• 这时冲着叫又骂起来。

    Then he started shouting and swearing at her.


  • 这时回忆起内心深处往事

    Now she was dredging up memories from the depths of her mind.


  • 这时30岁

    By this time he was thirty.


  • 正要开车离去这时秘书了出来

    He was just about to drive off when the secretary came running out.


  • 这时身体随着而痛苦的啜泣颤抖着

    She was now shaking with long, racking sobs.


  • 这时话也说不清的废人了。

    By this time I was a gibbering wreck.


  • 这时决定成为名基督教徒受了洗礼

    At this time she decided to become a Christian and was baptized.


  • 这时琼斯太太洪亮的嗓音打断了他们,说有位客人来了。

    At that moment Mrs. Jones's powerful voice interrupted them, announcing a visitor.


  • 碰巧来到这里正在看热闹这时个女孩走来

    I came here by chance and was just watching what was going on, when this girl came up to me.


  • 这时已经九十多岁了,越来越频繁地需要帮助

    By this time she was in her nineties and needed help more and more frequently.


  • 这时埃莉诺不像以前那样为子女担忧了。

    Eleanor was now less anxious about her offspring than she had once been.


  • 到了这时这些殴打吓得不行,以至温顺服从

    By this time she was so cowed by the beatings that she meekly obeyed.


  • 这时他们救援

    Then they all came to his rescue;


  • 就在这时铃声响了

    Just then, the bell rang.


  • 就在这时门铃响了

    Just then the doorbell rang.


  • 这时一个念头击中了

    A thought hits her, then.


  • 这时他们已经开始下山了。

    They had started down the hill by this time.


  • 这时玛丽小姐灵机一动。

    It was then Mistress Mary had her inspiration.


  • 这时已经恢复回原来的尺寸了。

    She had grown to her full size by this time.


  • 这时一个仆人端早餐进来了

    At that moment a servant entered with the breakfast.


  • 这时,绳子断了

    But then the ropes broke.


  • 这时飞机翻了个个儿接着燃烧了起来。

    The plane then flipped over and burst into flames.


  • 知道这时要求帮助不合适

    I know that this is a bad time to ask for help.


  • 这时欢呼声掌声汇聚成了一阵经久不息的轰响

    Now the cheers and applause mingled in a single sustained roar.


  • 我们办公室外面等了分钟这时结束了他的会议

    We waited a few minutes outside his office while he finished up his meeting.


  • 人质这时不能回家

    The hostages cannot go home just yet.


  • 就在这时汤姆走了进来。

    At that very minute, Tom walked in.


  • 每天分钟

    This clock loses two minutes a day.


  • 先前待不好,这时弥补一下。

    She tried to make up for her shabby treatment of him.


  • 这时天气几个星期暴风雨形成鲜明的对比。

    The good weather was in stark contrast to the storms of previous weeks.


- 来自原声例句

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