• 我们迎面到了树上

    We hit the tree head-on.


  • 小轿车货车迎面相撞。

    The car collided head-on with the van.


  • 辆小轿车货车浓雾迎面相撞

    The car and the van collided head-on in thick fog.


  • 他们的同一辆卡车迎面相撞

    Their car was in a head-on collision with a truck.


  • 所有迎面开来前灯

    All the cars driving in the opposite direction had their headlights on.


  • 小汽车迎面撞上了一辆大篷货车

    The car collided head-on with a van.


  • 迎面吹来阵阵凉风

    The cool wind blown head on.


  • 春风迎面吹来

    The spring wind blew directly into our faces.


  • 可以迎面吹来

    I could feel the wind blowing on my face.


  • 开门,一条迎面

    I opened the gate, and was immediately set on by a large dog.


  • 发觉楼梯上迎面过来非要与我说话。

    I found myself cornered by her on the stairs.


  • 偏到了迎面驶来汽车行车路线上。

    He strayed into the path of an oncoming car.


  • 怒气冲冲地冲出房间迎面卢克撞了个满怀。

    Storming out of her room, she went slap into Luke.


  • 迎面吹来。

    The wind was right in our faces.


  • 撞上迎面开来的汽车。

    He crashed into a car coming the other way.


  • 冲入迎面汽车驶来

    He threw himself into the path of an oncoming vehicle.


  • 驶入逆行车道撞上了迎面开来车。

    It had gone on to the wrong side of the road and hit a car coming in the other direction.


  • 到了逆向车道,与迎面驶来的车相撞他的车里抛了出去。

    She was thrown from his car after it skidded into the path of an oncoming car.


  • 他们撞上迎面开来卡车

    They hit a truck coming in the opposite direction.


  • 大步走进厨房,同迎面过来爸爸擦肩而过。

    As he strode into the kitchen, he passed Pop coming the other way.


  • 我们溜达进城迎面碰上了雅克·杜波依斯

    We were strolling into the town when we came face to face with Jacques Dubois.


  • 他们早饭时,早晨空气迎面扑在他们身上

    They ate their breakfast with the morning air pouring in upon them.


  • 其次高跟鞋防御迎面而来敌人非常有用,这些敌人很容易这些锋利的、致命时尚配饰

    Second, heels are quite functional for defense against oncoming enemies, who can easily be scared away by threatening them with a pair of these sharp, deadly fashion accessories.


  • 报道,载着数百工人东京市中心回家客运列车撞上迎面驶来的货车。

    A passenger train carrying hundreds of workers home from the center of Tokyo is reported to have hit an oncoming goods train.


  • 就在准备站起身来时,把铁铲迎面结实地击中了

    He's about to stand up when WHAM! A shovel slams him square in the face.


  • 最后转过身,迎面撞在一个给她开车男人的身上。

    She turned away at last and ran head on into the man who opened car doors.


  • 随着公司采用了GDD风险迎面而至。

    As companies move to GDD, they face certain inherent risks that must be attacked head-on.


  • 前面一了车,转身迎面他们走过去。

    I get off at the next stop and walk back toward them.


  • 呈现欢

    This will present you the welcome panel.


  • 呈现欢

    This will present you the welcome panel.


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