• 这种情况下顶极群落认为是稳定的,因为根据定义随着时间推移所产生的变化最小

    In that case, the climax community would be considered the most stable, since, by definition, it changes the least over time.


  • 然而这种情况下规则中的任何变化都将需要完全测试业务流程部署

    In this case however, any change in the rules will require a full testing and deployment of the business process.


  • 这种情况下业务规则支持业务规则中动态变化能力允许修改业务流程实现而不用进行改变重新部署。

    The ability of business rules to support dynamic changes in business rules, allow, in this case, to modify business process implementation without changing and redeploying it.


  • 这一变化这种情况下就是站在那儿凝视。

    The change, in this case, is standing and staring.


  • 数据库结构远程API要是有任何变化应用新旧版本就可能兼容了,这种情况新旧版本也不能同时运行

    In case of any change in database structure or remote APIs, the old and new version of the application may not be compatible and in that case cannot be ran in parallel.


  • 这些情况创建服务并不知道服务的所有可能客户端,因而这种变化就引起操作性问题

    In these situations all the possible clients to a service are not known when the service is created and this variable allows for interoperability problems.


  • 有些变化例如新的pertypewithin方面实例化模型要求高亮显示编辑器中的语法而且这种情况下,在NewAspect向导中会出现额外复选

    Some changes, such as the new pertypewithin aspect instantiation model, only require syntax highlighting in the editor and in this case an additional check box in the new aspect wizard.


  • 正如这种情况下通常会发生俄罗斯干预理论依据在中间一些变化

    As typically occurs in such situations, Russia's rationale for intervening has undergone a certain amount of "mission creep."


  • 反馈加强变化这一变化,在这种情况下就是站在那儿凝视。

    Positive feedback is reinforcing change. The change, in this case, is standing and staring.


  • 如果确实在变化,则表明DPAR工作量正在增长,这种情况下需要附加资源制定计划

    If they are, this can be an indication of a growing workload on your DPAR, in which case you need to plan for the additional resources.


  • 这种情况下议会正在审议一项议案,如果该项议案通过如何追究警察的责任方面,将会产生巨大变化

    So a bill currently making its way through Parliament would dramatically change how and by whom the police are held to account.


  • 这种支持社会问题轻重缓急有所变化,所以这种意义来说,通常情况下,社会需求决定着科研工作方向

    This support is often swayed by the immediate needs as perceived at that time. In this way the direction of scientific effort is shaped by society at large.


  • 这种情况下大使遇刺可能会引发场规模大的冲突过去一年里国的关系发生显著变化

    Under those circumstances, the assassination of an ambassador could provoke an even larger conflict. But over the past year, the countries' relationship has changed significantly.


  • 这种情况下战略管理一个主要任务就是创造保持灵活性未来不利变化准备,抓住机会做准备。

    Thus the responsibility of strategy management is to create and maintain flexibility, so as to prepare for the unexpected change and to seize the opportunity.


  • 这种情况可能会出现野生情况下缺少控制环境中例如温度变化我们也能模仿这点每天秒钟将幼犬放在凉凉的地板上

    This may occur in the wild, less controlled environments, for example, through temperature changes, which we can mimic, by placing the animal on a cool floor for a few seconds each day.


  • 正确情况下这些腺体分泌激素血液中的浓度及其相互比例保持一定水平这种水平随着年龄增长变化才能促成正常的身高。

    In correct situation, they are maintained certain level that these glands secretion's hormone's density in blood and mutual proportion, that will change with aging, then facilitate normal growth.


  • 这种情况下,我同样蓝绿色标记变化数量页码关联起来,包括同样的字体风格大小

    In this case, the same teal color was used in varying amounts to relate the pages as well as the same font style and size.


  • 这种情况下家长不得不孩子学习以便他们身上感受社会变化适应面对日益向我们挑战社会

    In this case, the parents have to do so, the child learn from their experience and adapt to social change, and facing the challenges to our society.


  • 这种情况下我国铁路客站建筑设计呈现出了新的变化趋势

    On this condition, there are new change and trend in the passengers railway station design.


  • 这种情况下iv变化一点我们认为重要的。

    In this case, I does not vary with v, which we think is very important.


  • 关键要求2012年提出进一步推动这种变化强劲稳健情况下,一个优良品种数量有限

    The key requirement to pushing this change forward further in 2012 will be making a strong and robust case for a limited number of elite varieties.


  • 这种情况下一定消费群中,那些购买毕业礼物的人当中,数字价格变化计算器销售产生影响,反之亦然。

    In this case, among certain consumer segments, such as those buying graduation gifts, it is likely that sales of calculators will be responsive to price changes for the digital clock, and vice versa.


  • 这种情况下2425变化转折点内联费用估计通过去除函数定义保存

    The change from 24 to 25 in this case is the tipping point for when the cost of inlining is estimated to be more than what is saved by removing the function definition.


  • 这种横波实际上--液介质变化情况下经过两次转换P - S - P

    This kind of shear wave is actually P-S-P converted wave produced as change of a medium from liquid to solid and to liquid.


  • 这种情况下市场心理变化关注至关重要的。

    In such circumstances, paying attention to shifts in market psychology becomes essential.


  • 这种情况下市场心理变化关注至关重要的。

    In such circumstances, paying attention to shifts in market psychology becomes essential.


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