hand.


  • 此前美国采取行动,反制美方所低于市场价格出口大量中国产品

    It follows a string of actions by the US to counter a flood of goods that it claims China exports at below market prices.


  • 甚至面包旁边的牌子都不放过,上面着一些关于产品故事

    They even take our storyboards, the little note we put next to our buns, ” he said.


  • 当然所有的这些导致对于产品期待可能达到了一个苹果无法实现的高度

    Of course, all that build-up helped to raise expectations to levels that perhaps not even Apple could meet.


  • 有甚者,国外产品能够被如此高效生产出来——当然也更便宜的时候,美国的一些本地企业沃尔玛都无法承担购买美国产品的责任。

    Even American companies such as Walmart cannot afford to buy goods made in the U.S. when they are made so much more efficiently - and of course, so much cheaper - abroad.


  • 最终盖子彻底去掉了,上市产品甚至因此屏幕保护器都

    As a result, the lid was removed altogether. As a final design, the final product thus shipped without a screen protector.


  • 它们可以探测企业网络多种电子产品清除丢失接的设备数据

    These can detect the kinds of gadgets that are gaining access to a firm’s network and wipe data from those that are lost.


  • 跳楼事件接二发生促使人们加强了富士康-----这家世界最大合同电子产品供应商----工作生活条件的监察力度。

    The rash of suicides has intensified scrutiny of the working and living conditions at Foxconn, the world's biggest contract electronics supplier.


  • 批判观点的人们认为如果保守派经营者盯上产品和矿产品那么一场反对运动即刻就要开始了。

    If such a conservative operator is eyeing commodities, cynics say, then a correction must be close at hand.


  • 周一安德森开场白畅谈产品免费历史影响事实引证一一数算出来。 这也恰好是他将出版的新书《免费:商业的未来》(Free:The FutureofaRadicalPrice)。

    Anderson kicked things off Monday with a fact-paced talk on the history and implications of giving away products for freethe topic of his latest book, Free: The Future of a Radical Price.


  • 索尼——这个电子书阅读器市场份额仅次于亚马逊的公司,已经推出了好几产品包括售价199美元的成本阅读器,屏阅读器第一个带有网功能的电子阅读器。

    Sony, the number two behind Amazon in the e-reader market, launched several new products, including a low-cost model for $199, a touch-screen model and its first e-reader with cellular connectivity.


  • 1980年代哈佛商学院MichaelPorter把价值链定义为一种产品为了创造价值竞争优势经历活动。

    In the 1980s, Michael Porter of the Harvard Business School defined a value chain as a sequence of activities through which a product passes in order to create value and competitive advantage.


  • 这家消费电子产品巨擘周二创纪录,其季度利润收入股价以及iPhone手机iPad平板电脑销量都纷纷创出历史新高。

    The consumer electronics giant set record after record on Tuesday, hitting all-time highs with its quarterly profit and revenue, its stock price, and with iPhone and iPad sales.


  • AIG免于破产原因在于公司账面上相当分量不良信贷衍生产品这个问题高管们也说不清。

    A bankruptcy was avoided only because of the size of the holding company's book of toxic credit derivatives, which senior executives barely understood.


  • 可以很容易的下载,移动设备上,现有数据库资源中心产品

    You can get them easy, install on your mobile device and connect it to existing databases, data source and product suites. Read the following quote from the same SAP Info article.


  • 还有,BK作为快餐业代表,他们生产很简单产品鸡肉却添加了一串的成分

    Once again, as is typical with the fast food industry, they took a simple thing like chicken, and added a long list of ingredients.


  • 回顾了电磁搅拌应用扁平产品生产中的各种形式,液态钢水流动形态冶金效果给予分类

    The multiple versions of EMS in the continuous casting of flat products are reviewed and classified with respect to liquid steel flow pattern and metallurgical results.


  • 产品应用冶金行业轧机水泥机械螺旋式输送机

    The product is applied to metallurgical industry, continuous casting and rolling mill, concrete machinery and spiral conveyer, etc.


  • 产品应用冶金行业轧机水泥机械螺旋式输送机

    The product is applied to metallurgical industry, continuous casting and rolling mill, concrete machinery and spiral conveyer, etc.


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