• 这种火箭可以解决频繁补给燃料这一问题

    Such rockets will solve the problem of frequent refueling.


  • 这种火箭需要携带燃料也减少了,并且需要化学氧化剂

    It thus needs to carry less fuel than a rocket, and no chemical oxidant to burn that fuel, as a rocket would.


  • 以色列表示为了制止这种火箭袭击,他们除了哈马斯发动进攻之外别无选择

    Israel said it had no choice but to launch an offensive against Hamas to stop such rocket attacks.


  • 购买这种火箭皮带大部分用于广告促销目的例如足球比赛中场休息时。

    The rocket belts are mostly sold for use in advertising and promotions, such as halftime appearances at football games.


  • 但是这种火箭于一九七三年停止服役。但是它们仍然是迄今为止建造最大的运载工具

    The rockets were removed from service in nineteen seventy-three. But they remain the most powerful ever built.


  • 2001年起到2009年1月以军发动进攻为止已有14名以色列这种火箭攻击之下。

    To date, 14 Israelis have been killed by these rockets since 2001 and up to the beginning of the Israeli offensive. January 2009.


  • 加速度火箭:多节航天器辅助火箭的,这种火箭点燃后沿航天器运行方向推进,并分为部分

    Of, relating to, or being an auxiliary rocket on a multistage spacecraft that is fired in the direction of the spacecraft's motion to separate the sections.


  • 目前为止,美宇航局没有开发出具有足够动力的火箭这种火箭需要能在地球大气层以外驱动宇宙飞船飞行

    NASA has not yet developed a rocket powerful enough to propel this spacecraft out of Earth's atmosphere.


  • 虽然50年代设计,但这种火箭动力飞机研究标志着它的速度高度直到航天飞机出现后才超过。

    Though designed during the 1950s, this rocket-powered research airplane set speed and altitude marks that were not sur-passed until the advent of the shuttle.


  • 这种火箭设计只是用于携带卫星其它设备进入太空还是满足美国宇航局人类飞行安全评级而设计。

    He says it was designed to do more than carry satellites and other equipment into space. He says the rocket was designed to meet NASA's ratings for human flight safety.


  • 公司称这种火箭可以将发射费用降低大约2000美元每公斤大概使用航天飞机将负载送入轨道费用十分之一。

    It says the rocket should reduce launch costs to about two thousand dollars a kilogram. That is about one-tenth the cost of carrying loads into orbit on a space shuttle.


  • 冰雹火箭炮使用卡车底盘,使用122毫米火箭,火力覆盖范围30-40公里这种火箭1962年完成开发1964年服役

    The Grad truck-mounted system featuring 122-mm rockets with a range of 30-40 km was developed in 1962 and has been in service since 1964.


  • 当然这种界定人类许多方面都开始出现,构建设计火箭科学,到专利权

    Of course, this dilemma arises in many human endeavors, from building design, to rocket science, to patent law.


  • 这个时刻火箭感到挫折,这种挫折感部分原因在于轮转比赛的不确定一个0:4的记录,还有姚明

    At the moment, the Rockets are frustrated, and part of that frustration comes with an uncertainty over playing rotations and an 0-4 record - and Yao's role.


  • 但是实际上这种解决办法一定不能允许哈马斯利用加沙以色列城市发动火箭攻击。

    But it really must be a solution this time that doesn't allow Hamas to use Gaza as launching pad against Israeli cities.


  • 这种燃料可以降低火箭研发操作成本,储存时也单纯的液体燃烧更为安全

    These rockets can be cheaper to develop and operate, and the fuel is safer to store than in purely liquid-fuelled ones.


  • 这个时刻火箭感到挫折,这种挫折感部分原因在于轮转比赛的不确定一个0:4的记录,还有姚明

    At the moment, the Rockets are frustrated, and part of that frustration comes with an uncertainty over playing rotations and an 0-4 record a and Yao's role.


  • 据说这种东西最早是NASA作为固体火箭燃料而研发的。

    Supposedly, it was developed by NASA as a solid rocket fuel.


  • 这种金属高达6,920氏度燃点,释放温度气体推进火箭前进

    The metal's high ignition temperature of more than 6,920 degrees Fahrenheit forces exhaust gases out at high velocity to propel rockets upward.


  • 这种技术需要16左右如果利用核火箭的话可以缩短个月。

    Such a technique could take around 16 months but could be cut to four months if a nuclear rocket was used.


  • NASAVirginia的高速飞行机构(Wallops FlightFacility)实施了第一次火箭试验再现这种现象。

    This first rocket experiment to recreate the phenomenon launched from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia.


  • 利用这种称为Aldebaran的运载火箭法国冲破技术局限,“或许美国雄心勃勃”,一位美国空军太空官员巴黎防务武官称。

    With this launcher, called Aldebaran, France is pushing technological limitsperhaps more aggressivelythan the United States, says a US Air Force space official and former defence attaché to Paris.


  • 这种玩具火箭几个部分组成,生产一个部分需要一定的时间

    The rocket is made of several parts, and each part requires a certain time to produce.


  • 目前发射这种小型卫星要么将它与卫星捆绑发射,要么他们自己的火箭发射,不过成本更高。

    At the moment such satellites must either piggyback on the launch of a larger satellite or be launched rather expensively on their own rocket.


  • 或许火箭具有威胁哈马斯以色列自诩的震慑力怀疑这种震慑力牵制敌对邻国关键

    Perhaps more threatening than the rockets themselves was the doubt they cast over Israel's vaunted power of deterrence, which is key to keeping its hostile neighbors at bay.


  • 也许有一天人们利用这种工艺制造载人火箭带到同样是利用这种工艺制造的空间站那里,大家可以享用利用这种工艺制造出的复古点心

    Maybe someday it could be used to print out rockets that could carry passengers to printed space stations, where they could feast on printed retro space snacks.


  • 我们已经决定给猎犬号安装猎鹰混合式火箭发动机,这种发动机采用一种背部简单夹具前部为快速释放式的接驳器方式工作。

    The installation of the Falcon hybrid rocket has been decided, using a "simple" (in rocket science terms!) clamp at the back end and a quick-release connector at the front.


  • 我们已经决定给猎犬号安装猎鹰混合式火箭发动机,这种发动机采用一种背部简单夹具前部为快速释放式的接驳器方式工作。

    The installation of the Falcon hybrid rocket has been decided, using a "simple" (in rocket science terms!) clamp at the back end and a quick-release connector at the front.


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