• 远远离开消失彻底忘记记。

    Fade far away, dissolve, and quite forget.


  • 离开无情了,远远的离开这里

    He left me, walking heartlessly, leaving from a distance here.


  • 我们在月夜里消失吧,远远离开血腥权力

    Let's dash into the moonlight, run far away from this bloody smell of power.


  • 所以愿意远远离开最远的地方你幸福。

    So, I would far, far away, stood the farthest away from you see you happy.


  • 雇主拒绝雇用高度称职因为一天离开一任雇员的能力可能远远不及

    It is like an employer that refuses to hire a highly competent individual because he could someday leave and the next employee could be a lot less capable.


  • 随着离开太阳距离增加,阳光强度呈指数下降因此颗距离太阳比地球行星接受的阳光远远不止地球所接受到强度的一倍。

    Light falls off exponentially with distance, so a planet that is, say, twice as close to the sun as Earth is would get much more than twice the solar energy.


  • 选择劳埃德·本特森竞选伙伴颇受好评他们人的接受提名演讲都非常精彩;两位候选人离开亚特兰大的时候,民意测验远远领先于对手。

    He got good reviews for naming Lloyd Bentsen as his running mate; they both gave good speeches; and the ticket left Atlanta with a hefty lead in the polls.


  • 即便是在自己人生灰色时期时,丈夫女儿突然相继离开,她故事主题远远超出个人悲恸

    Even when she writes about the hard drama of her own life, such as the sudden death of her husband followed by the death of her only daughter, her stories manage to be larger than her own grief.


  • 保持他们离开远远的以便你们能够保持你们的平衡

    Keep them away enough that you can keep your balance.


  • 去年早期Total那儿计划远远超出的本钱,它的小组挖的3个开始变干,于是Total离开障碍“al-Khali”。

    Total left Rub al-Khali early last year, after its program there ran far over its budget and its teams drilled three wells that came up dry.


  • 上来骑在后面,”低声说,“一会儿我们远远离开群瞎叫了。”

    'Jump up behind me' he whispered, 'and we'll get shot of the screaming cats in a jiffy!'


  • 上来骑在后面,”低声说,“一会儿我们远远离开了。”

    Jump up behind me 'he whispered,' and we'll get shot of the screaming cats in a jiffy! '.


  • 扎德曾表态明年离开法甲虽然夏季转会离开可能性远远高于一月

    Hazard has confirmed he will leave the Ligue 1 club next year, although a summer transfer looks much more likely than a January move.


  • 时间带着离开离开远远地方,去不见的地方。

    Let time take me away, far away, to the place where you can't see.


  • 离开团队远远大于留下留下者中只有一小部分来自早期的“提升灵性学堂”。

    Far more have left the group than remain, and few remain from the earlier days of the Spiritual School of Ascension.


  • 确保包带高端远远不够离开套管弹性空间

    Make sure the top end of the strap is far enough down to leave room for the elastic casing.


  • 一旦我们离开学校,我们之中大部分人就会意识到,仅仅大学文凭分数远远不够

    Once we leave school, most of us know that it is not as much a MATTER of college degrees or good grades that count.


  • 即使远远离开不会分离因为心灵里早已盛满了对你的回忆困倦温柔嘴唇眼睛尽情地折磨我的记忆

    Even if I leave you, I will not be separated from you, because in my mind, has been filled with memories of you... that sleepy, tender lips and eyes that will torment my memory.


  • 远远离开了那个使窒息男人

    She put a distance between herself and the man who suffocated her.


  • 一直给花草们培培土,但霜冻迟迟离开于是,我远远抛开古怪天气,逃往另外一个时空

    The frost has been slow to leave the flower beds, which I have been wanting to attack, so I have escaped to a different time and place, leaving our erratic weather far behind.


  • 漠然看着了色的童年面容似乎找到了童年梦,觉得早已远远离开我,再也属于自己,仅仅是一种无可奈何的存在而已。

    I stared blankly at my little face in the faded photos, feeling as if I were reliving my childhood. But I also felt that my childhood had long been irretrievably gone and no longer belonged to me.


  • 离开之前他们还在这里竖了一支高高的旗帜这样的话,后来旅者就可以远远看到来到这个沙漠中部泉水边。

    Before they left, they raised a high banner so that other travelers could see it from afar and come to the new spring in the middle of the hot-sand desert.


  • 来说,仅仅赢得游戏饱喝足然后离开远远不够的。

    It wouldn't be enough for him to win, to feed and go.


  • 由于受到了惊吓,贝克太太远远离开冰场,自己了一大杯咖啡,然后开始另外冰洞

    Mrs Baker, now became very concerned so she moved way down to the opposite end of the ice, set up her stool, and began again to cut her ice-hole.


  • 二十三日早晨离开气象台以后从未再见过牛津,除了坐火车经过时远远望见过尖塔

    On the morning of the 23rd I left the Observatory. I have never seen Oxford since, excepting its spires, as they are seen from the railway.


  • 二十三日早晨离开气象台以后从未再见过牛津,除了坐火车经过时远远望见过尖塔

    On the morning of the 23rd I left the Observatory. I have never seen Oxford since, excepting its spires, as they are seen from the railway.


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