• 这个现在DVD版了吗?

    Is it available on DVD yet?


  • 意味着这个现在处于

    It means that this in the gas phase now.


  • 觉得这个现在叫做逆反心理。

    I'm sure it's called reverse psychology these days.


  • 在片中罗斯福1944年提出这个现在已经被遗忘计划

    Roosevelt is shown proposing this now forgotten program back in 1944.


  • 但是如果足够的时间改变这个现在必要的刺激结构的话,威胁辞职显得十分虚伪了。

    But if there is ever going to be a time to reorganise the incentive structure now must be it. A threat to quit will be pretty hollow, given the state of investment banking.


  • Hughes协助研发工具骄傲包括美国组织”,这个现在已经被打包为有潜力的候选人行动提供的方案里。

    Hughes is proud of the tools he helped develop, including Organizing for America, which have now been folded into Blue State's offerings for progressive candidates and causes.


  • 这个单元现在课程既定一部分。

    This unit is now an established part of the course.


  • 现在这个国家又找回了目标。

    The country now had a sense of direction again.


  • 现在这个岛上片寂静

    All is silent on the island now.


  • 大会现在正在讨论这个动议马上就此投票

    The conference is now debating the motion and will vote on it shortly.


  • 这个党的领先地位现在坚不可摧

    The party now has an unassailable lead.


  • 这个采取充分防洪措施,现在尝到苦头了。

    The town is now counting the cost of its failure to provide adequate flood protection.


  • 开发商现在正提议这个地方建造座宾馆

    Developers are now proposing to build a hotel on the site.


  • 如果这个世界现在采取正确的行动问题遗留给后代

    She said if the world did not act conclusively now, it would only bequeath the problem to future generations.


  • 这个寺庙现在不对公众开放。

    The temple is now inaccessible to the public.


  • 这个思想现在已获得普遍接受

    The idea is now widely accepted.


  • 这个使馆现在所有外籍本地员工都被解散了。

    The embassy is now denuded of all foreign and local staff.


  • 这个配角演员现在小荷初露尖尖角

    He was on the cusp between small acting roles and moderate fame.


  • 现在当面解决这个问题的时候了

    It's time to settle this mano-a-mano.


  • 这个原先支持共和党现在了民主党。

    The state has swung from Republican to Democrat.


  • 现在这个国家教育重视不够

    Education is currently undervalued in this country.


  • 现在处理这个问题不算太晚,尽管时间明显了。

    It's not too late to fix the problem, although time is clearly getting short.


  • 对不起现在时间这个—我忙着呢

    Sorry, I haven't got time to do it now—I'm in a hurry.


  • 再说没有证据证明这个指控真的华盛顿现在到处是流言蜚语。

    Besides, he has no proof that the allegations are true; Washington is full of scuttlebutt.


  • 现在清楚这个批判多大程度上源自执政党内部

    It's still not clear to what extent this criticism is originating from within the ruling party.


  • 这个传统现在已经融入当今文化

    This tradition has now found its way into present day culture.


  • 这个问题现在已经下去了。

    The problem has now been passed on.


  • 现在这个小路没有了。

    Now, this small road disappears.


  • 这个现在已经改掉了所有一切不好习惯恶行

    But this person has now changed all his bad habits and all his bad acts.


  • 这个项目现在得到了政府批准

    The project has now received approval from the government.


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