• 完整RSS提要包含分类以及进一步细节分类数据

    The RSS feed as a whole also includes classification and further detail and classification data.


  • 话说,模式无法执行DTD长期以来能够执行所有操作,一方面来讲,模式也无法表达人们希望文档施加进一步规则完整集合

    In other words, schemas cannot quite do everything DTDs have long been able to, while on the other hand, schemas also cannot express a whole set of further rules one might wish to impose on documents.


  • 进一步接纳了身体……你的影射了完整不仅仅一个躯壳。

    Your pictures have helped me to become more accepting of my body... Your drawings reflect a very whole person, not just a body. The figure is lovely, expressive, open and explorative...


  • Google提及他们正在着手增加Alpha通道支持进一步提升速度以及加入完整元数据规范

    Google also mentioned they work on adding alpha channel support, more speed improvements and a complete metadata specification.


  • 规范自 2009 年3 月份开始就是完整,但没有进一步规划

    The 1.0 specification is complete as of March 2009, with no further work planned.


  • 进一步解释系列第2部分中加以介绍,使用IBMRationalPerformance Tester实现一个完整负载测试周期

    This section is brief on purpose, because further explanations will be given in Part 2 of this series where you will follow a full load-testing cycle using IBM Rational Performance Tester.


  • 通过使用常规完整备份(换话说,包括所有文件)增量(diff)备份(其中仅备份变更的内容),可以进一步延长保留时间

    By using a regular full backup (in other words, all the files) and a diff backup where you backup only changes, you can extend the duration still further.


  • 这个问题需要进一步细化期文章给出代码具体来说就是需要WordNet服务器返回原始XML表示同义词集,不仅仅返回完整单词形式

    This problem requires one refinement over the code presented in my last installment — specifically, I need the WordNet server to return raw XML representing synsets, and not just full word forms.


  • 幸运的是,我们已经这样做了许多用户测试这些测试中我们察觉参与者并没有完整表达事物的理解,因此我们会有所准备办法进一步获得他的完整想法

    Luckily, between us we have done so many user tests that we can spot when a test participant is not giving us the full picture, and we can react to this and dig into what they really think.


  • 进一步复审之后,这些报告定时的校正来公布最终,一完整阿富汗安全情况完完全全公布出来。

    After further review, these reports will be released, with occasional redactions, and eventually, in full, as the security situation in Afghanistan permits.


  • 经由流感病毒进一步研究数据分析发现1976年含有类似于H1N1病毒疫苗存在一例具有完整因果联系的案例。

    Extensive studies and data analysis of influenza vaccines have only found a well established causal association with the 1976 vaccine that contained an H1N1 swine-influenza-like virus.


  • 进行更进一步完整系统开发这些早期迭代测试结果用来刻画系统的总体特性。

    Test results from these early "iterations" are characterized for general consumption before further development into complete systems.


  • WorkplaceFormsDesigner允许表单中添加错误检查从而先确保表单已经正确完整填写了,然后用户才能提交进行进一步处理

    Workplace forms Designer allows you to add error checking to your forms, ensuring that the form is properly and completely filled out before the user submits it for further processing.


  • 以求达到进一步完整尽量争取达到可行完美

    To achieve further integrity and try to achieve feasible and perfect.


  • 其他原因还包括它有非常宝贵广泛覆盖技术加上完整的相关文档说明更加轻松地上手进一步学习。

    Something else considered very valuable is the breadth of technologies covered, together with the thoroughness of the related documentation set to help you get started with everything


  • 有关治疗治疗选择方案正确完整信息进一步检查建议

    Give me an accurate and complete information about the treatment and alternative treatment or refer for further investigation.


  • 如果客户提交信息不够充分,不够完整无法保证设计活动的顺利进行,则需要客户进一步加以澄清

    Further clarification from the client will be requested if information received is insufficient or incomplete to allow the design activity to proceed.


  • 大约明天,将要劫难做完整概括并且进一步解释为什么我们不能告诉确切日期我们其他信息

    In the next day or so, I will post a full summary of the Great Catastrophe and further explanation into why we can't just tell you the datebut we will give you other information.


  • 两个区域采用水曲柳木皮包裹进一步强调出空间体量完整

    These two areas are covered with ash veneers from ceiling to floor, which further strengthens the integrity of the spatial volume.


  • 必须明确之前,解释任何进一步的,谈论脱发不仅完整秃头而且的是头发稀疏

    To be clear before I explain any further, when I am talking about hair loss it is not just complete baldness , but also I am referring to hair thinning.


  • 机理都具有局限性完整机理需要进一步探索研究

    Both the two kinds of mechanisms have their limitations, and the real mechanism still needs further researches and studies.


  • 提醒我们报纸需要进一步改进,以便对事件进行完整报道而不是一堆解之谜让人揣测。

    They are also a reminder that newspapers need to do a better job of reporting the whole story instead of leaving more questions unanswered than answered.


  • 思科srw208p先进功能可以帮助进一步保护网络完整

    The advanced features of the Cisco SRW208P can help you further secure the integrity of your network.


  • 这次研究由于数据完整受到批评,激发进一步研究

    The study was criticized for incompleteness of data but It'stimulated further research.


  • 因为这个完整罐子轻易破碎而且内容物很繁重已经作出“整体明日装”这个容器而且将其运到博物馆尝试以供进一步研究抉择

    As the intact pot was so fragile and the contents were heavy, the decision was taken to "block lift" the vessel and transport it to the museums laboratory for further study.


  • 对于脉动热管优化设计完整方案还需要进一步研究

    Complete design rules and optimization on pulsating heat pipes need more research.


  • 同意参照招股意向书最终发行文件进一步获取有关发行的完整信息

    You agree to refer to the Latest Updated Prospectus and final offering document for further and more complete information about the offering.


  • 同意参照招股意向书最终发行文件进一步获取有关发行的完整信息

    You agree to refer to the Latest Updated Prospectus and final offering document for further and more complete information about the offering.


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