• 此时可能进一步并用成熟抽象工厂对象替换工厂方法ErichGamma等人设计模式详细描述的那样。

    At this point, you may be tempted to go one step further and replace the factory method with a full-fledged abstract factory object, as detailed in Design Patterns by Erich Gamma, et al.


  • 目前发表文章大多是对布齿设计原则详细说明,如何实现方面没有进一步探讨

    The present published articles describe mostly the design principle of cutters' distribution in detail, but do not further discuss how to realize the design.


  • 已有大量文献对光束聚焦特性进行详细研究,光束聚焦特性的进一步研究激光束应用光学系统设计有着极大的实际意义

    Recently, a lot of literatures have studied focusing properties of beams particularly. Further studies of beam focusing are of great significance for lasers application and design of optical system.


  • 本文的计算结果进一步展开固桩详细设计提供了理论参考

    The results can be utilized as reference in further detailed design of the jacking frame.


  • 最后详细设计基础上本文辅助采集模块业务功能实现进一步介绍并且给出部分功能的效果图

    Finally, in detailed design's foundation, this article realized to the auxiliary gathering module service function has made the further introduction, and has given the partial function effect chart.


  • 从多方面分析论述裂缝产生原因详细阐述处理措施进一步完善压力钢管镇墩设计以及制定施工方案提供参考。

    T his paper analysis and discuss the cause of crack, and put forward the way of treatment which could be a reference for the design and construction on anchorage block of penstock.


  • 接着通过建立研究目标内容抽样设计分析维度体系量化处理、信度分析、统计分析6个步骤进一步详细说明方法的操作过程。

    Next, its operation is explained with details by 6 steps:setting up research purposes, sampling, designing analysis dimensions, quantifying data, analyzing reliability and taking statistics.


  • 针对自上而下计算机辅助机械产品图形设计,提出了适应这种设计思维特征设计方法选择合适的形状特征,作为进一步详细设计基准

    In the light of using top down method in the design of product with CAD, a method of feature design, which chooses proper shape feature as the datum for next design step, is presented.


  • 进一步结合SIM安全性手机PKI系统CSPRIL层进行详细设计与实现。

    Therefore we have further design and study RIL layer and CSP layer in PKI system of mobile phone by applying the high security of SIM cards.


  • 通过视频同步信号发生器设计实例详细描述了基于VHDL进行系统芯片设计方法应用过程进一步讨论了在实际应用中VHDL程序设计优化问题应用技巧

    Through the example of video synchronous signal generator the design process of system on chip is particularly described. Moreover the optimization of system and VHDL programming skill is discussed.


  • 本文的不足之处没有其他模块寄存器模块时序逻辑模块等进行详细研究设计以后需要进一步工作

    The shortcoming of the article is the lack of the detailed study and design of other modules such as the register module and bit timing logic modules. Further work needs to be done later.


  • 本文4/68/12极两种不同结构双凸极永磁电机进行详细比较,从而该电机优化设计进一步深入研究提供理论依据

    This paper will compare 8/12 DSPM with 4/6 DSPM in detail, and provide theoretic basis for design and research deeply of DSPM.


  • 通过矢量量化快速搜索算法VLSI结构的研究进一步设计更为详细复杂的图象编码系统提供基础

    Through the research of VLSI architecture of fast codewords search algorithms, we can provide a foundation for the implementation of detailed and sophisticated image coding schemes in the future.


  • 本文阐述了系统详细设计系统实施所涉及应用技术进行了进一步的说明。

    This document describes the detailed design of the system, and discusses the technologies applied in the system.


  • 本文阐述了系统详细设计系统实施所涉及应用技术进行了进一步的说明。

    This document describes the detailed design of the system, and discusses the technologies applied in the system.


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