• 进入21世纪过去10年女性许多领域进步可以得到庆祝

    Just over a decade into the 21st century, women's progress can be celebrated across a range of fields.


  • 最近这些历史学家继承比尔德贝克二十世纪早期进步派”历史学家一些观点,他们提出观点值得我们仔细分析。

    Inheritors of some of the viewpoints of early twentieth-century Progressive historians such as Beard and Becker, these recent historians have put forward arguments that deserve evaluation.


  • 重要的是,我们你们所有人——将按自己的意愿塑造一个年轻世纪年轻人——身上看到这种进步

    Above all, we see that progress in all of youyoung people with a young century to shape as you see fit.


  • 17世纪18世纪丝绸生产简单化标准化方面开始取得进步还有许多的进展也接二连三地取得了。

    In the 17th century and 18th centuries progress began to be made in the simplification and standardization of silk manufacture, with many advances following one after another.


  • 然而虽然自由派这个结果欢呼并以此作为社会进步标志但是它不一定预示萨巴赫家族18世纪以来科威特统治就这么简单。

    Yet while liberals have cheered the result as a mark of social progress, it does not necessarily augur plain sailing for the al-Sabah family that has ruled Kuwait since the 18th century.


  • 无论是波士顿还是北京,对世界各国人民而言,20世纪一个取得了重大进步为此付出沉重代价时代

    For people everywhere — from Boston to Beijing — the 20th century was a time of great progress, but that progress also came with a great price.


  • 到了20世纪蒸汽推进的技术越来越进步甚至可以大型蒸汽船横渡海洋

    Into the 20th century, steam propulsion became so advanced that you could ride a giant steamer across the ocean.


  • 开始研究21世纪科技进步趋势时,加来先生便意识历史长河中充满了太多未实现预测

    Setting out to chart the direction technological progress will take in the 21st century, Mr Kaku is aware that history is replete with unfulfilled prophecies.


  • 19世纪最后20年中新奥尔良因此取得进步很有限、很艰难。

    In the last 20 years of the 19th century, therefore, New Orleans made limited, though steady, progress.


  • 积累了两个世纪技术进步生产力增速达到“拐点沿着指函数曲线陡峭迅速上升

    But after two centuries of technological improvements, productivity has "turned the corner" and is now moving rapidly up the more vertical part of the exponential curve.


  • 18世纪一个很大进步

    It was an enormous explosion in the 18th century.


  • 现在,我们应该联合起来通过不断合作强化体系、共同奉献,促进全球进步迎接21世纪挑战

    Now is the time to join together, through constant cooperation, strong institutions, shared sacrifice, and a global commitment to progress, to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century.


  • 过去半个世纪里,研究人员形成车流宏观理论方面鲜有进步

    Over the past 50 years researchers have made little progress in developing a general theory of traffic flow.


  • 关于进步观点有着悠久历史但是直到17世纪开始繁荣

    The idea of progress has a long history, but it started to flower in the 17th century.


  • 今天的土耳其确实很多方面那个曾在一个世纪以前奥斯曼帝国土崩瓦解后被称作欧洲病人土耳其进步许多。

    Indeed, in some ways it counts for more than when the Ottoman empire was crumbling a century ago and Turkey was widely known as the "sick man of Europe".


  • 新的世纪人类进步事业具有光明的前景

    The cause of human progress has a bright prospect in the new century.


  • 那么同样这里也有三个理由认为互联网促进21世纪文化进步

    There are likewise three reasons to think that the Internet will fuel the intellectual achievements of 21st-century society.


  • 我们已经跨进21世纪第二年,相信,未来十年,印尼东盟亚洲、世界都会有新的进步,会变得美好。

    We have stepped into the second decade of the 21st century and I believe it will be an even brighter decade full of fresh progress for Indonesia, ASEAN, Asia and beyond.


  • 大规模旅行19世纪大不列颠工业财富帝国信心的象征,而技术上的进步使旅行成为可能

    Mass travel was an expression of the industrial wealth and imperial confidence of the 19th-century British. Advances in technology made it possible.


  • 20世纪末期见证了教育非凡的进步美国统计数字表明,1980到1995世界范围内的15岁以上人口文盲率31%跌落到了23%。

    The late 20th century has brought remarkable advance: the United Nations reckons that between 1980 and 1995 the worldwide rate of illiteracy among people aged over 15 fell from 31% to 23%.


  • 这些推动进步发明中,特别要强调的就是13世纪发明的枪械舰。船舰使人类得以出海远航,枪械得以使人类远航时遇到世界一边船员时可以拼杀。

    Not least among those advances were two 13th-century inventions: ships that could cross oceans, and guns that could shoot the people the sailors met on the other side.


  • 亲身体会见证了这个悲剧世纪惨烈悲剧深深相信生命能够而且必须进步升华

    After personally enduring and bearing witness to some of the greatest tragedies of a tragic century, he still believed that life could and would evolve and improve.


  • 这种复写解析技术进步大概现代技术对点亮黑暗世纪文字方面最为令人兴奋的贡献了。

    The ever-growing ability to decipher palimpsests is perhaps the most exciting way in which modern technology is throwing light on the role of the written word during the dark ages.


  • 非洲取得了进步人均收入每年1.8%的速度提高,与20世纪80年代和90年代收入下降的情况形成鲜明对照。

    Progress has been made in Africa, with per capita incomes there rising by 1.8 percent a year, in marked contrast to falling incomes during the 1980s and 1990s.


  • 这个产业第二特点统治地位可以通过技术进步来破坏例如说主机世纪80年代更小机器所取代。

    A second characteristic of the industry is that dominant positions can be undermined by technological progress: mainframes, for example, were dethroned in the 1980s by smaller machines.


  • NinaHachigian美国进步中心资深会员,同时也是《下一个美国世纪美国如何其他崛起国家共同繁荣》一书合著者。

    Nina Hachigian is a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress and co-author of The Next American Century: How the U.S. Can Thrive as Other Powers Rise.


  • NinaHachigian美国进步中心资深会员,同时也是《下一个美国世纪美国如何其他崛起国家共同繁荣》一书合著者。

    Nina Hachigian is a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress and co-author of The Next American Century: How the U.S. Can Thrive as Other Powers Rise.


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