• 解除管制物流供应商提供了新的机会使他们能够通过多种经营迎接市场挑战

    Deregulation has provided new opportunities for logistics providers to enable them to meet market challenges through multiple operations.


  • 西方公司正在迎接来自东方市场挑战作准备。

    Western companies were readying themselves for the challenge from Eastern markets.


  • 插图如今我们听过一些声明,内容是关于迎接当今市场竞争挑战企业必须事情

    By now we've all heard the pronouncements about what companies must do to meet the competitive challenges of today's marketplace.


  • 问题在于,IT产业商业模式是否迎接上述挑战即使它们所在市场已经减慢增长速度。

    The question is whether the industry's business model can cope with these threats even as the potential for growth in its established markets declines.


  • 先进设备一流的技术创新服务引领我们迎接大的市场挑战共创未来

    Advanced equipment, first-class technology, innovative services, will lead us to meet the challenges of a bigger market, and you create a better future.


  • 对于企业抓住市场机遇迎接网络时代挑战具有积极促进意义重要实践意义。

    This is for the companies to seize market opportunities and meet the challenges of network era of positive promotion of significance and important practical significance.


  • 我们一直致力于开发产品迎接电讯市场挑战

    We have been working develop new products to meet the challenges of the telecommunications market.


  • 大西洋全体员工同心协力,全力以赴迎接全新市场挑战

    All employee of the Atlantic Ocean will in full cooperation, meet the brand-new challenge of market all-out efforts.


  • 公司全体员工饱满热情迎接市场挑战

    Company staff with enthusiasm to meet the challenge of the market!


  • 对于企业抓住市场机遇迎接网络时代挑战具有积极的促进作用重要实践意义

    This is for enterprises to seize market opportunities and meet the challenges of the Internet age has a positive role in promoting and important practical significance.


  • 提高中国体育保险核心竞争力整体实力为了更好地迎接中国加入WTO国际保险组织对中国体育保险市场挑战

    Improving entirety and core competitive power in China's sports insurance is for facing challenge of international sports insurance organization after China entering WTO.


  • 面对全球化中国加入WTO之后,大批国外跨国公司进入中国市场冲击大部分中国企业已经做好准备迎接挑战

    Globalization and the entry to WTO result in the impact from many Multinational Corporations that are coming into the market, while most of the Chinese companies are ready for the challenge.


  • 为了迎接翻译市场挑战必须提高翻译社会地位增加翻译报酬规范翻译市场

    In order to meet the challenge of the translation market, it is necessary to enhance the social status of translators, raise the pay for translators and regulate the translation market.


  • 随着WTO的不断深入,中国汽车工业面临很多的来自国内外激烈市场竞争企业如何迎接这样挑战已经成为企业生存亟待解决的问题。

    Since China joined WTO, China Automobile Industry has faced the heated market competition at home and abroad. How can companies confront such a challenge has been crucial to their existence.


  • 市场全球化进程中,我们各界朋友一道,以锐意进取的精神迎接各种挑战

    In the process of market globalization, we are willing to work together with friends and forge ahead to face varied challenges.


  • 为了进一步开拓市场,我公司国内各地区独家代理商,携手迎接市场挑战共创美好未来

    For widening the market, the company is sincerely recruiting domestic regional exclusive agents to face huge challenges and build nice future together.


  • 面对严峻市场环境,阿里山建材市场制订新的战略迎接挑战

    However, Alishan construction material market is presently facing with fierce competition from the rivals and crisis of diminishing customers.


  • 这样社会市场环境下作为一个历经二十年市场洗礼现代大型制造企业,锐意迎接这个时代挑战

    In such a social environment, Haiyuan as one of modern large-scale manufacturing enterprises after 20-year market testing is determined to meet the challenges of this era.


  • 市场竞争极强的二十一世纪,公司内部更是重新调整了运行体制对外形象,并做好充足的准备,全新姿态迎接市场挑战

    In 21st century with more fierce market competition, our corporation updates our regulation system and external image to prepare amply for challenges with new attitude.


  • 新的世纪摆在我们面前充满机遇挑战的广阔市场,华起达人已经做好准备迎接挑战梦想去创造新的奇迹

    A market full of challenges and chances in the 21centry is presented in front of us, however we have been prepared well to face the competition in the international market and to work new miracle.


  • 新的世纪摆在我们面前充满机遇挑战的广阔市场,华起达人已经做好准备迎接挑战梦想去创造新的奇迹

    A market full of challenges and chances in the 21centry is presented in front of us, however we have been prepared well to face the competition in the international market and to work new miracle.


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