• 例如乌鲁克两个守护神——阿努天空,是所有其他主宰;伊娜娜,是战争女神还有其他不同城市守护神。

    Uruk, for instance, had two patron gods—Anu, the god of the sky and sovereign of all other gods, and Inanna, a goddess of love and war—and there were others, patrons of different cities.


  • 还有枪击——一种考验爱国主义勇气战争——这些也是美国最擅长战争

    There are shooting wars—the kind that test patriotism and courage—and those are the kind at which the U.S. excels.


  • 民间观察家派照片,世人永远不该见到的泄密照片还有记者拍摄的照片描绘塑造了公众心目中的战争面目。

    Those images, along with those taken by civilian observers and leaked shots which outsiders were never supposed to see, cemented the war in the minds of the public.


  • 英国保守党惧怕布莱尔影响力反对就任该职;还有很多反对他,是因为伊拉克战争中的表现,以及担任首相期间未能英国走近欧盟的事实。

    Mr Blair is also opposed by the Tories, who fear his clout; and by many others because of his role in the Iraq war and his perceived failure as prime minister to push his country closer to the EU.


  • 伦敦·特拉法加广场本周一上演了不同寻常新式艺术秀除了战争英雄和国王的重要雕像之外,广场上还有一个空基座,数名公众轮流上面站立小时

    London's Trafalgar Square got an unusual new artwork to go alongside its historic sculptures of war heroes and Kings Monday — an empty plinth where members of the public stand for an hour at a time.


  • 涉及逻辑性东西,还有更多社会完全彻底瓦解,接着是绝望无法无天战争无法表述的痛苦

    Taken to its logical conclusion, it encompasses so much more: a complete and rapid breakdown of society, leading to desperation, lawlessness, wars and untold suffering.


  • 认为绝大多数美国都想时候结束这场战争了。尤其是因为我们…我们阿富汗还有任务完成

    I think the vast majority of the American people feel as if it is time to bring this war to a close particularly because we still have... You know, we still have work to do in Afghanistan.


  • 这个冷战时代的前哨阵地甚至还有同名游戏在下一场战争第一战斗中敌人阴谋进攻,守卫方则是西欧国家。

    This cold war confrontation point even inspired an eponymous board game called Fulda Gap: The First Battle of the Next War, in which opponents plotted the invasion, and defense, of Western Europe.


  • 而今离正式移交权力巴马仅有5个多星期的时候,布什讲话表示伊拉克战争结束需要完成工作还有很多。

    Speaking just over five weeks before he hands over power to Barack Obama, Mr Bush also said the war in Iraq was not over and more work remained to be done.


  • 二十世纪,两千万一亿人大流行性流感,两亿人死于战争饥荒还有二十亿人的死因与儿童期本可预防的疾病有关。

    The twentieth century saw 20 to 100 million deaths from pandemic flu and 200 million deaths from wars and famine, but 2 billion deaths from preventable childhood causes.


  • 因为海军服役战争时期学会重视计划,所以这些旅途中他往往构思出一个模糊目标计划A”,此外还有也许更好的“计划B “计划C”。

    On these trips he would have a vague plan A, a goal in view, for he had learned to appreciate planning during a wartime spell in the navy; but plans B and C might be good, too.


  • 是因为帮助减少国家之间冲突还有平息国家内部的战争波斯尼亚海地,从柬埔寨苏丹,从刚果黎巴嫩都有这些士兵

    This is credited with helping to reduce the number of conflicts between states, as well as calming civil wars from Bosnia to Haiti, from Cambodia to Sudan, from Congo to Lebanon.


  • 巴马竞选一面反对伊拉克战争,一面强调美国在阿富汗还有不少工作做,在终结战争同时,他还要面对新的诱惑-增兵阿富汗。

    Having campaigned against the war in Iraq while emphasising the need to do more in Afghanistan, Mr Obama will face a continuing temptation to end the former war while reinforcing the latter.


  • 还有巴马先生为什么查克·黑格尔,这位作为受勋越战退伍军人而对伊拉克战争大加批判内布拉斯加州共和党人呢?

    And why doesn't Barack Obama pick Chuck Hagel, a Nebraska Republican and decorated Vietnam war veteran who has been one of the loudest critics of the Iraq war?


