• 除法运算功能运用给出了应用实例

    This paper gives out the example of division block application.


  • 其一保证系统有强大运算功能其二可视化设计

    Firstly, the powerful operation function of the system is guaranteed. Secondly, the visualization is designed.


  • 算术逻辑运算执行运算功能中央处理器线路

    ALU: arithmetic Logic Unit; the circuitry within the CPU which performs all arithmetic functions.


  • 自动控制仪表中,常常需要使用具有乘除法运算功能元件

    In automatic control devices, electronic elements with a multiplying-dividing function are often required.


  • 一种直接加工中心系统利用函数运算功能计算边加工。

    One is to utilize functional calculation to calculate and machine simultaneously directly in the NC machining center.


  • 一个小型计算机功能提供加减乘除运算功能提供小数点运算功能

    Function of a small computer to provide Math decimal point computing capabilities and provide operational capabilities.


  • 数字逻辑电路用来表示二进制数集合各项逻辑运算功能实现方式。

    These digital logic circuits are viewed as implementations of Boolean functions that operate on a set of binary valued variables.


  • 这种多用书写不仅可用练字临摹具有运算功能便于携带使用方便。

    The multipurpose writing plate not only can be used for writing and copying, but also has the function of calculation. The utility model has the advantages of convenient portability and easy use.


  • 利用GIS较为完善的空间分析运算功能进行凌汛期实时动态监测预警

    On this foundation, the real-time dynamic monitoring and early warning system of ice run has been practiced by using GIS excellent function on space analysis and operation.


  • 随着计算器等先进计算工具不断普及对数运算功能早已风光不再中学数学中的重要内容

    As to the using of modern calculating tools, logarithmic is no longer popular, but it is still an important part of secondary school mathematics.


  • 测试仪以AT89系列单片机89C52作为核心器件利用运算功能直接测量绝缘子清洗液等值密度

    The 89C52 of the AT89 microcomputer are used as the core device to measure the equivalent salt deposit density of the clenser for cleanly the insulators.


  • 一般计算器都具有四则运算开方运算功能科学计算器还具有三角函数指数函数对数函数等运算功能

    Almost calculator can finish basic arithmetic and root square operation. The science calculator can even process trigonometric function, exponential function and logarithmic function.


  • 综合运用了各种控制功能DCS应用系统称重配比仪表进行设计,并实现了顺控设计运算功能编程

    It also devises the DCS application system. The design of sequence table and the program of calculation block are realized.


  • 根据组件GIS技术构建了水库土壤侵蚀模拟GIS系统,系统可以实现数据管理空间分析模型运算功能

    Based on COMGIS technology, a GIS for the simulation of soil erosion of Dongzhen reservoir watershed has been created, which has the functions of data management, spatial analysis and visualization.


  • 论文在MATLAB环境下,利用快速复数矩阵运算功能实现了文中所提的分层前推回代算法取得非常明显的速度效益。

    In this paper, this algorithm is realized by making full use of fast plural matrix operation function of MATLAB, and the increase of that speed is also outstanding.


  • 针对行业产品包装标准托盘包装利用率的情况,提出标准托盘的尺寸设计问题运用SQL数据库运算功能实现了非标准托盘尺寸的优化设计。

    According to the low packing ratio in a industry, the nonstandard tray sizes designing problem is proposed, and the SQL database techniques is applied to solve the problem.


  • 我们面对世代 -- 与实体世界融合在一起运算.如果没有平面可用,手掌可以处理简单功能

    So, we are looking for an era where computing will actually merge with the physical world. And, of course, if you don't have any surface, you can start using your palm for simple operations.


  • 对于功能映射每次迭代使用称为使用对象协同运算WebSphereTX行为传递关联的LinkedField实例

    Each of these iterations of the functional map is passed the associated set of LinkedField instances, using a WebSphere TX behaviour called using object names to coordinate evaluation sets.


  • 如果需要的话,原型也可以完成一些功能(比如复杂运算)。

    Prototypes may contain some functionality if needed (such as complex calculations).


  • 需要存储运算时候相比于一个自己的服务器或者租借个最大运算和存储体,为什么不只支付我们的时候和用的功能的费用呢?

    Rather than house your own IT servers or rent the maximum processing and storage capacity you’ll ever need why not pay only for what you use when you use it?


  • 需要存储运算时候相比于一个自己服务器或者租借一个最大运算存储体,为什么不只支付我们的时候和用功能的费用呢?

    Rather than house your own it servers or rent the maximum processing and storage capacity you'll ever need, why not pay only for what you use, when you use it?


  • 但是所有这些功能不是用来巨型游戏现代战争2——使科学家能够分析海量的数据以及运行模拟数据,而这些较小计算机上运算可能需要几个星期的时间。

    But all this power isn't being used to play giant games of Modern Warfare 2 - it enables scientists to analyse massive data sets and run simulations that might take weeks on lesser computers.


  • 可以这些符号执行各种运算计算比率),而对于通过使用功能不那么强大衡量标准获得的数值,您不能使用这些运算

    You can perform various operations on those symbols (such as computing ratios) that you cannot perform using numerical values obtained using less powerful measurement scales.


  • 需要运算设置单独的动作,或者说方法(每个框架叫法不一样),而且还要用到框架中的表单验证功能如果框架提供了功能的话)。

    You should make each different arithmetic function its own action/method/whatevertheframeworkcallsit and you should use the frameworks input validation for the form values (if it has one).


  • 适应不同控制系统需求,可编程序控制器功能容量运算速度以及通信能力在不断地增强

    In order to meet the demand of different control systems, the function, capacity, operation rate and communication capability of programmable logic controller were enhanced continually.


  • 系统以plc先进功能特别是高速计数功能核心,通过信号控制数据运算实现铸坯切割自动定尺

    According to the core of PLC's advanced functions, especially its high-speed count function, the automatic cut to length is realized by signal control and data computing.


  • 利用可以通过灵活的配置软件完成基带处理绝大部分的复数相关运算控制功能

    Using this processor core, most of complex related calculation and control function can be fulfilled by updating the software.


  • 许多VisualStudio功能需要一个表达式运算

    A lot of the Visual Studio functionality requires an expression evaluator.


  • 理所当然肯定是经过顺序和逻辑运算处理信息的,就一个功能强大的计算机一样。

    Surely it processes information using ordered, logical operations, like a powerful computer?


  • 对于Web应用程序数据源通常关系数据库其中内置了一些搜索功能(Equality是一个简单的搜索运算SQL运算like一样)。

    For a Web application, the data source is commonly a relational database, which has some forms of search built in. (Equality is a simple search operator, as is the SQL operator LIKE.)


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