• 结合事务日志备份归档优势,事务日志可以让服务器运行达到前所未有的顺畅。

    Coupling this with the backup and archiving benefits of transaction logging, transaction logging makes your server run like it never ran before.


  • 改造,筒运行达到设计出力,保证了圆筒仓及配煤工作顺利实施。

    After using this material, the opereration of coal bunker reaches the designed power.


  • 最新计算机达到极高运行速度

    The latest computers can work at a blindingly fast speed.


  • 在轨道上运行的速度能达到每小时50公里。

    It can run at the speed of up to 50 km/h on the tracks.


  • 如果任何系统组件活动测试运行过程增加,则系统不会达到稳定状态

    If activity of any system component is increasing throughout the test run, the system has not reached steady state.


  • 如果CPU磁盘指定,那么它们将被设置运行命令必须达到最低使用量值

    If CPU and disk values are specified, they are treated as minimum usage values that need to be reached before the command is run.


  • 可以运行测试达到较高模拟用户级别

    This allowed the test runs to achieve high simulated user levels.


  • 运行性能工作负载在被系统创建工作负载直到达到稳定状态

    Run the performance workload to create a heavy workload on the system under test until it reaches steady state.


  • 我们例子这个命令将会永远运行下去,直到达到我们在下一个元件指定条件为止——触摸感知器按钮按下

    In the example, this command will run forever, or until a condition is met as specified by the next block in our program that waits for the touch sensor's button press.


  • 此外高温连续运行设计目标达到

    In addition, high temperature, continuous wave operation of the laser has also been achieved.


  • 太阳变成所谓巨星半径达到以前金星运行轨道。

    The sun will then become what's called a red giant, and its radius will reach just past the orbit of Venus.


  • CERN表示这部机器去年12月冬季以来已经发生一次关闭220左右再度启动3月达到运行功率

    The machine, which has been in a winter shutdown since December, will be started up again around Feb. 20, CERN said, and should reach its operating power in March.


  • 这些操作不会得到接受除非processPurchaseOrder活动正在运行而且控制流程达到两个AcceptCall操作

    These operations will not be accepted unless the processPurchaseOrder activity is running and the flow of control has reached the two Accept Call actions.


  • 然后处理notify. config文件载入达到每种状态运行命令

    The notify.config file is then processed to load the commands to run upon each state being reached.


  • 如果文件系统利用率达到80%,那么checkspace就会运行logrotate,后者会根据需要压缩删除日志文件

    If more than 80 percent of the filesystem is full, checkspace runs logrotate, which compresses and prunes log files as necessary.


  • 英特尔公司推出了133MHz奔腾处理器以及奔腾处理器(运行速度能够达到200mhz)。

    Intel released their 133 MHz Pentium processor, and the Pentium pro processor (running up to a mighty 200 MHz).


  • 可以许多方式使用抽象例如时序中使用可视化时一样,作为代码运行达到代码之上的层次的方式

    You can use abstraction in several ways, such as when you use visualization in timing diagrams, as a way to get above the code as it is running.


  • 不过关于他们决定运行哪些测试覆盖代码达到压力级别等的基础信息没有发布就大大降低结果价值

    However, information regarding the basis for their decision on which tests to run, the kernel code covered, and stress levels attained are unpublished, which greatly reduces the value of the results.


  • 文章以及后续文章都将讨论如何建立合适的度量确定这个项目是否正常运行,并达到这些目标

    This article and subsequent articles will describe how to establish appropriate measurements to determine if the project is on track to achieving these goals.


  • 我们探索混合价值链内部运行前,看看我们是如何达到现在这一步也许有帮助

    Before we explore the inner workings of hybrid value chains, it may be helpful to look at how we got here.


  • 这些产品三种不同运行模式下(待机运行睡眠)必须达到一定要求

    The products must meet requirements in three different operating modes: standby, active and sleep modes.


  • 这个装置容量限制了可以记录多少会话如果达到极限长时间运行的会话可能丢弃

    The capacity of the appliance limits how many sessions it can keep track of, and if it reaches the limit, long-running sessions may be dropped.


  • 测试测试长度应该最少10-15分钟以便 JVM能够优化字节码运行达到稳定状态。

    Speaking of testing, your test length should be minimally be 10-15 minutes in length in order for the JVM to optimize the bytecode and runtime to stabilize.


  • cpi越高,则运行指令所需周期越多这意味着程序运行性能未达到最优

    A higher CPI value indicates that more cycles were necessary to run the instruction, implying suboptimal execution of the program.


  • 分布式计算需要许多计算机处理器共同运行达到同一目标但是分工略有主从之分

    In distributed computing, many computer processors work together toward a common goal, but with minimal leadership.


  • 运行全部处理能力时,可以达到速度每秒1206万亿次,实际的处理能力为563.1万亿次。

    Running at full processing capacity it should achieve a speed of 1.206 teraflops. Its actual score was just 563.1 teraflops


  • 我们实验室测试显示p 670LPAR上可以运行Domino7达到大约15,000个模拟Notes用户在Domino 6.5上可以达到10,000个模拟用户。

    Our lab testing showed that on our p670 LPAR, we were able to achieve approximately 15,000 simulated Notes users running Domino 7, compared to 10,000 simulated users on Domino 6.5.


  • 最新的硬件上,大多数优化Python程序运行速度需要达到的速度一样快,而且,花费额外的编程工作使应用程序运行得更快实在没什么意义

    On modern hardware, most non-optimized Python programs run as fast as they need to, and there is really no point in spending extra programming effort to make an application run faster.


  • 再次重新运行ServiceClassTest达到最终肯定结果:在模拟对象实例期间提供参数造成了所有差别

    Rerun the ServiceClassTest once again to achieve the final positive result: the parameters you supplied during mock object instantiation made all the difference.


  • 兴趣的点上简单地设置一个中断点,您只须点击Restartprogram按钮运行程序直到达到中断点为止。

    Simply set a breakpoint on your point of interest, hit the Restart program button, and run the program until your breakpoint is hit.


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