• 专家们劳工运动损失达十万美元更多

    Experts say the cost of the industrial action will be hundreds of thousands of dollars or more.


  • 这些运动的缺赛导致美国职业橄榄球每年损失达上亿美元

    The loss of their services costs professional football in America hundreds of millions of dollars annually.


  • 也是帮助情绪高涨运动女性认识自己置于骨质损失其他健康问题风险中,应重新设立目标最佳人选

    You also may be the best person to help a zealous female exerciser recognize that she is putting herself at risk for bone loss and other health problems, and that she should establish new goals.


  • 克莱尔运动扭曲失踪惊悚片一个情绪不确定性损失

    Claire in motion twists the missing person thriller into an emotional take on uncertainty and loss.


  • 发动机适合生产成本损失因为只有三个运动部件

    The engine also lends itself to lost cost manufacturing since it only has three moving parts.


  • 运动专家这个问题一直争议许多专家认为体重损失超过2%影响运动表现

    Among sports experts, there is debate about the issue, but many experts warn that a weight loss above 2% can impair athletic performance.


  • 大脑皮层神经损失-大脑皮层也即是大脑表层有意识思考身体感知以及身体运动更高层次的控制这些活动是在大脑皮层里进行的。

    Loss of neurons in the cerebral cortex-the surface layer of the brain, which carries out conscious thought, physical perception, and higher-level control of body movements.


  • 今天我们启动仙台运动:七目标”,运动重点指出我们如何能为减少灾害损失作出贡献

    Today, we launch the "Sendai Seven Campaign: Seven Targets, Seven Years", which highlights how we can all contribute to reducing disaster losses.


  • 比如运动们如果摄入太多同时又补充流汗损失盐分,将健康问题比如升高性心率失常。

    Athletes who drink too much water without also replacing the salts lost in sweat, for example, can have health problems like abnormal heart rhythms.


  • 第一篇论文发生金属带CVT由于推块相对运动造成主要转矩损失分析方法

    This first paper describes a new analysis of the principal torque losses occurring in the metal belt CVT due to relative motion occurring between the belt segments and bands.


  • 其他模型包括火灾增长烟气运动边界失效火灾蔓延、人员反应疏散以及建筑造价经济损失等模型。

    Other submodels include Fire Growth and Smoke Movement, Boundary Failure and Fire Spread, Occupant Response and Evacuation, and Building Cost and Economic Loss.


  • 根据螺杆泵各个部分运动特点能量损失情况建立了螺杆泵井系统效率分析模型

    According to the energy loss of every part of screw pump well, established system efficiency analysis model for the well.


  • 研究了不考虑阻尼情况下,自由度系统固定多次碰撞运动规律能量损失情况。

    The rules of movement and energy dissipation are surveyed with a single freedom degree system striking the fixed face in this paper.


  • 由于完全控制了仓中的匀速运动,开创蛇形溜槽国内原煤仓中的首创应用块煤损失降低了4.01%,达到国内同行业先进水平

    The snake-chute is applied for the first time in China and it makes the lump coal loss reduce 4.01%, which gets to the national advanced level within the same trade.


  • 一些外商合作营业的商人,则因为运动遭受损失,故基本上持反对态度。

    On the other hand, merchants who cooperated with foreign businessmen by and large objected to boycotts, because they would usually suffer losses from them.


  • 运用分子运动理论等离子体放电理论发射电子损失原因进行分析。

    The reasons why electrons were lost were analyzed based on the theory of molecular motion and plasma discharge.


  • 洪水波运动变形,则没有摩阻损失所谓运动

    If the flood wave was not deformed in motion, there was no internal friction loss, which is called kinematic wave.


  • 激光器抽运受到调制而每台激光器的损失不同时,台激光器输出强度会出现周期性运动混沌同步失去同步的情况。

    When both of the lasers are pump-modulated with different losses, the output intensities of the two lasers show periodic motion, chaotic motion, chaotic synchronization and loss of synchronization.


  • 通过计算机模拟实验研究运动参数与结构参数对籽粒运动轨迹损失影响规律,台架实验奠定理论基础。

    Through computer simulation test the influence of the above parameters upon grain trajectories and grain losses were studied, which is necessary for guiding the further experimental work.


  • 我们损失运动必须能带一起而且交易我们相互改进

    We losing players have to band together and trade for our mutual betterment!


  • 门(1971)研究圆管方形管中沙时具有螺旋运动水流水头损失问题。

    Chiu and Seman (1971) studied the head loss of flows transporting sediment in circular and square pipes with spiraling motion.


  • 旅客列车车厢内发生火灾,火灾烟气运动状况直接影响旅客人身安全,往往造成重大的人员伤亡巨大财产损失

    When fires break out in a passenger carriage, the movement of the smoke directly threatens safety of passengers and leads to great casualties and enormous property loss.


  • 沙波运动冲积河流泥沙运动一种重要形式。沙波的消长河道水流阻力损失很大影响

    Sand wave movement is an important form of sediment movement for alluvial rivers and has a great effect on stream resistance.


  • 水平速度损失运动员在第二第三跳起跳没有获得较大垂直速度,直接影响了二、三跳的远度比例。

    The total loss ratio of horizontal speed was rather great. The jumpers could not get great vertical speed during the second and the third jump.


  • 一个极好的篮球运动但是场外问题使损失大量金钱成功的机会。

    A great basketball player, but his baggage has lost him a significant amount of money and success.


  • 私人健康保险公司委托进行研究发现去年运动伤害澳大利亚公众带来的损失超过18亿美元,医疗账单比前年多出3亿美元。

    Thee research, commissioned by Medibank Private, found sports injuries cost the Australian community more than . 8 billion in the past year.


  • 如果运动缺锌更多因为男人出汗时候女人损失更多的

    If carry momentum is big, be short of zincic more, when perspiring because of the man, than feminine loss more zinc.


  • 利用平衡原理建立平衡方程序,结合试验数据得出了预测栓运动阻力损失公式。

    An equation for calculating the pressure drop in slug flow was achieved, which is based on the experimental data and the principle of force equilibrium.


  • 利用平衡原理建立平衡方程序,结合试验数据得出了预测栓运动阻力损失公式。

    An equation for calculating the pressure drop in slug flow was achieved, which is based on the experimental data and the principle of force equilibrium.


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