• 巴特勒需要防守重点集中在别的进攻点时候,能够做好自己投篮本分,胜任能在关键时刻投射三分的任务。

    If Butler wins the job he has an excellent shot at having fantasy value as a three-point specialist since defenses will be focused on all of the other offensive threats on the Clippers.


  • 穆雷坦白说:在对阵纳达尔时候采取的是以进攻为主的战术在进攻防守之间可能一点失衡

    Murray confessed that he "maybe got the balance a little bit wrong" between defence and attack but that his gameplan was based on aggressively taking the game to Nadal.


  • 战术两点第一身体流生吃曼联其次进攻中以高中锋皮特·克劳奇为支撑点发动攻势。

    The strategy was two-fold. First, out-muscle United. Then, channel the attack through Peter Crouch, the tall target man.


  • 3月20法国战机进攻第二天举行首轮省议会选举中,党派仅仅获得17%的支持率,国家阵线高了两个百分点。

    In the first round of cantonal elections on March 20th, the day after French jets struck, his party scored just 17%, only two points ahead of the National Front.


  • 上午5点30分,双方在沼泽一带交火面对巴福德顽强抵御,海斯步步为营,谨慎前进,一直推进到士堡大约2英里之处,随后以两个旅的兵力列队进攻。

    The battle began at 5.30 a.m., when shots were exchanged over Marsh Creek. In the face of Buford's resistance, Heth pushed on cautiously until he reached a point about two miles west of Gettysburg.


  • 我们对手顽强接下来比赛你们发现一点。我们成功阻止了他们所有进攻。(法国队主教练多梅内克)。

    Our opponents were solid, as you'll see in the coming matches. We succeeded in stopping them from building almost any moves. (Raymond Domenech, France coach).


  • 听起来我们每次好像只有三分之一胜率,但是如果加入一点点心理学战术,的进攻了套路箭头人物。

    On paper, this sounds like there is only ever a 1/3 chance of winning with each throw. But introduce a little human psychology into your game, and you have an edge and a game plan for winning.


  • 星期二那场比赛中表现让人印象深刻组织起了阿德约的第二次进攻同样希望阿德巴约能在星期六下午515分开始的那场比赛能同样的发挥。

    After Tuesday's impressive performance, where he set up Emmanuel Adebayor's decisive second strike, Patrick was awash with well-wishers encouraging him do the same come 5.15pm this Saturday.


  • 还有一点很重要提示就是选择武器影响您与敌手的作战,并且是取决于进攻时周围环境。

    It is also important to note that your weapon of choice will have more or less effect against your opponent depending on the circumstances of the attack.


  • 上面开口地方用来瞭望射击进攻者的,在下面低一点的地方小的开口或是枪眼,防卫者通过这个仍然可以射击。

    On the upper part of the DuoKou are large openings used to watch and shoot at attackers, and on the lower part are small openings or loopholes, through which defenders could also shoot.


  • 倒不是奥多姆的进攻更多一点。杰克逊建议现在开始练习跳投。

    Not that Odom should be offended. Jackson suggested there would be a shorter leash in general from here on out.


  • 巢穴式分支系统接下来我们讨论高级进攻选项关键点所在

    Nested branching is the key to some of the more advanced offensive options we will discuss as we continue.


  • 曼联远远没有发挥出他们的最佳水准,总体上没有曼城阻扰。在今天比赛中,直到最后时刻,曼城才展现出一点点进攻野心

    United were far from their best, but were largely untroubled by a City side which displayed little attacking ambition until the game's latter stages.


  • 科比说:“我们的进攻潮水一般不可阻挡,对手以为他们包夹防守加索尔奏效的时候,我们可以在另外一个他们付出代价

    "We went through a stretch where teams felt like they could double off Pau (Gasol), but we made them pay, " Kobe Bryant said.


  • 为什么瑞士步兵如此成功?这是因为他们可以进攻保持阵型一点在对付骑兵的时候是个很大优势

    The whole reason why Swiss infantry was so successful is because they could charge while in formation, and that was a big advantage against the cavalry.


  • 总是采取几个小组袭击其他防御夺取的点。最好方式赢得一个地图的胜利不是进攻

    Always have a few squads assaulting and the rest defending flags that you have taken. The best way to win a map is not offense.


  • 我能三角进攻帮助找到更加舒服合适

    Getting more comfortable and getting in the right spots in the triangle helps.


  • 每当英雄进攻时,恢复2生命值。

    Whenever your hero attacks, restore 2 Health to it.


  • 进攻强大略为放缓实验实力4伤害

    Aggressive - stronger but slightly slower; gives 4 exp to Strength per damage point.


  • 决定方式,对一个方向佯攻试图使羊群出现混乱,从而找到最薄弱的一点来进攻。

    I decided to attempt disarranging the target troop in order to pull up a gap by feinting from a delusive direction in the manner of the wolf.


  • 我们最好的一点我们犀利的进攻坚固的防守(你就不夸夸你领衔的中场了?)

    Our best point is our creative offensive play and our stabile defence.


  • 两翼,加索尔会传球,喜欢区进攻,一点适合三角进攻。译者注:肘区指罚球线与分位线相交区域。

    He's a decent passer on the wings and likes to play from the elbow, which makes him suited for the triangle.


  • 如果守门员碰到足球、同时守门员进攻机器人推挤的话,足球最近坠球

    If the goalie has physical contact with the ball and is pushed by an attacking robot, the ball will be moved to the nearest unoccupied neutral spot.


  • 对阵魔术时,科比3012加索尔对于一点提出了需要均衡进攻的出手次数,这件事已经过去2

    It's been a little more than two weeks since Gasol last spoke about the need for more balance on offense after watching Bryant shoot 12 for 30 against Orlando.


  • 攻防转换时刻这个矛盾体核心点,也是进攻防守开始阶段

    The conversion time of attack and defense are the core body of this contradiction, this is also the start of the offensive and defensive phase.


  • 描述周四拂晓之前,美国海军陆战队士兵登上直升机,准备阿富汗赫尔曼德省发动夜间空中突袭本次进攻于当地时间凌晨1过后开始

    Caption: U. S. Marines boarded helicopters for a night air assault in Afghanistan's Helmand province early Thursday. The offensive began shortly after 1 a. m. local time.


  • 描述周四拂晓之前,美国海军陆战队士兵登上直升机,准备阿富汗赫尔曼德省发动夜间空中突袭本次进攻于当地时间凌晨1过后开始

    Caption: U. S. Marines boarded helicopters for a night air assault in Afghanistan's Helmand province early Thursday. The offensive began shortly after 1 a. m. local time.


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