• 这个文本编辑优点完全可配置可管理而且容易修改

    The rich text editor has the advantage of being completely configurable, manageable, and easily modified.


  • 这个启示性邻居经常设置了头脑工作

    This inspiring neighbor of mine often set my mind working.


  • 这个界面非常直观引人注目特别是如果第一次使用设备的话

    The rich interface is intuitive and inviting, especially if you are new to the appliance.


  • 官员们现在承认这个富地区正面临1990年伊拉克入侵科威特以来的最大挑战

    But officials now concede the oil -rich region faces its biggest challenge since the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990.


  • 例如利用LinuxModelEditor编辑这个文本点击这个文本板块下面的Edit按钮,从而显示一个允许编辑这个富文本的对话框

    For example, to edit the documentation in the Model Editor using Linux, click the edit button underneath the documentation block to display a dialog that will allow you to edit the rich text.


  • 为了添加这个ClearQuestIntegrationportlet组件,这个文本格式portlet组件以篇文章先前描述相同的方式包含

    The rich text format portlets are included in the same manner as described earlier in this article for adding the ClearQuest Integration portlet.


  • 只得接受我们永远也起来这个事实

    You just have to accept the fact that we're never going to be rich.


  • 是否能够定制这个编辑器添加我们客户平台(RCP)应用程序中。

    He asked if I could customize the editor and add it to our Rich Client Platform (RCP) application.


  • 被好几个“缓慢变读者怂恿之后真正开始探索这个站点各种好处,不过现在知道

    It took some GRS reader encouragement for me to actually explore the site's potential, but now that I know how it works, I'm hooked.


  • 由于油价上涨幅度达到了破纪录水平芬兰505,000居民希望生活就算舒服一些:这这个常年贫困省份来说还是全新经历。

    With the price of oil nearing record levels, Newfoundland’s 505,000 inhabitants are hoping to become comfortable, if not rich: a novel state for this perennially poor province.


  • 那些艰难时刻没有创伤削弱破坏这个国家核心创造力,却使多人对更创造性更兴趣。

    Hard times haven't nicked, dented or damaged this country's creative core competence. To the contrary, they've made more people more interested in being more creative.


  • 这个版本使J2EE开发者可以创建 J2EE应用程序进行交互客户端应用程序。

    This gives J2EE developers the opportunity to create rich client applications that interact with J2EE applications.


  • 瓦卢卡斯写道麦克达结论尔德“熟知回购105'这个”,也“了解回购105的会计手法”。

    Mr McDade's conclusion was that Mr Fuld "was familiar with the term 'Repo 105' " and "knew about the accounting of Repo 105", Mr Valukas writes.


  • 只是因为应用程序拥有ajax接口并不意味着不能一种渐进式增强的方式添加这个代码

    Just because your application has a rich Ajax interface does not mean that you cannot add this code in a progressively enhancing manner.


  • Europcar的全球营销总监Jehan de Thé说道:“这个新模式正好符合Europcar使旅游规划创意更便捷的决心,它同时租车服务成为更真实、更愉悦消费者体验。”

    This approach fits with Europcar’s determination to innovate and facilitate journey planning whilst making car rental a constantly more practical and pleasant experience for our customers.


  • 这个实验中,学会如何使用SilverlightASP.NET控件Web应用程序添加媒体功能

    In this lab, you will learn how to use the ASP.NET controls for Silverlight to add rich media capabilities to your Web application.


  • 这个applet显示用户输入文本(设置文本粗体斜体、文本颜色等等)的区域

    This applet displays a field where the user can enter rich text (text that you can format as bold, italic, in colors, and so forth).


  • 债务国希望欧盟各国能够相互团结如果管理了这种穷的转变,至少要对欧洲债券转变共有债务进行引导(委员会正在研究这个选择)。

    Debtors want mutual solidarity; if not direct transfers from rich to poor, then at least Eurobonds to pool debt (the commission is studying the options for this).


  • 然而这个实验姆的最近一场比赛中失败了。

    Yet it failed at Fulham recently.


  • 在现在这个差距越来越明显社会子女意识越来越明显,就造成了子女比拼各自的自己的父母,例如:经济能力、社会地位等等,这些人认为自己学好,有能力,不如有个“成功”的老爸。 这个词和二代这两个词紧密相连。

    They believe the children of rich families, known as the "second rich generation," can always get decent jobs and social status ahead of the poor.


  • 最近一项此项目无关昆虫体型实验种,科学家发现环境支持更大昆虫身体所以这个可能也是大型哺乳动物的原因。

    In an unrelated recent experiment with insect body sizes, scientists discovered that a more oxygen-rich atmosphere supports super-giant insects, so this could be the case with giant mammals too.


  • 我们这笔负有责任,我们认真地对待这个问题,”尔达

    "We have certain responsibilities for this money, and we are taking this seriously," Fulda says.


  • 这个工厂的所有者(音译)-或者老板正如的一贯风格-他坚持要求员工参加这个活动,他强制任何拒绝参加度假员工罚款30美金。

    The owner, Sun Fucaior Boss Sun, as he’s known — was so insistent that his workers attend that he imposed a $30 fine on any employee who refused the getaway.


  • 希望勒姆球迷们这个赛季享受一些特别时刻

    I hope the Fulham fans will enjoy some special times during this season's campaign.


  • 加森·威廉姆森插了进来,解了的围。他解释说,这个问题并不所提出那样简单事实上布赖特一直努力我们州里养的打入外国市场

    Gaston Williamson broke in and bailed me out, explaining that the issue wasn't as simple as the question implied; in fact, Fulbright had been trying to open foreign markets to our chickens.


  • 目前为止只有美国这个标签贴到了达尔事件

    Until now, only America had attached that label to events in Darfur.


  • 或者即使混进大学,为什么不在学校内之后退学使自己变成这个星球上肄业生之一呢?

    Or even skate into college, get rich and drop out to become the one of the richest undergraduates on the planet?


  • 这个区域各种资源,包括岩石冰河、水文、植物以及动物,换言之,这里就是充满着美丽、挑战、复兴,以及乐趣等

    Rich in resources of all kinds, the rocks, glaciers, water, plants, and animals have come to mean so much — beauty, challenge, renewal, and enjoyment.


  • 五分之二英国股票现在国际投资者持有对于时100指数成分股公司来说这个比例或许更大,这些投资者对这种内务问题不会多大兴趣

    Two-fifths of UK shares are now held by international investors - probably more in the case of FTSE 100 companies - who don't have much interest in such housekeeping matters.


  • 五分之二英国股票现在国际投资者持有对于时100指数成分股公司来说这个比例或许更大,这些投资者对这种内务问题不会多大兴趣

    Two-fifths of UK shares are now held by international investors - probably more in the case of FTSE 100 companies - who don't have much interest in such housekeeping matters.


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