• 项目进一步目的通过对此地历史透明性敏感性,达到与城市周围环境相融合的目标。

    The project further aims to engage the surrounding urban condition through transparency and sensitivity toward the history of the site.


  • 这次会议主要目的进一步介绍我们计划

    The main objective of this meeting is to give more information on our plans.


  • 科学指导下我们不再迷失方向而是目的进一步追求其他的精良技术

    Guided by science, we do not drift off course anymore but further pursue other sophisticated technologies with purpose.


  • 要记下对你的目的很重要的事实,以及任何能引导你进一步研究的东西。

    Note also the facts important for your purpose as well as anything which leads you to further research.


  • 管彼得罗斯基博士承认,由于设计工程项目或实施项目的人会犯错,工程项目可能会失败,但他在这一本书中进一步拓宽了自己的观点,将更多可能导致失败的因素考虑了进来。

    Though he acknowledges that engineering works can fail because the person who thought them up or engineered them simply got things wrong, in this book Dr. Petroski widens his view to consider the larger context in which such failures occur.


  • 普通照会目的提供关于这些国家政府转让准则进一步资料

    The purpose of the notes verbales is to provide further information on those Governments' Guidelines for Nuclear Transfers.


  • 校园是由建筑师施密特·拉森设计目的进一步支持新的教学模式。

    The new campus by schmidt hammer lassen architects is designed to support new ways of teaching and learning.


  • 目的关于这个主题讨论引进一步设计工作

    The objective is to ignite the discussion on this topic to further design work.


  • 本文进一步升华了贯穿本系列文章一个主题建模出于特定目的现实简化

    The article further refines what has been an ongoing theme for the series: Modeling is about simplifying reality for practical purposes.


  • 访问目的进一步加强两国传统睦邻友好关系

    The visit is aimed to further strengthen the traditional good-neighborly relations.


  • 如果这些数据需要进一步转换需要经过某种处理——如果它只是报告为目的的,可能就要用另完全不同方法了。

    If the data needs to go through further transformations, it will need to be treated in a certain way - and if it is used only for reporting purposes, it may require a completely different approach.


  • 这个政策的目的防止已经降至1%以下核心通胀率进一步下降

    This was done to prevent core inflation, which had already fallen below 1%, from declining any further.


  • 这项战略主要目的鼓励开展进一步研究

    The main aim of the strategy is to encourage further research.


  • 来自此项目的研究成果将会有助于计算进行更进一步开发比如创建条件组织可以基础开发专用

    Research from this research cloud will allow for the further development of cloud computing, including the development of private clouds by organizations who have the means to create them.


  • 詹姆斯增加晚年社交活动目的干预措施是否延缓阻止认知力下降起到作用未来进一步的研究

    Future research is needed to determine whether interventions aimed at increasing late-life social activity can play a part in delaying or preventing cognitive decline, James said.


  • 下面我们示例进行进一步扩展,从而阐释将中介用于目的原因方式

    Let's extend our example to illustrate why and how mediations can be used for this purpose.


  • 中介组件4执行请求者数据模型提供者数据模型间映射并且还可以针对诊断审计目的进行进一步日志记录

    The mediation flow component (Figure 4) performs a mapping of the requestor's data model to that of the provider, and perhaps performs some further logging for diagnostics or auditing purposes.


  • 他们进一步,将这些特异功能用于进攻目的——美国获悉俄国开发超自然力武器庞大计划时,热情变成狂妄

    They wanted to go further and use them for offensive purposes, too - an enthusiasm that turned to paranoia when the Americans learned of a huge Russian programme to develop their own psychic weapons.


  • 进一步实验显示参与项顺序——不管是20分钟任务练习是在发生20分钟的无关活动还是——都影响学习效果

    Further experiments revealed that the order of presentation—whether the 20 minutes of target task training occurred before or after the 20 minutes of the related taskdid not affect learning.


  • 大多数软件开发管理员进一步了解更好地控制需求可追溯性功能

    Most software development managers would like to have a greater understanding of and better control over their project's requirements traceability functions.


  • 而言之,方法着重详细过程分析目的识别出可高度复用业务任务,而这些任务可能作为服务候选进行进一步探究

    In short, this method is heavily focused on detailed process analysis in order to identify highly reused business tasks that may be further explored as service candidates.


  • 今天该项目的启动仪式科学家们拯救这些物种能够抓住珊瑚礁气候变化进一步适应重点

    Saving these species could hold the key to the future adaptation of coral reefs to climate change, the scientists said at the project's launch today.


  • A另一大风险如果外出务工人员目的就业市场疲软,会导致进一步加强入境人数控制

    Another risk is if weak job markets in the destination countries of migrant workers lead to further tightening of immigration controls.


  • LCROSS探测器项进一步分析揭示月球存在形式以及撞击地址发现其他有用矿物质

    Further analysis of LCROSS will show in what state the water exists and what other useful minerals are found at the impact site.


  • 通用以中航系统建立合资公司形式参与C919项部分航电设备供应计划领域进一步合作。

    It is supplying part of the avionics on the Comac C919 airliner through a joint venture with AVIC Systems and plans to make further inroads in that area.


  • 现在生成模板框架时,应该进一步调节它们根据需求生成转换输出内容

    Now, when the template skeletons are generated, you should fine-tune them to enable generating the content of the transformation output according to your project's requirements.


  • 根据大小前景中的信息可能在将正确地分析经济相关性业务用例工作产品进一步详细描述

    Depending on the size of the project, the information in the Vision may be further elaborated in the Business Case work product that would precisely analyze the economic relevance of the project.


  • 根据大小前景中的信息可能在将正确地分析经济相关性业务用例工作产品进一步详细描述

    Depending on the size of the project, the information in the Vision may be further elaborated in the Business Case work product that would precisely analyze the economic relevance of the project.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定