• 医院基本运转造成问题没有必要的材料怎么能够拯救生命

    This creates a problem for the basic running of the hospital: without the necessary materials, how can you save lives?


  • 有时候宇航员胡椒粉他们固定好后他们数学问题他们大脑如何运转

    Sometimes the lab coats pepper the cosmonauts with math questions while they're strapped in, just to see how their brains are functioning.


  • 整个右脑一直运转任何狡猾问题给出解决办法,好像你在脑中已经形成了一系列画面场景

    Your right brain will be deeply stimulated all month, and you may see the solution to any tricky problem as if by a series of images and pictures that your mind generates.


  • 汽车堵塞燃料管道阻碍加速器运行,进行结构检查杂乱仓促的运转也许显示出发动机空闲不会表现问题

    MECHANICS checking for a blockage in a car's fuel pipes know to floor the accelerator, for a splutter then indicates a problem that may not show up when the engine is idling.


  • 如今高速运转市场中,这个方法可以加速金融公司解决特定问题

    It accelerates those procedures to address the unique circumstances of financial firms operating in today’s fast-moving markets.


  • 内存空间不断扩大运转速度不断加快,随之内存出现问题

    With memory space expanding and the speed of microprocessor cores going ever faster, there was a problem of the memory keeping up.


  • 问题可能过了很久才会注意这个问题也许是执行importintegration 之后数月才会意识到,因为方案仍然运转良好

    The problem is that you might not notice these problems very late, possibly months after you have performed the importintegration, because the schema still works fine.


  • 公司的管理层TEEU的建议根本不予理睬,相反,他们还死鸡硬撑饭盖地表示:“我们会继续保持雇员们联系,利用我们自己的力量来直接解决这个问题而于同时,公司也照常运转。”

    "It the company will continue to interact with employees locally and directly to resolve the issue. In the meantime, operations remain as normal," he said.


  • 消费监督机构Energywatch主管阿兰•阿舍,争辨说真正问题英国自诩的自由能源市场运转不正常。

    Allan Asher, the head of Energywatch, a consumer watchdog, argues that the real problem is the malfunctioning of Britain's vaunted liberalised energy markets.


  • 无论得到何种补偿坚信回答问题会使大脑运转浏览YouTube视频打发时间相比,这件事情显得意义得

    No matter what the reward, though, I firmly believe that answering questions gets my brain going and are probably better than the many YouTube videos I could be spending my time on instead.


  • 得到已经正常运转代码非常有用的这样可以制定测试组件,来精确定义到底解决什么问题

    The existence of working code is a wonderful thing for setting up a test suite that defines what the problem you want to solve is, exactly.


  • 这个巨大引出两个问题

    This astonishing change of fortune raises two big questions.


  • 这些想法会让脑子高速运转起来不过接下来有不可避免问题出现了。

    These ideas get your brain spinning in high gear, but then the inevitable questions pop up.


  • 潜在问题程度越来越清晰31个国家已经运转大型核能反应堆,其中一些国家继续增加

    The scale of the potential problem is getting clearer: 31 countries already operate large nuclear-power reactors, and some of those will be adding more.


  • 本周五进行了一次成功的开机点火试验,而第一碰撞秋季进行,到时设备围绕时间问题功率负载运转实验。

    A successful test-firing was held on Friday and the first nuclear collisions will take place in the autumn, building up to full power around the time of the millennium.


  • 当前技术网络管理中的应用问题现代通信过于复杂无法使网络高效运转

    The problem with applying the current technology as-is to network management is that modern communications are too complex for it to work effectively.


  • 最后那些最为成功国家之所以与众不同,不仅仅在于他们雇佣了什么系统运转良好而且还在于当系统出现问题时,他们如何补救,正如他们一直所的那样。

    Lastly, the most successful countries are distinctive not just in whom they employ so things go right but in what they do when things go wrong, as they always do.


  • 控制器主要厂商之一,而控制器短缺问题已经影响到其它多个行业的正常运转

    Renesas is the leading manufacturer of microcontrollers and the threat of microcontroller shortages has hung over multiple industries since the event.


  • 去年脸谱网迫于能耗问题不得不作出数据中心转移俄勒冈州,使用燃煤发电来供应机器运转

    Last year, Facebook, came under pressure in relation to energy use following its decision to site its new data centre in Oregon and to power it with electricity largely generated from coal.


  • 气象模型超级电脑电路中飞快运转着,反馈环环相扣各种异常现象使争论充满火药味,焦点问题是到底发生什么样的状况,会在什么时间发生在什么地点

    Meteorological models fry the circuits of the largest supercomputers. Feedback loops and anomalies turbocharge an ill-tempered debate about what will happen where and when.


  • SteveRFID世界里,其中一个主要问题如何将RFID数据驱动组织运转人员系统连接

    Steve: In the RFID world, one of the primary questions is how to connect RFID data to the people and systems that drive an organization.


  • 但是正是成百上千万的让他们家里炉子空调全速运转的家庭造成这个问题

    But it's the millions of homes, with furnaces or air-conditioners running full blast, that cause the problem.


  • 但是传统硬盘我们确实高速运转的磁盘,就是事实,但问题是我们如何,把电磁信号转化为01的。

    But in hard drives where we actually have these moving platters, here is in fact, how we get from electricity and magnetism to those zeros and ones.


  • 由于正常Windows运转需要向后兼容问题这种情况都会公司中出现。

    Because of normal Windows domain behavior and backwards compatibility this can be more or less appropriate for your corporation.


  • 由于正常Windows运转需要向后兼容问题这种情况都会公司中出现。

    Because of normal Windows domain behavior and backwards compatibility this can be more or less appropriate for your corporation.


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