• 即使攻击者攻击并进入一个游戏程序所有的事情修改分数文件

    Even if an attacker broke into a game program, all he could do would be to change the score files.


  • 但是想象一下这样游戏多么让人沮丧每当开始进入游戏一个无形狙击手就把你射死了。

    But imagine how frustrating this game would be if, just as you began to play it, an invisible sniper shot you dead every time.


  • 思考虚拟问题可以让人们放松下来进入一种游戏状态

    Thinking about the imaginary problem loosens people up and puts them into a playful mood.


  • 今年夏天,观察中国经济人士中流行着一个游戏猜测有多少投机资本进入中国

    A POPULAR game this summer among watchers of the Chinese economy is to guess the size of speculative capital or "hot money" flowing into the country.


  • 教程中将开发一个简单游戏读取进入视图虫子它们

    You'll develop a simple game that will read the bugs entered on the a view and blast them to bits.


  • 因此开心制作一个游戏用户能够虚拟产品互动。如果他们进入网站,还能获得奖金

    So you create a game for Kaixin where users interact with your virtual product and receive special bonus prizes if they visit your site.


  • 增大现实”技术虚拟现实相比一个不够成熟领域,虚拟现实已经各种形式进入技术主流,如计算机游戏网络虚拟世界、基于计算机动画的电影以及计算机特效

    Ar is still an immature field compared with virtual reality, which has now entered the mainstream in the form of video games, online virtual worlds and computer-animated films and special effects.


  • 进入精通社交圈游戏”前,需要有一个非常强大和充分的心态,至关重要的。

    Before getting into Social Circle mastery, it is crucial that you have a very strong abundance mentality.


  • 夜里,毕业生DAN GREENBERG坐在餐桌旁,决定一个教师助理进入应用程序游戏

    DAN GREENBERG was sitting at the kitchen table one night when he and another teaching assistant decided to get into the app game.


  • 游戏结束时国王士兵进入一个盒子

    When the game is finished, the king and the pawn go into to the same box.


  • 建立文件夹触摸按住程序使它进入摇晃模式然后触摸并拖曳一个程序到一个相似的程序(例如一个赛车游戏映射到一个赛车游戏)。

    Make a folder by touching and holding an app to go into jiggle mode, then touch and drag an app to a similar app (a racing game onto another racing game, for example).


  • 从事游戏测试一个进入游戏产业界的极好的途径

    Video Game Testing Can Be a Great Way to Break Into The industry.


  • 22世纪孩子们看到1990年代任天堂游戏感到十分惊奇,他们会奇怪为什么居然有人会费那个劲这种只有一个进入其中模拟

    Children of the 22nd century will marvel at Nintendo games of the 1990s and wonder why anyone bothered to play a simulation where only one person could enter.


  • 增大现实”技术虚拟现实相比一个不够成熟领域,虚拟现实已经各种形式进入技术主流,如计算机游戏网络虚拟世界、基于计算机动画的电影以及计算机特效

    Ar is still an immature field compared with virtual reality which has now entered the mainstream in the form of video games online virtual worlds and computer-animated films and special effects.


  • 开始从另一个角度看待万智牌余下心理游戏容易进入状态

    When you begin to think of and view Magic in a different light, the rest of your mental game will have a much easier time falling into place.


  • 然后按确定按钮进入一个界面选择单人游戏多人连线。

    Then press Enter to enter the next screen to select the single-player or multi-player mode.


  • 作为一个见识过扩大规模公司,制作游戏过程中有时需要更多的会议努力每个人进入状态。

    As a company which has seen expansion, extra meetings and an active effort from those working on the game can sometimes be required to keep everybody up to speed.


  • 尽量避免相同敌人游戏中一次又一的出现,这样目的是玩家进入一个区域时不会显得很明显。

    Try to avoid having the same enemies just reappear over and over in the game, in the same places, in order to make it less obvious that the player is going through the same area.


  • 计算机游戏诞生现在成为颇为热门行业进入相对成熟时期

    From birth to the present, game software has been a popular industry, and enters a relatively mature time.


  • 游戏应该一个世界可以连接进入其中可以保护这个世界。

    It needs to feel like a world, which you can connect to, which you are defending.


  • 甚至实在无聊那么可以进入一个永平泵业游戏朋友并肩战斗也是不错沟通手段

    Even you want is really boring, so can enter a game, and my friends stand together also is pretty good communication method.


  • 上个星期我们等待进入餐厅前的核查时,丈夫开始玩绕口令游戏

    Last week when we waited forever for the check to arrive at a restaurant, my husband started a tongue twisters game.


  • 彼此决定每天晚上一个钟头一起进入负面能量——像游戏一般——不是随时随地倒负面能量。

    Make it point that every night for one hour you will be negative with each other - let it be a game - rather than being negative anywhere, any time.


  • 一个具有挑战性游戏使用转化能力达到无法进入地方

    A challenging game: use your transformation ability to reach inaccessible places.


  • 20世纪起,我们已经进入一个崇尚游戏年代

    In the beginning of 20th century, we have been faced with The Times that people loving games.


  • 20世纪起,我们已经进入一个崇尚游戏年代

    In the beginning of 20th century, we have been faced with The Times that people loving games.


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