• 眼泪擦干对了。

    Dry your eyes now. That's better.


  • 事情彻底砸了

    That's messed things up good and proper.


  • 收拾早餐餐具。

    I'll just clear away the breakfast things.


  • 实现宏伟抱负。

    It was the realization of his greatest ambition.


  • 安排孩子们睡觉

    I'll just put the kids to bed.


  • 告诉经理来了

    If you will sit down for a few moments, I'll tell the manager you're here.


  • 常常旅行打点行李学到家了。

    I spend so much time travelling that I've got packing down to a fine art.


  • 咱们开始吧!

    Let's get this show on the road!


  • 看法

    That's what I figured.


  • 那条环城路。

    This is the road that circles the city.


  • 事发现场吗?

    Is this the place where it happened?


  • 事件简要情况。

    This is a brief outline of the events.


  • 典型英格兰酒吧

    This is your typical English pub.


  • 肯定证据

    This is proof positive that he stole the money.


  • 早早离去原因

    That's why I left so early.


  • 出十英镑归你

    You can have it for a tenner.


  • 想到激动满脸通红。

    He was flushed with excitement at the thought.


  • 目前全部

    This is the sum of my achievements so far.


  • 好啦今天好事

    Well, that's my good turn for the day.


  • 贸然作决定的后果。

    This is what happens when you make rash decisions.


  • 我们去年那个房间

    This is the identical room we stayed in last year.


  • 理论不足之处。

    And that's where the theory falls down.


  • 最想得到

    It was what she wanted most of all.


  • 不能肯定正确的民主做法

    I am not sure that this is sound democratic practice.


  • 涂成红色的房子。

    It's the house whose door is painted red.


  • 一道绝好的主菜

    This makes an excellent hot main dish.


  • 我辛劳全部报偿吗?

    Is this all the payment I get for my efforts?


  • 的,”充满感情地

    "It's what I want," she said feelingly.


  • 悲伤地说:“那么告别了。”

    'So this is goodbye,' she said ruefully.


  • 他们愿意商谈不错了。

    The mere fact that they were prepared to talk was encouraging.


- 来自原声例句

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