• 历史学家迈克尔·斯切罗斯揭露一些神话的真相。

    Historian Michael Beschloss debunks a few myths.


  • 美国广播公司电台脱口秀主持人迈克尔·贝对此个人看法

    Well, ABC radio talk show host Michael Baisden has some opinions about that.


  • 毫无疑问,迈克尔·(michael Bay)赢得了的金酸

    Michael Bay certainly earned his Razzies.


  • 迈克尔·起初不打算执导本片,他觉得本片是一部“愚蠢玩具电影”。

    Michael Bay originally turned down directing the film, considering it "a stupid toy movie."


  • 迈克尔·阐述一些诸如花38小时才能制作出机器人出现在内画面

    Michael Bay also stated that it takes them something like 38 hours to render 1 frame of the film with the robots in it.


  • 导演迈克尔·影片自己客串个角色,那个被威震天虫子一样人类就是他。

    According to the director's Commentary on the DVD, director Michael Bay himself has a cameo in the film, as the human Megatron flicks away like a bug.


  • 起初的想法他们坐在悍马上回家的,但是拍摄期间迈克尔·要求使用CV - 22。

    Originally they were to be shown returning home in a Humvee, but during filming Michael Bay saw and requested to use the newly arrived CV-22s instead.


  • 迈克尔·鼓励下,声音表演很多都是即兴的,擎天柱这传统英雄形象又添加了几分幽默

    His vocal performance consisted of much improvisation with Michael Bay and bringing a sense of humour to Prime, as well as his traditional heroism.


  • 李冰冰认为和像导演迈克尔·这样优秀一同工作,让知道,导演反馈自己意见建议很重要的。

    Li said working with talented people like Bay has taught her that it's important to give your own opinions and Suggestions to the director.


  • 制作变心金刚》系列一步影片时,迈克尔·官方网站上影迷们提供电影可能会的对话台词

    During the production of the first movie of the current Transformers franchise, Michael Bay used the official website to allow fans to suggest lines of dialogue to be used in the film.


  • 美版《变形金刚电影导演迈克尔·同美国的汽车制造商们建立合作伙伴关系后完成的,这样节省了资金

    Thee Americanization of the Transformers in the movies was a result of the Bay approachingAmerican auto makers and reaching a partnership as a way to save money.


  • 其实迈克尔·觉得对于影片中出现的威震天来说,弗兰克的声音明显不够厚重,于是就让雨果·维文接替这一任务了。

    Michael Bay also felt his voice was too light for Megatron's new beastly look, and so Hugo Weaving took the role of Megatron.


  • 驾驶灯火管制直升机拍摄下来了,迈克尔·斯蒂文·斯皮尔伯格都觉得他的长相非常适合作霸天虎全息图

    He was spotted while piloting the Blackout helicopters, and both Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg thought he had the right look (mean and cold) for a Decepticon hologram.


  • 变二和合作导演迈克尔·贝某种道具刺伤,但是没有说明那是什么东西,因为貌似是剧透一类的。

    Michael Bay, your director, says it was a large prop of some kind that caught you, which he didn't want to identify or describe because it's a plot spoiler.


  • 虽然迈克尔·奥斯卡奖项亲,但是他依然是好莱坞不容忽视的导演尤其是电影体现的奇观现象值得研究

    Though not favored by Oscar, Michael Bay still remains the masterful director to be reckoned with, especially those spectacular phenomena in his movies which deserve further study.


  • 是因为导演迈克尔·不想之前电影《疯狂金车》所用的车型相比较并且觉得卡马罗比甲壳虫看上去结实也更亲切。

    This was because Michael Bay wanted to avoid comparisons with Herbie the Love Bug, and felt that the Camaro held a more tough-but-friendly quality than the Beetle.


  • 这样做的原因迈克尔·觉得玛罗比甲壳虫有着更加坚强以及友好的气质,而且也是为了避免观众把它万能金龟车混淆了。

    This was because Michael Bay felt that the Camaro held a more tough-but-friendly quality than the Beetle, and he wanted to avoid comparisons with Herbie the Love Bug.


  • 蒙电影公司近日确认,美剧《实习医生格》中迷人帕特里克·德姆西将加盟导演迈克尔·的变形金刚系列第三作品,扮演梅根·福克斯的上司——一个“举足轻重的角色”。

    Paramount Pictures confirmed today that Grey’s Anatomy hottie Patrick Dempsey has been cast in Michael Bay’s third installment of the Transformers franchise.


  • 多数企业家比如霍华德·舒尔茨、史蒂夫·乔布斯/Steve Jobs、杰夫·斯/ Jeff Bezos、迈克尔·戴尔/ Michael Dell都是右脑思考者。

    Most entrepreneurs -- think Howard Schultz, Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, Michael Dell -- are right brainers.


  • 据导演迈克尔-透露,《黑暗之月》也将是指导一系列电影中的最后一部。

    The film is directed by Michael Bay.


  • 迈克尔团队或许并不因此而失眠

    Bay and his team probably will not lose any asleep over it, though.


  • 我们需要注意这些罪行并非读者所它们先被告知迈克尔,然后再是读者。

    It should be noted, however, that we never see those crimes. They are in the past-they are told to Mikael and Lisbeth, and hence to us.


  • 变形金刚续集《卷土重来》还摘得另外两个“金酸莓”:迈克尔该片获评最差导演,艾伦·克鲁格罗伯托•奥奇艾里克斯•库兹曼获评最差编剧

    The "Transformers" sequel won two other Razzies, worst director for Michael Bay and worst screenplay for Ehren Kruger, Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman.


  • 总裁·高迪曾这样描述迈克尔一眼印象:“他唱歌时揉入了那样感情灵感悲伤,彷佛经历过中描述的所有事情一样。”

    Motown president Berry Gordy said of his first glimpse of Michael: "He sang his songs with such feeling, inspiration and painlike he had experienced everything he was singing about."


  • 迈克尔 执导怎样制造夏季影院完美作品,”Hollywood.com的票房分析家保罗 德加比第安说道

    ''Michael Bay knows how to build the perfect summer box-office beast, '' said Paul Dergarabedian, box-office analyst for Hollywood.com.


  • 这里讲述一个来自新泽西州纽华克无家可归者迈克尔里安(MichaelBerrian)的故事

    This is a story about Michael Berrian, a homeless man from Newark, New Jersey.


  • 迈克尔问道,但对方不知如何作答,于是便慈爱(迈克尔比莉年长二十岁)告知小女生友谊建立尊重信任之上的。

    He asks. She is not sure how to answer. He tells her, avuncularly (he's almost twenty years older than she), that friendship is built on respect and trust.


  • 迈克尔问道,但对方不知如何作答,于是便慈爱(迈克尔比莉年长二十岁)告知小女生友谊建立尊重信任之上的。

    He asks. She is not sure how to answer. He tells her, avuncularly (he's almost twenty years older than she), that friendship is built on respect and trust.


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