  • 在1992—1995年战争结束大多重建工作已经结束许多建筑拔地而起,其中还有计划建成巴尔干地区的一座最高楼。

    Most reconstruction after the 1992-95 war is over and many new buildings are going up, including one that is planned to be the tallest in the Balkans.


  • PayPal战争时代发挥作用产品政策决策已经成为结构性问题,与此同时在提高利润收入方面还有很多限制

    Product and policy decisions that made a lot of sense in the era of “The Paypal Warsbecame structural issues, accompanied by limitations gathered in an attempt to improve profitability and revenue.


  • 因为即便我们今晚欢呼庆祝,我们也知道明天面临我们一生之中最为艰巨挑战——战争一个面临危险星球还有百年来严重的金融危机

    For even as we celebrate tonight, we know the challenges that tomorrow will bring are the greatest of our lifetimetwo wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a century.


  • 到处轰炸造成破坏废弃房屋,以及种种战争的遗物:BBC新闻片镜头配额还有大后方的日常纪律

    Everywhere, there was bomb damage, abandoned houses and the hangovers of wartime: old newsreel footage on the BBC, ration CARDS and the routine disciplines of the home front.


  • 实际上音乐的存在甚至电影海报书籍报纸还多,战争音乐无处不在,不仅现场演奏还有录音和广播。

    Indeed, even more than movies, posters, books, and newspapers, music sounded everywhere in this war, not only in its live manifestations but also through recording and radio.


  • 原来除了噩梦,除了虚幻电影,除了不能预料地震核辐射2011,世界还有如此真实的战争

    Besides of the nightmares, besides of the science fiction, besides of unexpected earthquake and nuclear radiation, in the year of 2011, there is a live war going on.


  • 成立至今,IEA协调发放战略石油储备的行动只有次,次是1990年第一海湾战争期间还有就是2005年丽塔卡特里娜飓风来袭之后

    The IEA has coordinated the release of strategic petroleum reserves only twice since it was founded, once during the first Gulf War in 1990 and then again after Hurricanes Rita and Katrina in 2005.


  • 分子水平上那些需要通过提升而净化DNA之间还有一个持续不断的战争战争造成和谐的东西进行自我摧毁

    Upon a molecular level, there is an ongoing war amongst those that have yet to purify their DNA through ascension; and the war causes what is dissonant to destroy itself.


  • 巴格达战争期间这些见闻,使真的知道战争时期和平时期除了晚上大街上的路灯永远不能点亮外,究竟还有什么其它区别

    Information got in Baghdad during the war made one do not know if there was any difference between the periods of war and peace besides the ever-blind street lights at night.


  • 除了这些私下公开的、秘密的或公然的战争还有盗贼乞丐胡格诺派教徒野狼恶棍们,也跟人民作对。

    Then in addition to these concealed or public, secret or patent wars, there were robbers, mendicants, Huguenots, wolves, and scoundrels, who made war upon everybody.


  • 事实上写了类似可以称之为战争交响曲》的作品,还有可以发现,总是集中特定力量特定的时间特定的事情

    And indeed, he wrote something called a Battle Symphony, and you can just see him, how he's kind of marshalling particular forces to do particular things at particular times.


  • 历史课时候讲到古希腊罗马时,我们谈到战争文学艺术还有那些经典文明创造出来的发明。

    In history class, when we learnt about ancient Greece and Rome, we were taught about the wars, literature, art and invention of those classical civilisations.


  • 国民经济动员除了应对战争功能之外,还有应对突发 事件 的应急功能。

    National economic mobilization has not only the function of coping with the war, but also the function of coping with the emergency.


  • 在进攻意大利期间,由于出神入化鬼见愁的枪法,提升下士同时收获的还有陪伴他整个战争生涯的疟疾

    During the invasion of Italy he was promoted to corporal for his awesome shooting skills, and at the same time contracted malaria, which he had for almost the entire war.


  • 民间自由意志论者公共雇主联合会还有国会成员谴责义愤集团号召场未遂战争对抗无辜的美国公民

    Civil libertarians, public employer unions, and members of Congress condemned what one outraged group called an attempted war against innocent American citizens.


  • 民间自由意志论者公共雇主联合会还有国会成员谴责义愤集团号召场未遂战争对抗无辜的美国公民

    Civil libertarians, public employer unions, and members of Congress condemned what one outraged group called an attempted war against innocent American citizens.


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