• 鲁尼,扬鲁尼球,鲁尼顺势打出一脚弧线球转向球门弗里德尔做出了世界级扑救

    Rooney rolls it to Young, who stops it for him and then Rooney curls towards the near post but is denied by a good Friedel save.


  • 班克斯在混乱中设法移动球门整个身体向扑去,球即将反弹入网时,奇迹般的将捞回

    Banks somehow managed to scramble across from his near post and launched himself at the ball, miraculously scooping it over the bar for a corner just as it bounced before the goal line.


  • 然而进球似乎霍利尔的子弟们愈加紧张,仅仅分钟布兰克草率的处理造成球,科斯塔迪诺夫头球甩入

    That goal, however, seemed to make Houllier's men even tenser and, just five minutes later, Laurent Blanc sloppily conceded a corner that Emil Kostadinov headed in at the near post.


  • 许多人紧张观看拍摄直径100英尺、画满圆圈图案的麦田怪圈,而有些则晕倒在地或者不住祷告认为上天降下的旨意。

    Many strained to see or photograph the nearly 100-foot diameter pattern featuring circles and triangles.Some people fainted or prayed, considering it a sign from above.


  • 许多人紧张观看拍摄直径100英尺、画满圆圈图案的麦田怪圈,而有些则晕倒在地或者不住祷告认为是上天降下的旨意。

    Many strained to see or photograph the nearly 100-foot diameter pattern featuring circles and triangles. Some people fainted or prayed, considering it a sign from above.


  • 类似假日日,幻月月光透过高空中的形的冰晶而形成的。

    Analogous to a sundog or parhelion, the paraselene is produced by moonlight shining through thin, hexagonal-shaped ice crystals in high cirrus clouds.


  • “大酒瓶”号利用卡纳维拉尔航天飞机发射装置进行发射,它运送80(81 280公斤载荷进入地轨道

    The Magnum would use the space shuttle launch facilities at Cape Canaveral and could launch 80 tons (81, 280 kilograms) of payload into low Earth orbit (LEO).


  • 每年春天100万嘴海雀来到苏格兰西海岸悬崖峭壁产卵

    Each spring nearly a million puffins arrive at the cliffs of Scotland's west coast to lay their eggs.


  • 大楼官员说几个星期俄罗斯叙利亚北部地区派遣轰炸机、喷气机地面部队增加叙利亚的军事力量

    Russia has been building up its forces in Syria, with bombers, jets and troops arriving in northwest Syria in recent weeks, according to Pentagon officials.


  • 周四宇航员们成功地袖珍型钢琴大小照相机替换了一台用了16年之久的照相机。

    On Thursday, astronauts successfully swapped out a nearly 16-year-old camera for a new one the size of a baby grand piano.


  • 本文粒子轨道理论人手,通过900条粒子轨道的具体计算研究了磁尾粒子在晨昏电场作用投掷变化

    In this paper, the pitch Angle changing of charged particles of the magnetotail under the action of the dawn-dusk electric field is studied by evaluating about 900 trajectories by computer.


  • 识别出、远()源三洲、水下扇、深湖-半深湖等沉积体系

    The sedimentary systems in the T-R cycle: fluvial fan, fan delta, common delta and lacustrine sedimentary system.


  • 研究汽车前照灯照射方位屏幕检测原理方法

    Study the test principle and method of automobile headlamp near shine azimuth with pairs of location screen boards.


  • 本文利用变换方法计算了椭圆边位错

    The image force on the dislocation near an elliptical hole is calculated by conformal mapping technique.


  • 老爷庙地区东营组主要发育有湖泊洲、水下扇、水下重力湖泊等沉积体系

    The Dongying Formation in Laoyemiao region consists of fan delta, lake delta, neritic subaqueous fan and subaqueous gravity flow and lake depositional systems.


  • 公司现在螺母产品种类非常齐全,包括圆柱体体,通孔,盲孔,以及碳钢不锈钢400款产品。

    We have rivet nuts of more than 400 kinds, including cylinder, hexagon, open end, close end, carbon steel, stainless steel, copper, etc.


  • 利用平湖工区中远数据体,成功应用了同时反演算法SADI),最终将地震振幅数据体转化描述岩石岩性流体属性数据体。

    SADI algorithm was executed successfully in the BJT area with near-, middle-, and far-stack dataset, and amplitude dataset was finally converted to attributes dataset describing lithology and fluid.


  • 确定研究区沙主要发育水下滑塌积扇等几种沉积类型

    There are three main types of sedimentary facies: braided-river delta, slip turbidite fan, near-bank submerged alluvial fan.


  • 塔里木盆地库车褶皱冲断带克拉苏构造系膏盐岩之下发育克拉苏三带。

    The Kelasu triangle zone occurs under the Paleogene evaporites in Kelasu anticline zone of Kuqa thrust-and-fold belts, Tarim basin (Northwest China).


  • 中国油田河流相与储层地质储量碎屑储量的80%,主要沉积类型

    In oil field of China, fluvial and delta facies reservoir are main depositional facies type, and their geological reserve accounting for nearly 80% of total reserve of clastic rock facies.


  • 结论血流会聚水平型的主动脉瓣反流患者,血流会聚能够准确地测量ero,是一种简便、实用的定量主动脉瓣反流程度的新方法

    Conclusions FC method for measuring ERO with feasibility in aortic regurgitation with a flat proximal flow convergence Angle, provides a reliable approach to quantify aortic regurgitation.


  • 研究区主要发育、三洲、水下扇滑塌相和河流沉积

    The types of sedimentary facies were mainly fan-shaped delta, delta, Binshore subaqueous fans, slump turbid fan, lake facies, fluvial facies.


  • 前部圆筒形后部侧扁,扁平大口大,呈,上下颌等长,

    Near the front cylinder, rear side of the flat, flat head, big eyes, long kiss and a sharp , triangular in shape, such as the long mandible, soft bone.


  • 曲折悲观作为一项规则而不是单位相当悲观,收复了100 %浪潮之一

    Zigzags are more bearish, as a rule, than flats or triangles, and this one has been quite bearish, erasing almost 100% of wave one.


  • 按照MB远端血管形态分为正常迂曲组。

    Accordance with the MB proximal and distal vascular morphology can be divided into two groups: normal group and tortuous angulation group.


  • 现代黄河150年来淤积泛滥改道过程中建造起来

    The present Yellow river delta has developed over the past 150 years as a consequence of siltation and avulsions of the river channel, flooding and sedimentation.


  • 广场的地下停车场西南商业区提供300部车位。

    Nearly 300 parking stalls under the square will be offered to the Southwest commercial zone.


  • 广场的地下停车场西南商业区提供300部车位。

    Nearly 300 parking stalls under the square will be offered to the Southwest commercial zone.


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