• 声名狼藉的弟弟斯蒂芬一起度过了这个傍晚

    She spent the evening with her disreputable brother Stefan.


  • 他们这个傍晚应该打电话

    They are supposed to call me this evening.


  • 她们了解晚饭不一会儿就结束,再过一小会儿这个傍晚也结束了,于是漫不经心的吃着。

    They knew that soon dinner would be over and a little later the evening would be over and casually put away.


  • 这个傍晚,在此时此刻分外美丽西边山坡上阴影正在拉长,“三角叶杨叶子已经变黄

    It is especially beautiful now, on this afternoon, with the shadows growing long down the western slopes, and the "leaves yellow on the cottonwoods;"


  • 前额自己手上于是人们敞开的大门外面向里张望——我们假设这个景象发生夏天傍晚——可是,所有一切历史虚构多么沉闷啊!

    He leant his forehead on his hand, and people, looking in through the open door, — for this scene is supposed to take place on a summer's eveningBut how dull this is, this historical fiction!


  • 一个傍晚这个老农决定池塘好好看看好像从没到那呆一会儿似的。

    One evening the old farmer decided to go down to the pond, to look it over, as he hadn't been there for a while.


  • 如果晚上露营这个有三百万历史沙漠上看着天空随着傍晚的来临不断变幻,如同梦境。

    A night spent camping on the sand dunes of this three-million year old desert, watching the sky change colors at dusk, is a dream come true for any nature lover.


  • 傍晚,我们先阿布努瓦斯公园闲逛了一会,这个公园沿底格里斯河而建,园内满是树木。

    The evening began with a stroll in Abu Nuwas Park, a tree-studded stretch along the Tigris River.


  • 又深又软雪地(如果必须前行的话,按照ii - 10的方式制作雪鞋)。雪清晨傍晚时分开始冻结,选择这个时间段,前行比较容易。

    Deep soft snow (if movement is necessary, make snowshoes [Figure II-10]). Travel is easier in early morning or late afternoon near dusk when snow is frozen or crusted.


  • 傍晚6,让我们先忽略这个古老城市的新城区主要区域。

    6 p.m. - Ignore new districts and head to the old city.


  • 当天下午四点半傍晚七点半,德国意大利飞机这个仅有3平方英里的小镇扔下了22炸弹

    From about 4:30 in the afternoon until 7:30 in the evening, German and Italian planes dropped twenty-two tons of bombs on a village measuring only 3 square miles.


  • 树荫遮蔽下,一只珍珠鸟被圈了起来,头母牛Sawadogo打瞌睡。 在这个寂静傍晚,我们只能听到几只山羊咩咩的叫声。

    Two cows dozed at his feet; bleats of goats floated through the still late-afternoon air.


  • 这个虚幻国度中,生活社会边缘亿万富翁打扮得蝙蝠一样出现傍晚

    In this fictional country there is a billionaire who lives on the fringes of society who, come nightfall, dresses as a bat.


  • 下班后的傍晚常常发现迈克这个孩子王起居室里蹲在个人下面孩子们骑马游戏。

    In the evenings after work, Mike king can often be found crouched down on all fours in the living room playing bucking bronco with his kids.


  • 那天清晨这个妇女邻村傍晚的家。

    Early in the morning this woman went to the neighboring village and came back only in the afternoon.


  • 拍摄时间最好早上9傍晚4以后这个时候光线最好,光线泥墙上会呈现迷人的金黄色

    Take the best time before 9 in the morning and evening after 4, this time the best light, light hit the walls will show a charming golden yellow.


  • 声明当地时间傍晚6时45分左右身份不明武装人员迫击炮这个基地轰击,有6炮弹击中了基地。

    The statement said about 6:45 p. m. of local time the Base was fired by unknown armed personnel with mortars and six blasts exploded at Base.


  • 是不是所有分离的相伴。这个下雨傍晚了,微笑目送你们牵手离去

    Go not all isolates have a rain. In this rainy evening, you go with her smile, I saw your hand away.


  • 这个多风傍晚终于感受到了这座城市的温情

    In this windy evening, I felt the warmth of the city.


  • 去往嘎亚路上的傍晚这个儿子碰巧父亲履行奎师那日常崇拜

    One evening on the way to Gaya, the son happened to perform his daily worship of Lord Krsna under the same tree where his father had been killed.


  • 果园捧出全部果实,这个疲惫傍晚时分,夕阳下岸边房子里传出了一声呼唤

    The garden has yieldel its all, and in the weary hour of evening the call comes from your house on the shore in the sunset.


  • 探险秘诀图片画廊温暖傍晚极端照片添加戏剧角度来看这个镜头滑溜冰板的人大约落下一个滑板公园

    Gallery: Adventure photo Tips Warm evening light and an extreme photo Angle add drama to this shot of a skateboarder about to drop at a skate park.


  • 第三傍晚临时,发出恐惧轰鸣再也无法忍受这个夜晚了

    As the evening of the third day came on, his heart rang with fear. He could not bear another night.


  • 尽管不是一个轻松任务,但是傍晚昏暗天空中烟囱气味这个项目进行提供了灵感

    Although it was not an easy task, the smell of chimney smoke that filled the dim evening sky inspired the development of this project.


  • 现在月亮脱离下弦月形态,傍晚的夜色中渐渐隐为了找寻这个夏夜最美景观的份子

    Now that the moon is past last quarter and therefore gone from the evening sky, look for one of summer's most beautiful celestial sights.


  • 其实,就那个傍晚看来,这事倒不见得一定可能,但如果几个小时这个问题就不一样了。

    It did not appear quite so unlikely to me that evening, as it would have done if we had discussed it a few hours before.


  • 马上就要回来了,目前这个只有个人家里每天傍晚门口响起开门声音就是心里最深温暖了。

    He will come back soon. At the small family which only has two people at this moment, the sound of opening door, taking off shoes every evening at the door is the deepest warmth in my heart.


  • 马上就要回来了,目前这个只有个人家里每天傍晚门口响起开门声音就是心里最深温暖了。

    He will come back soon. At the small family which only has two people at this moment, the sound of opening door, taking off shoes every evening at the door is the deepest warmth in my heart.


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