• 那么现在你就可以拥有一个漂亮的冰灯了,还愿蜡烛放进去聚会可以开始咯。

    You now have a beautiful ice lantern. Place a votive candle inside and voila, the party can start.


  • 唯一裁决就是复仇这种作为还愿仇杀不会白费是为了将来能给警惕者者昭雪的那价值和正确性。

    The only verdict is vengeance, a vendetta held as a votive not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.


  • 但是并不重视容貌,我拥有我的容貌,只是因为这容貌属于,我亲爱的,只是因为也许至少还有一样东西值得拥有

    But I do not value my good looks; I only like to have them because they belong to you, my dear, and that there may be at least one thing about me worth your having.


  • 现在需要做的是决定是否继续留在这份工作岗位

    You now need to decide if you want to stay at this job or move on.


  • 我们甚至还愿支付礼仪课程的费用。

    We might even pay for some lessons in manners.


  • 开始还愿些钱在里面,因为来自不要浪费压力促使前进

    At first, I liked paying for it because the pressure not to waste my money pushed me to go. But only begrudgingly.


  • 你们许愿,当耶和华你们的还愿。在四面的人,贡物献给的主。

    Vow, and pay unto the LORD your God: let all that be round about him bring presents unto him that ought to be feared.


  • 接下来实验继续进行,测试在没有奖励情况下他们是否还愿帮忙

    Next, the children were tested to see if they would continue to help the experimenter without a reward.


  • 娼妓所得童(原文作狗)所得价,不可带入耶和华殿还愿因为这两样都是耶和华你神所憎恶的。

    You must not bring the earnings of a female prostitute or of a male prostitute into the house of the LORD your God to pay any vow, because the LORD your God detests them both.


  • 只是分别为还愿要奉到耶和华选择地方

    But take your consecrated things and whatever you have vowed to give, and go to the place the LORD will choose.


  • 他们愿意没日没工作,愿意办公室里,还愿意为公司的战略技术决定相互争吵。

    They were willing to work around the clock, sleep in the office and battle each other over strategy and technical decisions.


  • 会开的怎么样影响人们是否还愿留在这个团队中。

    How well they work influences whether people remain in a group.


  • 不错如今矿产公司急于探明新的矿藏他们在极其恶劣困难条件下开采挖掘。

    True, mineral companies today are so eager to develop new finds that they are willing to work under astonishingly difficult conditions.


  • 另外扩大担保范围(准备接受抵押借款)。

    It also widened the collateral that it was prepared to accept to include mortgage loans.


  • 如果破产前通用汽车喜欢烧香不还愿,那么“通用可就要下决心站到它对面了。

    IF THE habit of the old pre-bankruptcy General Motors was reliably to overpromise and underdeliver, “newGM is determined to do the opposite.


  • 大多数股票变得打猎季节中的白尾鹿一样容易受惊永远不会放松随时准备出逃

    And it's left most of those willing to buy stocks as skittish as whitetail deer in hunting season: never able to relax and always ready to bolt for escape.


  • 除了现有还愿一样东西都再多付20%的吗?

    How would you like to pay a 20 percent consumption tax on everything you buy, on top of all the other taxes you pay?


  • 是的,先知,正是事,它已困扰我们好久,顺便,是否告诉我们,是否城堡有的那位牧师得道更高是否真的超能力?

    Can you please tell us also, if the swami in the lighted cave is more advanced, and if he really possess supernatural powers?


  • 还会身边安慰你说:那个从未全心对你好? 当你心觉孤独时,你忽视了几个月的朋友你倾诉吗?

    Who is going to be there to tell you, "That guy was never good enough for you." Will the friends you have neglected for several months want to hear from you now that you are alone again?


  • 无论是公牛绵羊羔,若肢体有余的,或是缺少,只甘心;用以还愿蒙悦纳。

    You may, however, present as a freewill offering an ox or a sheep that is deformed or stunted, but it will not be accepted in fulfillment of a vow.


  • 还愿或是甘心献的,献祭日子,所剩下的,第二可以吃。

    If, however, his offering is the result of a vow or is a freewill offering, the sacrifice shall be eaten on the day he offers it, but anything left over may be eaten on the next day.


  • 倾斜天花板下面一点点空间如同意大利还愿礼拜堂那样密密地贴图画

    What little space there was below the sloping ceiling was as closely covered with pictures as an Italian votive chapel.


  • 后来想起了蕾妮的话,“过去二十年里我们容易但是还记得在前苏联统治时期,人们要排队面包牛奶,我们还愿回到那样年代吗?”

    Later I reflect on something Liene said. "Things may not have been so easy these past 20 years but I remember the Soviet times and having to queue for bread and milk." Should we return to those times?


  • 但是过去每天越过边界商店采买的三万名哥伦比亚人民,现在仅有少数还愿因为他们要回去时,边境上委内瑞拉国家卫队会没收他们货物店主joseNelson Uribe表示

    But few of the 30,000 Colombians who used to cross each day to shop do so now, because Venezuela's National Guard confiscates their goods when they recross the border, says Mr Uribe, the shopkeeper.


  • 但是过去每天越过边界商店采买三万名哥伦比亚人民,现在仅有少数还愿因为他们要回去时,边境上的委内瑞拉国家卫队会没收他们货物店主jose NelsonUribe表示

    But few of the 30, 000 Colombians who used to cross each day to shop do so now, because Venezuela's National Guard confiscates their goods when they recross the border, says Mr Uribe, the shopkeeper.


  • 你们,平安,十分取一之物,手中的祭,还愿祭,甘心祭,以及牛群羊群中头生的,都奉到那里

    There bring your burnt offerings and sacrifices, your tithes and special gifts, what you have vowed to give and your freewill offerings, and the firstborn of your herds and flocks.


  • 如果MercierSperber,沉没成本悖论、确认性偏差其他形式非理性思考一直伴随着人类只要争辩

    If Mercier and Sperber are right, the sunk-cost fallacy, confirmation bias, and the other forms of irrationality will be with us as long as humans like to argue.


  • 除此以外,微软安全问题方面,向从事开发第三软件中国程序员提供帮助,保障Windows系统IE浏览器用户安全风险。

    Microsoft also wants to educate more Chinese software developers on security issues to shield Windows and Internet Explorer users from vulnerabilities in third-party programs, said Lambert.


  • 除此以外,微软安全问题方面,向从事开发第三软件中国程序员提供帮助,保障Windows系统IE浏览器用户安全风险。

    Microsoft also wants to educate more Chinese software developers on security issues to shield Windows and Internet Explorer users from vulnerabilities in third-party programs, said Lambert.


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