• 研究若干种氧化物还原温度还原时间还原效率影响。

    The relations of reduction efficiency with the temperature and the time are measured. The optimum reduction conditions are obtained.


  • 测得反应动力学常数能够定量地表示胶体半导体还原效率差异

    Kinetics constants measured can quantitatively express the photoreduction efficiency difference of colloidal semiconductors.


  • 还原测定食品硝酸盐方法进行了改进,研究影响镉柱还原效率因素

    The determination of nitrate content in foods by deoxidization with cadmium is improved. The effecting factors on deoxidization efficiency of cadmium column are studied.


  • 开关电源充电机具有恒流充电功能,具有充电速度快、充电还原效率无需人工值守等优点。

    The switch type charging has the features of constant voltage and current, quick charging, high reducing efficiency of charging. Therefore there's no need of person to be on duty.


  • 实验结果发现表面积强烈影响介面电荷转移阻抗I3-离子还原效率光电转换效率

    We find that the surface area of carbon electrodes has markedly influences on the charge transfer resistance, the efficiency of catalytic process of I3 - ions, and the energy conversion efficiency.


  • 初始浓度煤粉煤焦再燃还原NO效率明显影响粒度较粗时这种影响更加显著。

    The primary oxygen concentration obviously affected NO reduction, especially when the reburning coal and char had bigger size.


  • 为考查异化还原微生物金属氧化物中的行为提高微生物出深海多金属结核效率

    Behavior of microbial dissimilatory reduction in the process of bioleaching metal oxide was researched to increase the leaching efficiency of Marine manganese nodules.


  • 结果表明还原脱硫效率高,喷氨脱氮效果

    Results show that reducing desulfurization has higher efficiency and ammonia injection effect is very perfect.


  • 该法处理速度效率主要原因处理过程同时发生吸附作用腐蚀电池还原作用。

    The quick and high rate of the treatment is mainly due to the adsorption and reduction action of the corrosion cell.


  • 对于同一煤种还原NO效率温度影响随再燃燃料增加而增大

    For the same kind of coal, with the increase of reburning fuel fraction, temperature had more obvious effect on NO reduction.


  • 还原反应发生燃料电池阴极地方创建作为唯一废水存在多达40燃料电池的效率百分之丢失

    The oxygen reduction reaction that takes place at the fuel cell's cathode creates water as its only waste and it is there that up to 40 percent of a fuel cell's efficiency is lost.


  • 试验表明:冷固结球团矿直接还原工艺具有工艺流程基建投资省、生产效率能源消耗特点

    The experiment showed that the new direct reduction technology had such advantages as short flow, small investment, high efficiency and low power consumption.


  • 基于报文级别捕获还原匹配传统入侵检测系统效率无法满足要求

    Traditional IDS systems based on packet level with capturing, reassembling and matching can't follow the desire of efficiency.


  • 回转窑具有可用效率高,熔炼强度优点作为脆硫铅锑矿精矿还原熔炼的熔炼设备

    Due to its advantages, such as high thermal efficiency and smelting intensity, the short rotary furnace can be used as smelting devices for reduction matting smelting of jamesonite concentrate.


  • 首次使用电化学聚合-掺杂技术制备固定化氧化还原介体,用以提高硝基苯厌氧转化效率

    To promote the anaerobic biotransformation efficiency of nitrobenzene, electrochemical polymerization-doping technology has been proposed to prepare the immobilized REDOX mediator for the first time.


  • 还原卧式布置。炉子加热启动惯性小,保温效果效率

    The furnace is horizontal, which is characterized by fast starting, low heat inertia, good isolation and high heating efficiency.


  • 单一基质白光荧光粉具有流明效率色彩还原特点,所以研究的意义重大

    Due to the high lumens efficiency, good color reproduction characteristics of single matrix white phosphor, the research on it has great significance.


  • 通过强化传热可以大幅提高还原加料速度缩短还原生产周期提高生产效率

    The strengthening heat transfer can significantly improve reduction feeding rate and shorten the cycle of reduction process, finally increase production efficiency.


  • 将热升华墨水直接打印在涂织物上,无需任何介质,通过显示色彩还原所需画面。 设备稳定成本效率,省人工,市场前景广阔,商机无限

    Brief introduction: This machine eliminates the need for any medium, with stability , low cost , high efficiency and labor-saving, it has a promising market and an unlimited business opportunities.


  • 介绍了各种储能方式及其特点,综述了大型储能技术研究开发状况,其中氧化电池具有成本效率寿命等优点,商业化前景看好。

    It was pointed out that redox flow batteries, which possess advantages of low capital cost, high energy efficiency and long lifetime, were the most promising commercial technologies.


  • 方法提高脱硝效率提高生物质氨基还原利用率减少二次污染物生成排放

    The method enhances the denitration efficiency, improves the utilization rate of the biomass and the amino reducer, and reduces the generation and emission of secondary contaminants.


  • 方法提高脱硝效率提高生物质氨基还原利用率减少二次污染物生成排放

    The method enhances the denitration efficiency, improves the utilization rate of the biomass and the amino reducer, and reduces the generation and emission of secondary contaminants.


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