• 哽咽说道:“没有这个地方变得不可想象。”

    In a strangled voice he said, "This place is going to be unthinkable without you."


  • 但是比起这些,这个地方回忆一些非常特别事情。

    But more than anything else this place reminds me of something very special.


  • 加藤如果我们继续放任这样行为这个地方变成一个“法外之地”。

    'If we keep ignoring such acts, the place is going to turn into a lawless area, ' he said.


  • 如果放弃不管的话,之后这个地方更加危险,到时候我们还得回来

    And if we walk away from it, it's my view it'll be a much more dangerous place a decade from now, and we'll be back.


  • 他们这个酒吧上一年或者有时甚至年,然后他们另外一个喜欢的地方

    They'll come to the bar for a year, or maybe even two, then they'll find another favourite spot.


  • 只要下去,这个地方有一天属于

    If I were to live, this place would sometime belong to me.


  • 地方建造成为个“国际商务区并不意味着真的变成这个朴宪洙1986年就构想过这个城市未来

    Just building a place as an "international business district" doesn't mean it will become one. Park Yeon Soo conceived this city of the future back in 1986.


  • 最大卖点没有其他人拥有:“世界其他任何地方看到这个厨房。”

    Its big selling point is that nobody else will have it: "You won't see this kitchen anywhere else in the world."


  • 群可能损害这个地方的美好。

    The crowds might damage the beauty of the place.


  • 任何地方硅谷如果美国公司雇佣最好无论来自哪里这个世界(不仅美国)变得更好。

    Until there are Silicon Valleys all over the place, the world (and not just America) would be better off if American firms could hire the best people regardless of where they come from.


  • 经过段可怕消沉之后突然变得精力充沛威胁说他们如果,他就要炸掉这个地方

    After a terrible fit of despondency he would suddenly become energetic and threaten to blow up the place if they didn't release him.


  • 夜间行走时,不小心岩石上滑落了下来因为知道这个地方一个十分山谷,所以他害怕自己一下子跌下去

    A man walking in the night slipped from a rock afraid that he would fall down thousands of feet, because he knew that place was a very deep valley.


  • 香草花开时,如果不得不这个地方一个晚上你早上起来觉得头痛。

    If you are forced to spend a night at the place where this herb grows - expect headache in the morning.


  • 向公司富人征税这个问题上来争去符合党派各自的利益因为没有人讨论备选方案正是事情变得敏感的地方

    It serves the interest of both parties to argue about taxes on corporations and the wealthy because neither wants to discuss the alternative, which is where things get touchy.


  • 通过网络结交朋友——很多时候到达一个地方,你的一些朋友认识这个地方的一些

    Network Through friends - Many times when you move to a new place, someone that you are already friends with will know people in the area.


  • 他们得出结论不断地注意别人消息这个世界变成一个更少幸福更多不平等地方

    They concluded: "Constantly looking over one's shoulder seems to make the world a less happy - and more unequal - place."


  • 如果光源照亮一个地方这个地方距离光源越远,光照强度但是光照强度不是与光源距离比例地减弱,就是说,距离延长两光照强度并不是减弱两倍,而是减弱两的两倍,等于减弱倍;

    If a light illuminates a certain space, its intensity at twice the distance is not twice as feeble, but two times two, equal four times, as feeble.


  • 我们地方委员那时接受电子请愿这种制度。(现在接受了,这个也非常欢迎)。

    My local council did not then accept electronic petitions (it does now, which I welcome).


  • 可以解释为什么人们认为一些从未来过地方似曾相识,以及很多其他的对自然的感应;这个理论观点揭示个七七八八。

    This can explain why people think they’ve been to places they never have, and many other feelings of that nature; this can also explain away almost all if not all of the chakra cases.


  • 离别伤痛以至于你试图回到创意第一次见面的温暖安全地方这个地方就在你的大脑里。

    You feel the pains of separation and you're tempted to turn back and run to that safe, warm place where you and your idea first met: the space between your ears.


  • 第一他们早就应该手中糟透了的烂摊子借口打破保留NHS支出承诺即使减少这个过于膨胀部门5%的支出舒缓其他地方压力

    First, they should have used their disastrous inheritance as an excuse to break their promise to maintain NHS spending: even a 5% cut in that bloated department would have eased pressure elsewhere.


  • 很少有人力气参观这个城市其他地方27岁的加·杰克逊。加思是克里斯托弗旅馆的老板。

    Few people make the effort to visit the rest of the city, says Garth Jackson, 27, who runs st Christopher's Inn, a hostel in Borough High Road.


  • 《被嫌弃松子的一生》值得欣赏地方很多但是如果一个女性1800日元为了告知需要知道自己这个世界上位置的话,这部电影让我生气。

    There is much to enjoy about Memories of Matsuko. But if I were a female moviegoer who had paid 1800 yen to be told that I need to know my place in this world, I would be mightily pissed off.


  • 这个测试用例遇到断言的地方失败因为结果页面包含带有这个文本的链接

    This test case will fail at assertion because the results page contains no link with this text.


  • 如果这个国家某个地方见到所房子这个梦境延续得更长一些,或者更好地记得细枝末节

    If I see the house somewhere in the country, the dream is more long-drawn-out, or I remember its details better.


  • 外事关系委员(CFR)最近份报告提到没有任何地方巴西这个美国长期关系疏远互不信任的国家更真实地说明了这一切。

    Nowhere is that truer than in Brazil, whose relations with the United States have long been distant and mistrustful, as a recent report by the Council on Foreign relations (CFR), a think-tank, noted.


  • 在别的地方岩浆突然岩层裂缝喷涌而出,形成一幕熔岩这个景观甚至延伸50公里以上。

    Elsewhere, magma suddenly forces its way out of fissures in the rocky crust, creating lines of lava fountains that can stretch for 50 kilometres or more.


  • 在别的地方岩浆突然岩层裂缝喷涌而出,形成一幕熔岩这个景观甚至延伸50公里以上。

    Elsewhere, magma suddenly forces its way out of fissures in the rocky crust, creating lines of lava fountains that can stretch for 50 kilometres or more.


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