• 难道明白战争吗?

    Don't you understand this is war?


  • 我们誓言竭尽所对抗有害引诱-特别那些自大好战主义狂热者-似乎这是战争中的国家容易就陷入的状态。

    WE PLEDGE TO DO all we can to guard against the harmful temptations - especially those of arrogance and jingoism - to which nations at war so often seem to yield.


  • 战争最让人感到恐惧时间,因为夜间而且山上到处车而逃的伊拉克人,他们大多数被击毁战车幸存下来的。

    He said this was the scariest part of the war because it was night and there were still dismounted Iraqis all over the ridge, most probably survivors from the destroyed vehicles.


  • 战争胜利者博物馆,一切都偏袒他们理所当然事。不过,像一样四下观望美国人——很多——却得很认真,还议论纷纷。

    It's also the victors' museum, of course, and skewed in their favour, but the Americans looking around with me - and there are many of them - are talkative and engaged.


  • 加密战争中的全新的攻击。

    This is a brand-new salvo in the war against encryption.


  • 一部俄罗斯战争电影

    It's a Russian war films.


  • 一部以未来背景的战争小说

    It is a war novel set in the future.


  • 卡梅伦先生的团队并不打算恢复约翰·梅杰在1996年牛肉战争期间尝试作为政策保守党欧洲留下的另一个愉快记忆

    Mr. Cameron's team are not proposing to revive the non-coop policy that John Major tried during the "beef war" of 1996, another unhappy Tory European memory.


  • 自从14年前双方爆发战争以来第一会晤

    The meeting is the first ever between the two sides since the war there began 14 years ago.


  • 马尔斯有着赘肉的躯干——人同情,这是战争不同描写

    Mars is this sort of human, flabby torsoit's sympathetic, but it's a different portrayal of wars.


  • 越南战争期间一个士兵背包物品清单一系列东西而已。

    It's a list of the contents of the knapsack of a soldier during the Vietnam War, just a list of the contents.


  • 几乎使所有参战人员都变得野蛮的战争

    It was a war that bestialized almost everyone who fought in it.


  • 斯里兰卡北部,有300,000民众受困暴雨洪水中。这是结束对泰米尔猛虎组织战争后最为严重的事情。

    The suffering of nearly 300,000 people interned in camps in northern Sri Lanka since the end of the war against the Tamil Tigers was worsened by heavy rains and severe flooding.


  • 那时还无法想象“出到底意味着什么:利比亚战士沿着海岸线发起一场场致命战斗北约战机则上空强力打击卡扎菲武装,一场漫长而代价沉重的战争

    Little did he imagine what that "help" would entail: a long, grinding war in which Libyan fighters waged lethal battles along the coast while NATO bombers pummeled the country from above.


  • 因为帮助减少国家之间冲突还有平息国家内部的战争波斯尼亚海地,从柬埔寨苏丹,从刚果黎巴嫩都有些士兵

    This is credited with helping to reduce the number of conflicts between states, as well as calming civil wars from Bosnia to Haiti, from Cambodia to Sudan, from Congo to Lebanon.


  • 一场正义,“必要之战”,巴拉克·奥巴马先生喜欢描述阿富汗战争相比之下,他称伊拉克战争糟糕透顶,误入歧途的选择

    THIS is the just war, the "war of necessity", as Barack Obama likes to put it, in contrast to the bad war, the war of misguided choices in Iraq.


  • 在塞拉利昂英国武装力量2000年阻止了场血腥国内战争国家很少受到世界关注布莱尔自由干预主义更安静成功之一。

    Sierra Leone, where British military forces stopped a bloody civil war in 2000, gets less of the world's attention, but was one of the quieter successes for Blairite liberal intervention.


  • 事实上罗马提升势力由于强大军事实力,而且赢了场硬仗战争元老院感到不安违反法律的。

    Actually he gained power in Rome mainly by military might, by kind of making the Senate nervous and winning a few battles, and that was against the law.


  • 对于那些关联的公司来说,场血腥战争最后胜者获得更多选择更加低廉价格客户

    It will be a bloody fight for the companies involved, but the ultimate victors will be their customers, who will benefit from greater choice and lower prices.


  • 战争所以并不想考虑对抗什么因为一旦当你开始思考竞争了,你不到样了。

    But this is a war, so what you're competing against, you don't want to think about because when you start thinking about the competition, you'll never be able to do it.


  • 另外一些孩子长大也会学着坚守自己身份秘密,战争期间如此,战后面对波兰滔滔不绝反犹浪潮如此,这是一种选择也一种无奈。

    Many others learned to keep that knowledge to themselves as they grew up, not just during the war but afterward, too, in the face of repeated waves of anti-Semitism in Poland.


  • 战争期间所有的都花在了上。那时很快明白了一个世界,另一种文化我们永远融入不了

    And I put my money where my mouth was because I went to war, but I understood pretty quickly that this was another place, another culture, and we would never fit in there.


  • 娃娃兵们通常视作受害者正确受剥削家庭破裂缺少教育被迫参加战斗儿童真正战争受害者

    Child soldiers are usually depicted as victims. That's accurate: Exploited, torn from their families, deprived of their education, and forced into battle, child soldiers are truly casualties of war.


  • 历史学家回顾起2008年便记得现代历史上首次发生波斯湾战争情况下闲置产能被消耗殆尽,OPEC未能遏制价格上涨,”麦克纳

    Historians will look back on 2008 as the first time in modern memory that spare capacity ran out without a war in the Persian Gulf, and OPEC failed to cap prices,” says Mr McNally.


  • 历史学家回顾起2008年便记得现代历史上首次发生波斯湾战争情况下闲置产能被消耗殆尽,OPEC未能遏制价格上涨,”麦克纳

    "Historians will look back on 2008 as the first time in modern memory that spare capacity ran out without a war in the Persian Gulf, and OPEC failed to cap prices," says Mr McNally.


  • 娜奥米·诺维克“龙船长”系列小说,可能该书主流”的作品了,拿破仑战争历史奇幻故事,主角名叫劳伦斯英国上校

    Probably the most 'mainstream' entry on this list, the Temeraire series, by Naomi Novik, is an alternative history of the Napoleonic Wars, following a British captain named Laurence.


  • 娜奥米·诺维克“龙船长”系列小说,可能该书主流”的作品了,拿破仑战争历史奇幻故事,主角名叫劳伦斯英国上校

    Probably the most 'mainstream' entry on this list, the Temeraire series, by Naomi Novik, is an alternative history of the Napoleonic Wars, following a British captain named Laurence.


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