• 这些弯曲有一个明显圆心就是天极,它位于画面左上方边缘外一点点的位置上。

    At the apparent center of the curving trails, the South Celestial Pole lies just off the upper left edge.


  • 这些弯曲的线条混凝土中升起,继而又下滑但是总是清晰总是可见,通过长长的覆盖其上的金属形成空间

    These curves, rising from the concrete retaining walls, decrease, but are still visible and able to construct Spaces through long overlaid metal beams.


  • 这些殖民地植物需要坚硬有弹性的高于土壤,茎可以弯曲很多不会断裂因为不断闯入他们

    The plants in these colonies also need tough resilient stems above the soil, stems that can bent a lot but not break as water constantly crashes into them.


  • 科学家正在尝试使用他们弯曲物体周围光线从而使这些物体产生反射或者阴影

    Scientists are trying to use them to bend light around objects so they don't create reflections or shadows.


  • 耳蜗内有成千上万的细毛纤维,声音声音震动传入时,这些纤毛便弯曲保持一定弯曲状态

    Thousands of tiny hairs in the cochlea bend when exposed to the original sound vibrations. But those hairs can get stuck in a bent position.


  • 所有这些蜿蜒弯曲格兰德河卡门山脉一起对岸墨西哥向你招手

    All this with the meandering bend in the Rio Grande and the Sierra del Carmen beckoning from across the river in Mexico.


  • 磁场同这些粒子相结合宇宙射线发生弯曲,从而帮助地球避开来访的宇宙射线。

    The magnetic field associated with these particles helps protect the Earth from cosmic rays by deflecting them from the planet.


  • 乔治亚州中部白杨野草一样的茂密,而这些非常适合作成筷子他们的木材容易弯曲笔直,又漂亮颜色

    In central Georgia, sweet gum and poplars grow like weeds, and, it turns out, these trees make perfect chopsticks. Their wood is pliable, straight and has a nice color.


  • 路易斯安那州南部小镇这些传统产品琳琅满目,布满狭窄道路,有的沿着弯曲凹陷的小道伸展海滩。

    These are the traditional products of the small towns in south Louisiana, sold along narrow roads that wend their way through land so low it seems to sag into the water.


  • 一张图片上绿光跟随大地弯曲,在布满星星夜空这些绿光好像变成了一一片。

    While another features a bend of green light following the curvature of the earth and almost appearing to slice through the starry sky.


  • 这些体式变换弯曲支撑腿的膝盖

    Bend the supporting knee during these transitions.


  • 即便月亮全部地球遮住了,依旧沐浴昏暗红光之中,这些红光来源于穿过地球大气层发生弯曲太阳光

    Even when the Moon is totally eclipsed by Earth, it is still bathed in a dim red light - from sunlight that has been bent as it passes through the edge of Earth's atmosphere.


  • 空间不是事实上拥有弯曲成环多个维度这些只有高能粒子碰撞时才能检测得到。

    Instead of being three dimensional, space actually has more dimensions that are curled into little loops too small to be detected except in a high-energy particle collision.


  • 这些几个切割造成神经损伤以至于是手腕弯曲手指卷起就像是服务员背后小费这个动作。

    The severing at these points causes nerve damage that makes the wrist flex and the fingers curl up in the manner of a waiter taking a backhanded tip.


  • 所有这些肥胖怪物所有米歇尔教堂正面墙上石板状的雕像跟在身后走过弯曲小胡同、拐过街角

    All those fat little monsters, those slablike effigies pasted on the facade of the Eglise St. Michel, they were following me down the crooked lanes and around corners.


  • 通过使用可折叠组分这些屏幕变得弯曲

    By using flexible components, these screens will also become bendy.


  • 但是,有时候这些变得过于弯曲,在第一个星系周边形成环状

    That light can sometimes become so distorted that it actually appears to ring the nearer galaxy.


  • 一个土堆顶上一个,旁边都一些被弯曲木头围住,水就经过那个流在地上这些木头就好像嘴唇一样。

    On the top of each was a hole, the edges of which were defined with twisted logs, set flush into the ground, like wooden lips.


  • 这些参与者弯曲左膝桌子上踏板上

    While the participants lay on a table with their left knee bent, their left ankle was strapped into a footplate.


  • 弯曲杆菌腹泻发病率很高,加上病程以及可能出现后遗症这些情况,致使该病社会经济的角度具有很高的重要性

    The high incidence of Campylobacter diarrhoea, as well as its duration and possible sequelae, makes it highly important from a socio-economic perspective.


  • 微重力透镜”效果,即从遥远距离恒星射来光线通过这些星体时会发生弯曲现象,我们才发现这些星体。

    The objects revealed themselves by bending the light of more distant stars, an effect called "gravitational microlensing".


  • 沿着这些边缘平滑锐利我们如何控制弯曲表面

    Along these edges the smoothing is sharper, which is how we can control the bending of the surface.


  • 集合设计融合浪漫时代弯曲首饰卷须,风格元素解释了这些当代的方式

    The design of the collection incorporates style elements of the romantic era, such as curved ornaments and blossom tendrils, and interprets these in a contemporary manner.


  • 如果转动手臂弯曲使得你指尖不再紧挨前后家伙们,那么得到的结果这些家伙们会同样地奔跑

    If you turn and put your arms in respect of tip finger the guy in front of you and the one behind you and you get the same guy running.


  • 巨大星体例如太阳能够使弯曲但是庞大暗物质产生宇宙气泡”,星系星体发出的光经过这些“气泡”会被放大扭曲复制

    Massive objects like the sun can bend light, but colossal clouds of dark matter create "bubbles" in the cosmos that magnify, distort and duplicate the light of galaxies or stars behind them.


  • 巨大星体例如太阳能够使弯曲但是庞大暗物质产生宇宙气泡”,星系星体发出的光经过这些“气泡”会被放大扭曲复制

    Massive objects like the sun can bend light, but colossal clouds of dark matter create "bubbles" in the cosmos that magnify, distort and duplicate the light of galaxies or stars behind them.


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