• 研究发现,大多数三岁的孩子都能记得很多一年前发生在他们身上的事情,在他们5岁到6岁的时候,这些记忆仍然清晰,但当他们超过7岁时,这些记忆就会迅速变弱。

    A new study has found that most three-year-old children can remember a lot of what happened to them a year earlier, and these memories are still clear while they are 5 and 6, but by the time they are over 7, these memories become weaker rapidly.


  • 快乐会在社交做礼拜以及读报很多时间——但是一项研究发现这些快乐之人却不会电视挥霍大量时间。

    Happy people spend a lot of time socializing, going to church and reading newspapers - but they don't spend a lot of time watching television, a new study finds.


  • 细细研究发现这些企业家们仅仅知道他们清楚什么

    Looking into that you'll find that these new entrepreneurs just don't know what they don't know.


  • 现在一项研究发现,吃石油微生物狼吞虎咽这些不太可能筵席-可是微生物的类型强烈地依赖于水温

    Now, a new study finds that oil-eating microbes chowed down on this unlikely feast - but the type of microbes depended strongly on water temperature.


  • 目前人类动力学研究领域,科学家还不确定从中发现什么以及如何利用这些成果。

    He says this field is so new, scientists aren't exactly sure what they're going to find, or how to use it.


  • 研究人员相信这些发现能为帮助自闭症患者找到方法

    The researchers believe their findings may lead towards new ways of helping people to live with the condition.


  • 这些观察将有助于发现科学研究领域

    These observations can also help uncover new areas for scientists to study.


  • 如果纳卡发现站得住脚,那么,这些发现干细胞研究指出了一条比较光明大道

    If Tanaka's findings hold, they suggest a relatively new avenue for stem cell research.


  • 这些发现未来研究指明了方向Devereux

    "These new findings set a clear direction for future research," Devereux said.


  • 一项调查研究发现:美国青少年使用社交网站指导性电视剧的比那些很少使用这些传媒的使用药物酗酒可能性大。

    US. teens who use social networking sites and watch "suggestive" TV shows are more likely to use drugs and alcohol than teens with little exposure to such media, a new survey found.


  • 很多科学家希望这个膳食摄入水平更高程度反映这些研究发现

    Many scientists were hoping that the new dietary intake levels would go even higher to reflect the findings of these studies.


  • 这些发现可能有助于该病发病机理研究治疗策略研制

    These findings may aid in the study of the pathogenesis of the disease and in the development of new management strategies.


  • 我们通过这些研究了解到,身上发现所有病原几乎有72%源于野生动物常常发生在纬度较低地区。

    From these studies, we also know that nearly 72% of all new human pathogens originate in wildlife, and most frequently at lower latitudes.


  • 一项研究发现学习训练活动中大脑神经元之间互相竞争,以期能够参与记忆,最终这些幸运的神经元约占总数的20%。

    THE CHOSEN: A new study finds that neurons compete to be in the lucky 20 percent that make a memory during learning or training activities.


  • 现在研究发现这些微生物甚至帮助我们保持苗条

    Now, a new study suggests that the same microbes may even help us stay slim.


  • 这些发现为DILI机制研究带来视角而且有助于确定发生这种严重不良反应风险较大患者

    These findings provide new insights into the mechanism of DILI and have the potential to help identify individuals who may have an increased risk for this serious event.


  • 研究人员发现分子这些小分子可能会前列腺癌细胞正常细胞转变为癌细胞过程阻断癌细胞关闭正常基因的表达。

    Researchers have discovered new small molecules that may prevent prostate cancer cells from turning off normal genes in a process that transforms normal cells into cancer cells.


  • 这些发现研究本区加里东期大地构造环境变形特点扬子板块华南板块相互作用提供了资料

    These findings provide new information for the study of the Caledonian tectonic setting and deformation features in the area and the interaction between the Yangtze and South China plates.


  • 1898年发现这些放射性矿物中的第一种。为向祖国波兰表示敬意,她把这种矿物取名为“”,写了一篇关于钋的研究论文

    In 1898 she discovered the first of these new radioactive minerals, which she named "polonium" in honour of her motherland-Poland, and on which she wrote a research paper.


  • 过去五十年里研究已经取得了很大进步这些发现置入治疗方案出现了。

    Over the past fifty years, great strides have been made in the study of osseointegration, and from these findings new therapeutic options have emerged.


  • 其他灵长类动物的研究发现,群居动物的杏仁核更大一些。这些研究成果发表自然神经科学》的一项研究报告

    Other studies of primates have shown that those living in larger groups tend to have larger amygdalas. The findings was published in a new study in Nature Neuroscience.


  • 近几年人们发现几种药物作用靶点,通过对这些靶点研究,有望开发更安全有效的调脂药物。

    Recently some new targets in the process of lipid metabolism were found, they may lead to the development of new drugs.


  • 研究发现阐明这些药物作用机制的附加途径

    The new discovery could demonstrate an additional way in which these drugs work.


  • 这些植物发现不仅世界植物分类研究提供了资料而且这些资源很有利用价值

    The discovery of these new plants not only to the study ofclassification of plants for world provide new information but also these newresorce all are worth to use.


  • FDA总结说,“研究发现这些基因类似变体可能美国产生一种WNV病株。

    FDA summarized: "The study's findings also suggest that these genetically similar variants may be a new strain of WNV emerging in the United States."


  • 一项研究发现下岗让“交际花”成为隐士”。这些会回避读书俱乐部教堂公众设施。

    Layoffs can turn social butterflies into near hermits who shun such outlets as book clubs and even church groups, finds a new study.


  • 一项研究发现下岗让“交际花”成为隐士”。这些会回避读书俱乐部教堂公众设施。

    Layoffs can turn social butterflies into near hermits who shun such outlets as book clubs and even church groups, finds a new study.


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