• 确认所有要求控制组合系统

    Validate that all mandate controls are incorporated into systems.


  • 已经系统当中了。

    It's in the system.


  • 用户使用登录密码登录进系统

    User logs in using login and password.


  • 分析安全库存维护系统

    Safety Stock analysis and maintain in system.


  • 我们一起服务器机房系统

    We're going to the server room to hack the system together.


  • 核心允许小型应用公司集成系统网络反之亦然

    The Core will allow small companies with small applications to integrate into much larger networks of systems, and vice versa.


  • 我们一开门你们左。你们去服务器机房系统稳定市场

    When we open that door, you two turn left. You're going to the server room to hack the system and stabilize the market.


  • 方案又把一备用地址集成系统之中,从而扩大设备使用范围

    And also, this system design integrates the address storeroom of the main backup station into the whole system, thus enlarging the usable range of the equipment.


  • 美味图书馆支持数据导入正如截图只需条形码的朝向摄像头,即可扫入系统

    Delicious Library supports manual importing or—as the screenshot here demonstratesyou can simply hold the barcode of your item right up to your web cam to import it.


  • 设计实现了整个OLRS系统集成方案,即让olrs系统作为远程IC P方招聘系统一个系统集成进系统

    Design and realize the integration project of OLRS, make OLRS works as a subsystem in the remote recruitment system of ICP.


  • 可以这里为起点考虑如何更好地CVS(选择其他修订控制系统)集成整个开发过程

    These points are to serve as a jumping-off point for you to consider how to better integrate CVS (or your revision control system of choice) with your entire development workflow.


  • 客户另一常见需求他们采购系统交互以便购买订单能够自动地输入商业环境中

    Another frequent requirement of large customers is integration with their procurement systems, so that purchase orders are automatically punched into the commerce environment.


  • 格公司提供基础设施系统综合其他DHS系统解决方案

    Northrop Grumman will provide the infrastructure and integrate this system with other DHS systems and solutions.


  • 随之而来的一个正面影响就是随着平稳融合商业社会中,信息系统也来有希望达到甚至超出客户期望

    A positive side-effect is that with the smooth integration into the business world, IT systems are more likely to meet and exceed customer expectations.


  • 而且只是把生物识别技术整合支付系统可能吓跑犯罪分子了剑桥大学金融安全专家迈克·邦德

    In addition, the mere incorporation of biometrics into the payment system is likely to deter criminals, says Mike Bond, an expert in banking security at Cambridge University.


  • 设立人工交互代理,可通过XMPP聊天协议人类整合流程中,作为工作流系统一部分

    As part of the workflow system, a human interaction agent will be made to allow integration of humans into the process via XMPP chat protocol.


  • 这些系统将提供专门的任务能力可以完全集成MH-60R直升机作战系统中,使"朱姆沃尔特驱逐舰具有更大作战范围

    These systems provide unique mission capabilities and are fully integrated with the MH-60R helicopter's combat system to deliver broad warfighting coverage for the Zumwalt-class destroyer.


  • 或者自己汽车打开车载导航系统系统引导一个朋友

    Or this: you get into your car, switch on its navigation system and ask it to guide you to a friend's house.


  • 按照这种模式,许多公司成功地构建了能够集成游戏中的付费系统

    As is the case, many companies with successful practices are building billing systems that are well suited to perform scaling and integrating into a game.


  • 例如登录Web应用程序要求系统注册所有用户发送消息,将一个新的特性告诉他们

    For example, I log in to the Web application and ask it to send all the people registered in the system a message telling them about a great new feature.


  • ITA这一应用B2B版本可以整合现在手机预订系统iTunes上供消费者下载的版本保留搜索功能。

    ITA says the B2B version of the app can be integrated into existing mobile and booking systems while the consumer-facing version on iTunes will remain search-only.


  • 雷声公司首次空军在DCGS10.2开发DIB支持软件综合陆军海军现有即将出现系统中。\n

    Raytheon first developed the DIB under theDCGS 10.2 contract for the Air Force and has supported the integration ofthe software into existing and emerging systems for the Army and Navy.


  • TidyLib Sourceforge site上Tidy多种操作系统可用, 它已经整合众多HTML编辑工具

    Tidy is available for a wide range of operating systems from the TidyLib Sourceforge site, and has also been integrated into a variety of HTML editing tools.


  • 这种规则得到,以在决定系统是否能力分配系统考虑所有已知CCRPC过程

    This algorithm was improved to take into consideration all known CCRPC processes when determining if the system has capacity to allocate a new one.


  • 被综合f - 15e武器系统后,AESA雷达敌人目标探测追踪包括目标。

    When integrated into the F-15E weapons system, the AESA radar will improve detection and tracking of enemy targets, including small targets.


  • 接着文化融入引人注目的商贸系统使得每种文化互相影响

    The succeeding cultures united into an impressive trade system that allowed each culture to influence the other.


  • 这些操作系统特定版本能够构建现已存在中,或者可以定义一个被称作OSVersion属性捕获每一个操作系统更多变异

    Specific versions of these operating systems could be built into the existing values, or you could define yet another attribute called OS version to capture more specific variations of each OS.


  • 这些操作系统特定版本能够构建现已存在中,或者可以定义一个被称作OSVersion属性捕获每一个操作系统更多变异

    Specific versions of these operating systems could be built into the existing values, or you could define yet another attribute called OS version to capture more specific variations of each OS.


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