• 这个乐队破坏旅馆房间出名

    The band was famous for trashing hotel rooms.


  • 乐迷们这个乐队完全着迷了。

    The fans went totally gaga over the band.


  • 这个乐队正在重新合成一些曲目

    The band is remixing some tracks.


  • 23年后这个乐队又在重新组建

    The band is re-forming after 23 years.


  • 这个乐队首批专辑唱片售罄

    The initial pressing of the group's album has already sold out.


  • 据说这个乐队已经决定解散

    The band have reportedly decided to split up.


  • 这个乐队将要进行巡回演出

    The band will be going on tour.


  • 这个乐队开始巡回宣传他们的唱片

    The band has gone on tour to promote their new album.


  • 这个乐队刚刚推出他们第二张专辑

    The band have just brought out their second album.


  • 这个乐队一个为人知的人资助的。

    The band was financed by a mystery backer.


  • 这个乐队日本走红。

    The band's very big in Japan.


  • 这个乐队走红了

    I think this band is going to be huge.


  • 可能这个乐队最后一次全体公开亮相

    This may be the band's last public appearance together.


  • 这个乐队意大利大批热心的追随者

    The band has a huge following in Italy.


  • 传言这个乐队合作一次环球巡演。

    There have been rumours that the band will reunite for a world tour.


  • 据说这个乐队正在录制他们下一张专辑。

    It is understood that the band are working on their next album.


  • 看得再清楚不过,这个乐队存在了多久

    It became blatantly obvious to me that the band wasn't going to last.


  • 这个乐队身着相间制服正在远处演奏。

    The band was playing far off in their blue and yellow uniforms.


  • 这个乐队一张唱片预定本月下旬发行

    The band's first album is due for release later this month.


  • 这个乐队唱片是接上集的乐曲录制的。

    The band's new album takes up where their last one left off.


  • 这个乐队出名的时候就是他们的歌迷

    I was a fan back in the days when the band wasn't yet famous.


  • 这个乐队目前正在欧洲进行为期两个月巡回演出

    The band is currently on a two-month tour of Europe.


  • 这个乐队目前处于巅峰,他们单曲全球销量第一。

    The band is riding on the crest of a wave with the worldwide success of their number-one-selling single.


  • 这个乐队英国巡回演出期间20个不同地点演出。

    The band will be playing at 20 different venues on their UK tour.


  • 这个乐队 1990 年就录制了他们一张唱片

    The band made their first record as far back as 1990.


  • 这个乐队听起来棒极了

    The band sounds great.


  • 这个乐队什么名?

    What's the band called?


  • 这个乐队现在已经不再害怕偶尔节奏变化一些歌曲里面鼓手 WillChampion甚至电子刷换成真实的鼓槌

    The group is now unafraid of the occasional tempo shift, and on some songs, drummer Will Champion even trades in his brushes for real live drumsticks!


  • 果,这个乐队越来越受欢迎。

    As a result, the band became more and more popular.


  • 这个乐队名叫合一”。

    The band is calledFour and One”。


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