• 太阳月亮这些星球形成倒塌旋转状物的一团巨大旋转

    The Sun, Moon, and the planets formed from a huge spinning gas cloud that collapsed into a gyrating disc.


  • 某种东西这些星球一个深深的漩涡里

    Something was trapping the stars in a deep whirlpool.


  • 指出这些星球太远,不能进行持续观测。

    She also notes that these planets would be too far away for followup observations, a point on which Hooper agrees.


  • 天文学家还有其它一些星球证据这些星球可能黑洞相伴

    Astronomers have evidence of a few other stars too, which might have black holes as companions.


  • 探索地图偏远地点将会解锁这些星球遥远角落百科

    Wandering to distant locations on the map will unlock codex entries about those far flung corners of the globe.


  • 并且过去十年研究显示这些星球可能至少有50%属于行星

    And as research over the past decade has shown, perhaps at least 50 percent of those stars harbor planets.


  • 篇文章一起了解一下这些星球吧,可能会告诉我们更多行星搜寻未来

    In this article, we'll take a look at some potential Earths and what they may tell us about the future of planet hunting.


  • 这些星球任何一颗,就对于太阳月亮一样,文学家能够宇宙中的精确位置

    For any of these stars, like for the sun and moon, astronomers are able to find out its exact position in the universe.


  • 所幸,相当数量的中微子都是恒星内部核反应产生的,这些星球的中微子质量相对较小。

    Fortunately, much of that is produced by nuclear reactions in stars, and such stellar neutrinos have relatively low energies.


  • 那些震动强大力量太空发出伽马射线释,科学家怀疑这些星球地壳一定很难打破

    The awesome power of those quakes can blast gamma rays into space, leading scientists to suspect that the stars' crusts must be very hard to break.


  • 是否太阳中、宇宙掌中然而这些星球我们上帝相比,只不过水桶中的滴水而已。

    Shall I ever be able to clasp the sun in my fist, and hold the universe in my palm? Yet these are as a drop of a bucket compared with the Lord my God.


  • 我们已经这些星球了100多年记录……鉴于天文学家进行分析方法他们无法看见这种的不稳定,”雷恩德

    "We've been recording these stars for over 100 years now... but the way astronomers were doing the analysis, they would not have seen any such phased jiggling around," Learned said.


  • 月球制造太阳能人造卫星安置许多行星及其卫星的轨道上,成为这些星球的观察站,并以太阳光能源连续不断地工作。

    Solar power satellites that have been manufactured on the moon will have been placed in orbit around a number of planets and moons, providing nearby planetary outposts with continuous electric power.


  • 指出,如果这些星球找到水源可以找到生命他还说,外星人可能人类相似胳膊,两条,一个脑袋

    If water can be found there, then so can life, he said, adding that aliens would most likely resemble humans with two arms, two legs and a head.


  • 星球温度决定他们的颜色因此,也决定了用于光合作用不同颜色由于星球发光颜色的不一样,所以植物这些星球上的进化也非常不同。

    The temperature of a star determines its colour and, hence, the colour of light used for photosynthesis. Depending on the colours of their starlight, plants would evolve very differently.


  • 这位名叫AndreiFinkelstein教授,在人类已知银河系围绕太阳旋转行星中,有近只分之一的行星的构造与表面情况都与地球非常相似如果这些星球发现的存在,那么发现生命便是可能的事。

    Professor Andrei Finkelstein said that ten percent of the known planets circling SUNS in the galaxy resemble Earth, and if water can be found on them, then so can life.


  • 这些木雕石雕都是他用雕刻和标记的,用以说明数百万年来塑造我们星球力量暴烈程度强度

    These are wood and stone sculptures that he's carved and marked with fire to illustrate the ferocity and intensity of the forces that have shaped our planet over millions of years.


  • 人们相信这些不明飞行物中一定来自其他星球科学家他们正在研究地球生命

    The UFOs, it is believed, must contain scientists from other planets who are studying life on earth.


  • 了解里,地球不是他们实施恐怖统治唯一星球另外至少还有21行星需要这些恐怖统治中解脱出来

    Earth is not the only planet they have terrorized. From what I have learned, there are at least another 21 planets that need to be freed from these menaces.


  • 大蛇代表着精神力量能量这个持有者那个能够持有这些能量人,使用它们利益整个人类星球

    The Serpent represents Psychic Power and Energy, and the Serpent Holder is one who can hold these energies and use them for the benefit of Humanity and the Planet!


  • 已经是年来第二干旱了,科学家们正在研究并试图清楚这些干旱为什么会发生,而它们我们的星球产生怎样的影响

    It was the second such drought in the Amazon in five years, and forest scientists are trying to understand why these droughts are happening, and what their effects will be for the planet.


  • 任由这些土地自生自灭就能治愈我们星球

    Leave the land alone and allow it to heal our planet.


  • 我们使用这些资源不同方式将大大影响这个星球健康其他的人类,甚至我们自己的快乐

    How we use those resources can make a big difference in determining the health of the planet, the well-being of others, even our own happiness.


  • 地天体观察项目被叫做“太空警卫”,这些天体绘制轨道判断其中是否有天体可能我们星球有潜在危险

    The Near-Earth Object Observation Program, commonly called "Spaceguard, " also plots the orbits of these objects to determine if any could be potentially hazardous to our planet.


  • 除了养活我们自己我们星球世界各地我们支持公平政策这些政策要求尊重对待劳动者并且他们挣得可以谋生的工资

    In addition to nourishing ourselves, our planet and others around the world, we want to support fair policies that treat workers with respect and allow them to earn a living wage.


  • 因斯基普:我们NPR货币星球”节目的亚当·戴维森研究了这些数字看看法案承诺的好事真是假。

    INSKEEP: Adam Davidson of our NPR's Planet Money team looked into those Numbers to see if the promises of the bill could be true.


  • 它们科学家发现最强悍生物这些物种占了我们这个星球生命三分之二

    They are among the toughest creatures known to science, and species like them could make up two thirds of all the living material on the planet.


  • 不管这颗红色星球曾经孕育微生物有机体还是这些小东西现在还依然健在,火星科学实验室的主要任务就是彻底摸清它环境状况。

    MSL's mission is to scour the red Planet for environments that may once have harbored, or may still harbor, microbial organisms.


  • 不管这颗红色星球曾经孕育微生物有机体还是这些小东西现在还依然健在,火星科学实验室的主要任务就是彻底摸清它环境状况。

    MSL's mission is to scour the red Planet for environments that may once have harbored, or may still harbor, microbial organisms.


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