• Shultz共处一时间之后,一件事会越发明确,那就是,即使的下降形势,仍然希望星巴克能保持全貌:星巴克应该是一家既强大乐善好施;既令人尊敬充满热情;既无处不在的平常,又让人充满想象的特别。

    Despite the recent reversals and reckonings, he still wants it all. Starbucks must be powerful and benevolent, respected and passionate, ubiquitous and imaginative.


  • 报告特别批评了其中警察,当时膝盖横过阿尔安尼的背部,离他的颈部非常,并这样持续了很长一时间

    The report was particularly cricital of an officer who placed his leg and knee across Al-Ani's back, very close to his neck, for a prolonged period of time.


  • 时间,计算已经成为高级IT业务负责人非常关注概念。

    Cloud computing has been on the minds of senior it and business leaders for quite some time now.


  • 细胞外基质成分是围神经元网络组织,顾名思义它位于特定皮质区的神经元近段树突周围

    The component of the extracellular matrix called the perineuronal net (PN), as its name implies, surrounds the cell body and proximal dendrites of selected cortical neurons.


  • 大多数商用草坪种植安装类型褪色的,因此需要时间的渗透

    Most commercially grown and installed turf types are close-matted, so it takes awhile for water to permeate.


  • 后路神经阻滞阻滞点评估神经刺激仪引导穿刺法的使用

    Evaluation of a Proximal Block Site and the Use of Nerve-Stimulator-Guided Needle Placement for Posterior Tibial Nerve Block.


  • 从轮藻角度讲,中国当阳跑马岗组白垩-古系过渡生物地层记录世界上迄今连续丰富的。

    From the point of view of charophytes, the biostratigraphic records from the Paomagang Formation in Dangyang (China) are most continuous and abundant known so far in the world.


  • 年多规划个月最终低温()测试监测天文台科学仪器的测试完成了

    After over a year of planning, nearly four months of final cryo (cold) testing and monitoring, the testing on the science instruments module of the observatory was completed.


  • 骨折部位,结节4例,腰部45例,5例。骨折分为,即单纯型腕骨折骨折旋转脱位型。

    According to the position: proximal end 5, intermediate part 45, distal end 4. We divided the fracture into two types: simple scaphoid bone fracture and fracture with rotate dislocation.


  • 无菌条件下正常足月剖腹产的脐带胎儿,剔除动静脉,取出其中的间质组织胶原酶消化培养细胞进行培养纯化获得壁细胞。

    Artery and vein were removed and mesenchymal tissue was taken out. The primary cells were performed culture and purification with collagenase digestion method to obtain the adherent cells.


  • 通过表面置换髋置换术后股骨骨密度比较评估表面置换对股骨近段骨密度影响

    To evaluate the effect of hip surface replacement on bone mineral density of proximal femur compared with THA group.


  • 第二地面微气象条件决定水分凝结过程,所吸收水量受空气水汽压、地面温度地表可利用能量的影响。

    The second is the process of water condensation determined by air vapor, soil surface temperature and the available energy of soil.


  • 这些部分具有端以及凹陷远端凹陷活塞限定而成。

    The Chambers are defined in part by a piston having proximal and distal ends and recessed sections.


  • 位于冠状动脉近段动脉瘤分别为8个6个1个

    Among the aneurysms in right coronary artery, 8, 6 and 1 were located in the proximal, middle and distal segment, respectively.


  • 室间隔供应室间隔大部分房室左右束支3)。

    The septal branches course medially and supply the majority of the interventricular septum, as well as the atrioventricular (AV) bundle and proximal bundle branch (Fig 3) (7).


  • 东营沙一储层发生了油气注成藏,成两期断裂活动开启时间一致

    There were two periods of charge and accumulation of hydrocarbon in Dongying Fm (Ed) and Es_l member, being consistent with the two periods of active and open nature of faults.


  • 主要征象有:(1肠管扩张远端肠管塌陷(40,100%);

    The main signs included:(1)dilated proximal intestinal canal and collapsed distal intestinal canal in 40 patients (100%);


  • 辽河盆地东部凹陷深部地层中的系沙河街组、沙构成,缺失

    The Shahejie Formation of the Paleogene in the deep zone of the middle area of the East Depression in Liaohe Basin is made up of its Member 1 and Member 3 and lacks its Member 2 and Member 4.


  • 辽河盆地东部凹陷深部地层中的系沙河街组、沙构成,缺失

    The Shahejie Formation of the Paleogene in the deep zone of the middle area of the East Depression in Liaohe Basin is made up of its Member 1 and Member 3 and lacks its Member 2 and Member 4.


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