• 如果运行DB 2 9.1,不得不运行负载管理初步传递一些数据事实

    If running DB2 9.1 you will have had to run load management to initially deliver some data to your fact tables.


  • 目前如果希望测试使用WebSphere业务对象的业务逻辑必须代码部署一台正在运行服务器中,以便运行

    Currently, if you want to test your business logic that USES WebSphere business objects, you must deploy your code to a running server in order to run it.


  • ReplicationCenter运行SQL之前进行这项检查,如果有错误,sql脚本运行这个冲突返回一条错误消息

    The Replication Center will not do this check before running the SQL, and the SQL script will then run into the conflict and return an error message.


  • 此外许多版本Linuxgrep运行期间整个平面文件装入内存中可极大地增强后续运行性能

    In addition, many versions of Linux will load the entire flat file into memory during the grep run, vastly enhancing the performance on subsequent runs.


  • 代理存档文件dynamicwsupdate . bar部署运行时代理,然后通过消息运行消息关闭工具包

    Deploy the broker archive file DynamicWSUpdate.bar to your runtime broker, and then close the toolkit before running messages through the message flow.


  • 随后可以通过运行ant重新构建应用程序,将生成library - signencr . aar文件部署Axis2安装中然后运行ant run进行尝试

    You can then rebuild the application by running ant, deploy the generated library-signencr.aar file to your Axis2 installation, and run ant run to give it a try.


  • 虽然大部分程序不能立即Cell平台上更好运行,但是可能一些性能关键的程序移植使用SPU运行代码的程序,以实现更好的性能。

    While most applications do not immediately run better on Cell, there is a lot of potential to port performance-critical applications to use library code running on an SPU for better performance.


  • 代理在上午12:004:00之间运行因为期间运行很多其他维护任务

    (the agent will not run between 12 AM and 4 AM, because many other maintenance tasks are run during this time).


  • 通常做法是选择一个执行进程时间运行(这个时间称为时间片),或者一直运行到它需要等待一些事件完成IO等。

    This is generally done by selecting one process for execution and letting it run for a short period (called a timeslice), or until it needs to wait for some event, such as IO to complete.


  • 然后这些SCA模块部署运行时,运行可以它们作为流程任务并使用相应的流程或任务模板访问

    You can then deploy the SCA modules to the runtime, where you can access them as a process or task using the respective process or task templates.


  • 查看失败报告之前是否注意单元测试运行速度很快运行集成测试时会有明显延迟

    Before you view the failing report, did you notice how quickly the unit tests ran, as well as the noticeable delay in running the integration tests?


  • 最后我们应用部署运行桌面电脑上运行私有云实例之上。

    We concluded with deployment of the same application to a private instance running on a single laptop.


  • 可能注意重新运行测试脚本时这个重新运行窗口等待第一个命令运行时这个浏览器仍然在启动

    You may also have noticed that when you play back your test scripts, the browser is still starting while the playback window is waiting for the first command to run.


  • 可以容易地验证过程模型部署解决方案过程管理运行引擎运行流程定义提供规格

    The process flow model can be easily verified, and provides the specification for run time flow definition deployed to the process management run time engine in the solution.


  • 运行段脚本打开命令窗口定位对应目录,然后运行如下命令。

    To run this script, go to a command window, change to the same directory and run the following command.


  • 提供针对嵌入式运行目标中执行软件运行分析组件测试功能——8位微芯片64运行操作系统

    Provides runtime analysis and component testing capabilities for software executing on embedded or real-time targetsfrom 8-bit microchips to 64-bit real-time operating systems.


  • 意味着运行编写SCA应用将其部署特定运行时域时被扩展的。

    This means that the runtime is extended by writing an SCA "application" and deploying it to a special runtime domain.


  • 虽然电脑没有采用超轻薄设计体现闪存存储器优越性,但依然感觉运行的时候非常安静即使运行关闭程序的时候。

    Though the laptop itself didn't have a slim design to take advantage of the flash, I did notice that it went about its business silently, even as I launched and shut down programs.


  • 用户这个特定于用户的模型部署运行组件运行时组件根据指定规则跟踪管理里程碑

    The user deploys the user-specific model to the run-time component that tracks and manages milestones according to the specified rules.


  • 能够运行EAB组件之前,您必须将它们导入测试服务器运行工程中,而测试服务器配置支持所需的连接受工厂

    Before you can run the EAB components, you must import them into projects that run on a test server configured to support the required connection managed factory.


  • 之后,选择运行平台并且使用具体运行时的实现模式生成工件

    Following that, a runtime platform is selected, and runtime-specific implementation patterns are used to generate the artifacts.


  • 如果这个初步构建成功了,可以运行第二个构建,执行长时间运行测试软件检查甚至包括部署应用服务器上

    Based on the success of that initial build, a secondary build can then be run, which executes longer-running tests, software inspections, and even perhaps deployment to an application server.


  • 目前流程开始运行结束5个小时任务确保应用程序多线程群运行

    Currently the process has started to take up to 5 hours to complete, and my task is to make sure the application can run in a clustered, multithreaded environment.


  • 运行级别25多用户状态运行级别6表示重启

    Runlevels 2 through 5 are multi-user states, and runlevel 6 indicates reboot.


  • 现在合同运行2013年,可能潜在运行2018年。

    The current contract runs through 2013 with options that could potentially extend it to 2018.


  • 要定期运行 REORGCHK,或者用户注意性能下降时运行

    Run REORGCHK periodically, or when users notice degraded performance.


  • 执行运行IPython中的模块就相当于运行其中的代码将其放入IPython环境中。

    Executing and running the module in IPython literally runs through the code and puts it into the IPython environment.


  • 如果是在这个for循环里面,我正在运行,如果我运行到test的值真的地方,我就执行,这个return将会返回整个程序的值,明白了吗?

    If I'm inside this FOR, OK, and I'm running around, if I ever hit a place where this test is true, I'm going to execute that return, return that return returns from the entire procedure.


  • 所有内容组合一个中介模块中,可以这个中介模块部署WebSphereESB运行时,并且允许运行整个应用程序

    Pull all of the pieces together in a mediation module, which you can deploy to the WebSphere ESB runtime, and which will enable you to run the entire application.


  • rake按照编号从小运行up迁移运行down 迁移。

    rake runs up migrations from least to greatest, and down migrations in reverse.


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