• 到了进餐时间,就会看着吃饭

    At mealtimes he would watch her eat.


  • 现在吃饭这么稀松平常事情,人们都能无数张照片,需要付出的代价不过硬盘内存进餐伙伴耐心而已。

    Now, the only apparent cost to taking infinite photos of something as common as a meal is the space on your hard drive and your dining companion's patience.


  • 非得孩子们如何坐在餐桌前使用刀叉进餐而不是坐在电视机拿着塑料盘子用叉子吃饭

    I have to teach kids how to eat with a knife and fork and sit at a table instead of using a fork in a plastic container in front of the television.


  • 他人一起吃饭研究显示人们喜欢餐桌上的其他人比较进食量。和女士朋友进餐平均可以减少35%的热量摄取。

    Eat with others. Research shows people tend to match their food intake to their dining partner. Eating with a lady friend should mean 35 per cent fewer calories.


  • 进餐时间:美国人们一般边看电视吃饭他们喜欢坐在电视机沙发椅子而不是坐在饭桌上。

    MEALTIMES: Many meals in America are arranged around popular television shows, people like to eat in front of the TV, not always sitting at a table, they sit in a chair or on a sofa.


  • 要知道,有些愿意吃饭时候电话,如果正好在那个时候打电话的话,他们认为粗鲁,打搅他们进餐

    The other people might not want to hear you talking on the phone while they are eating. They might think you are a rude dude for disturbing their meals.


  • 他们吃饭

    They went in to dinner.


  • 几乎从不家人共同进餐而是单独自己房里吃饭,与爱书相伴

    He rarely joined the family for meals. Instead he ate alone in his room, surrounded by his favorite books.


  • 开始记录吃饭时间吧,尽量进餐时间持续30分钟吃饭时,说真的,下来吧。

    Begin keeping track of the time, and try to make dinner last at least 30 minutes, and while you're at it, actually sit down to eat.


  • 如果别人餐馆吃饭,应给餐馆打个电话询问是否需要预定以防到时为餐位等候半天。预定时,只需要说出你的名字、进餐人数和时间即可。

    If you invite someone to join you for dinner in a restaurant, phone the restaurant first to find out if you need a reservation in order to avoid a long wait for a table.


  • 我们进餐问起我们吃饭那个巨大木桌中间古老石雕究竟是什么。

    Before we were served, I asked what in the world the old carved stone ball in the center of the huge wooden table we were eating off of was.


  • 吃饭的过程中,应该始终将注意力集中在你的对象身上,尽量进餐间隙微笑

    When dining, keep your eyes on your date at all times and try to smile between mouthfuls.


  • 男人外出吃饭一个贪吃人,回来的时候,太太:“那么进餐愉快吗?”

    There was a man who went out to eat, he was also kind of very greedy, and when he came back, his wife asked him, "so, did you have a good time?"


  • 男人外出吃饭一个贪吃人,回来的时候,太太:“那么进餐愉快吗?”

    There was a man who went out to eat, he was also kind of very greedy, and when he came back, his wife asked him, "so, did you have a good time?"


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定